Growing in Christ, Loving our Neighbors, Serving God's world.


We provide a comprehensive program for children, youth and families to grow in faith, serve God and each other and build community. Join us!


Birth - 4th Grade


LIGHT (Living in God’s House Together) is Bethlehem’s Sunday School for kids 3 years old through 4th grade on Sunday mornings (Sept.-May). LIGHT meets in the Gathering Room (lower level) at 10:45 am after 9:30 am worship. NightLIGHT is the Wednesday evening counterpart. NightLIGHT meets in the Gathering Room from 7-8 pm after 6:15 pm worship.


Family Events


From baptism to graduation, Bethlehem celebrates the milestones in our children’s lives! We will kick off the year with a lamb blessing for those starting LIGHT & NightLIGHT and end with a blessing of our graduating seniors. In between, a variety of milestones will be offered and celebrated for every child and youth in our congregation, including 3rd grade Bibles, Communion celebration, and many more. See the full list here.


These are activities purely for the sake of fellowship, which provide opportunities for whole families to be together and to deepen our relationships with each other.  Some of these events will take place on Sunday morning as part of the LIGHT program and others will be special events like a night at the Southern MN Children's Museum or our annual Trunk or Treat event.

Vacation Bible School

Each summer we offer VBS for families with kids in grades pre-k to 6th grade. We generally host it each June, but stay tuned each spring for the exact dates.


Anna Wencl

Family Faith Formation Director

Kaitlin Carter.png

Kaitlin Carter

Children’s & Family Ministry Associate