Bethlehem’s Shelter weeks are Dec. 14-21 and Dec. 28- Jan. 3, including an all-day shelter on New Year’s Day. There are no-contact options available. In the new location, the jobs are a little different, too. Please put those dates on your calendar and stay tuned for details and the sign-up link/form. Thank you!
It is with great joy we announce the approval of our new Welcome Statement (below) which passed with 97% approval at our Semi-Annual Meeting on November 15, 2020.
“Bethlehem is an inviting congregation with its doors open to all people. We joyfully affirm that every person is a Child of God. We believe we are one body with many diverse members.
We welcome all who desire to learn more about Jesus—seekers, doubters, and inquirers alike. We strive to include people of every race, age, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, nationality, spoken language, ethnicity, immigration status, physical condition, size, level of chemical use/abuse/dependence, neurodiverse function, mental health condition, appearance, marital status, family configuration, political affiliation, criminal history, economic circumstance, level of education, housing situation, theological background, and other intersection of life.
The world can be an unloving place, and the experience of alienation is all too common. To those who have felt excluded here or elsewhere, we are deeply sorry, and extend our warm welcome in Christ's love. Everyone is invited to join and fully participate in the daily life and mission of the Bethlehem community.
Together we are better able to love our neighbors and serve God’s world. Together we are better able to learn and share God’s word. Together we are better.”
Here is everything you need to prepare for the Semi-Annual Meeting this week:
**Planning to attend in person? The meeting will be held in the sanctuary immediately following church. No need to even move. Not coming to church? Please enter the sanctuary by the door closest to how you enter the building and wear a mask.
**Got kids? Childcare is available for those attending in person. Please register here:
**Planning to watch online? Viewing will be available on Facebook and YouTube. You may ask questions in the comments' sections of these platforms, but you MUST BE PRESENT TO VOTE. Drive-thru voting is open at Door #1 from 10:45am-11:15am.
**Still have questions about the RIC Welcoming Statement? Please attend the Zoom forum this Wednesday, Nov. 11th at 6:45pm to have your questions answered. Join the meeting by clicking here.
**Want to be prepared? All the meeting documents, including the slideshow that will be presented during the meeting and the ballots, can be found on our website,
PLEASE, PLEASE make every effort to vote at this important meeting. Make a plan (attending the meeting or using the drive-thru?) and put it on your calendar. Set a reminder. We must meet a quorum (75 people) to hold a vote.
In a time when we are trying to reduce contact as much as possible, you will NOT get a stack of papers at the semi-annual meeting this month. Documents will be displayed on-screen at the meeting and on the livestream on Facebook and YouTube. We encourage you to view them all before the meeting at
We have transitioned to using our website as our main source of information, so keep this News & Updates blog bookmarked on your computer’s browser for easy access. You can always find the Zoom meeting links on our calendar at as well, including the link for the Budget Committee’s Q&A session this Sunday night at 6:30pm!
You are invited to attend an informative session hosted by Greater Mankato Area United Way and presented by MN Council of Churches and Exodus Lending about the impact payday lending has on individuals in our area. Payday lending is predatory by nature and hinders individual financial well-being as well as deters them from pursuing any financial future outside of paying off debt. By learning about the problem of payday lending you may be able to help people reduce their risk of falling into the cycle.
Please join us November 12 from 1-2PM through Zoom (the link and call-in number will be emailed to everyone who registers). Please feel free to invite others who may be interested in attending. Register here!
Learn more about payday lending or refer someone who needs help ending the cycle of paydaylending at Exodus Lending, a non-profit that helps Minnesotans get free of the payday lending cycle.
ECHO Food Shelf is looking for volunteers to "shop" for ECHO customers. You would be given a shopping list and use it to place items requested into a shopping cart for pickup. Head to their website to volunteer:
Pre-meeting forum to ask questions about budget presented by the Budget Committee will be held via Zoom starting at 6:30 pm on November 8th. (Link to join meeting HERE.)
Semi-annual meeting will be held in sanctuary starting at 10:45 am. Meeting will be live-streamed for members. Materials to be posted on BLC website ( Print ballots will be available to vote on budget, RIC welcoming statement, and members of Council & boards/committees. Drive-through balloting allowed at side door from 10:45 – 11:15 am.
RSVP on the Facebook event!
A cornerstone ministry of Centenary UMC, Holy Grounds was started by the passion of a congregation member who wanted the church to get to know its neighbors in the immediate neighborhood. What began as a small gathering of individuals over coffee has grown into a full breakfast ministry, serving 45-90 people 6-7 days a week. Holy Grounds has become an important resource in the community for relationship building, food security, and a place where all individuals are treated with respect and dignity. Holy Grounds provides a tangible way for us to live out the gospel call to love our neighbors as ourselves.
Holy Grounds provides free Wi-Fi, assistance with community resources, showers and basic needs related to winter gear, toiletries, and some clothing. Current needs include donations towards providing daily meals, mens/womens underwear, sleeping bags, tents/tarps, rain gear and socks. There will be a box available to drop off these items in the Narthex or you may add a monetary donation in the offering specified for Holy Grounds. If you are interested in getting involved with Holy Grounds, please contact Rev. Erica @ 507-225-6370.
It is that time of year where we are gearing up for the 2020-2021 Energy Assistance season. Many local families and individuals find it difficult to pay their monthly energy bills. The Energy Assistance Program provides a grant for income-eligible households which can help defray some of these costs. This leaves more of the family resources available for other expenses. We can also assist households in crisis situations with disconnect notices or when they are almost out of heating fuel.
Grants are paid directly to the vendor on their behalf. Households can request an application by calling MVAC at (507) 345-6822 or (800) 767-7139 or by downloading it from our website at The deadline to apply is May 31 st , 2021.