Growing in Christ, Loving our Neighbors, Serving God's world.


Reverend Jay Dahlvang , Lead Pastor


I am thankful for how Bethlehem worships our Lord, builds up the community, cares for one another, especially our children and senior members, and loves the world God loves. I am pastor because I know the difference the crucified and risen Christ means for us and for the world, and am grateful to God and to Bethlehem for the call to serve.

Bethlehem called me as Lead Pastor in 2009.  Before that I served congregations in Felch, Michigan, and Albert Lea. I grew up in Montevideo, and graduated from St. Cloud State University and Luther Seminary. My wife Tammy is a CPA, and we have two sons, James and Nate. I have enjoyed being on the Southeastern Minnesota Synod Council and Global Mission Companion Table, the Vine Faith in Action Board of Directors, and being a Community Connector for the Tapestry Project.  I currently serve on the Mankato Family YMCA Board of Directors, and as a mentor for a Mankato student through the Y's mentoring program.

I like to travel (including three trips with Bethlehem members to Tanzania), read, and am a long-suffering Minnesota sports fan.         


Reverend Jacie Richmond, Associate Pastor


I am so excited to be doing ministry alongside the people of Bethlehem. I am grateful to be part of a community that seeks to welcome all and teach everyone that they are all worthy of love and belonging. This is a congregation that seeks to live out being the hands and feet of Christ and I am so grateful to be a part of that here! Bethlehem called me as Associate Pastor in October 2022. Prior to that I served a congregation in Owatonna, Minnesota for 5 years which was my first call after graduating from seminary.

I grew up in Plymouth, Minnesota, but all of my extended family live in South Dakota where both my parents were raised. I graduated from Gustavus Adolphus College in 2013 and then again from Luther Seminary in 2017. I enjoy being a part of the board for Crossroads Campus Ministry as well as volunteering with the Friendship Family program at MNSU, and serving as the chair for the WELCOME Team- a group of 5 Mankato area churches who do work around sponsoring and accompanying individuals and families seeking legal asylum here in the United States.

I love to run, bake cupcakes, and read a good book. I am a huge cinephile and am always willing to talk about good movies I have seen. Sometimes in the summer I dapple with some gardening. You will almost always find me with a cup of coffee or tea in hand. Music is also a passion of mine- usually you can find me singing or playing guitar. Sometimes you will also find me cheering on the Twins or the Wild.


Anna Wencl , Family Faith Formation Director


Anna started at BLC as the Family Faith Formation Ministry Director in the summer of 2016. She graduated from Minnesota State University, Mankato in 2009 with a Bachelor’s in Spanish and Ethnic Studies. After college, her passion for youth ministry led her to volunteer at her home congregation, Trinity in Owatonna, and, later, to her role as Youth Director for 6 years at Zion Lutheran in Stewartville, MN.

Though her title at Bethlehem is long, her purpose is simple: to nurture our families, especially those with children and youth, in faith. She especially loves working with the people of Bethlehem because we’re not afraid to try new things, even if we fail sometimes. Nurturing our families and our community is our priority, and it shows in everything we do.

In her personal life, she loves traveling (especially if she can speak Spanish), hiking, gardening trying new foods and recipes, visiting her three godchildren, and being outside whenever possible.

Molly Nelson, Congregational Services Coordinator


My Bethlehem roots are deep! I was baptized here at Bethlehem and attended Sunday school here as a child. As a teen I was confirmed and spent my Wednesday evenings participating in the church’s youth programming, often led by my mother. I have had the unique and wonderful opportunity to watch my father perform in the Praise Band and appreciate the way creative expression and worship go hand-in-hand. I have traveled the world with Bethlehem, from youth trips to the boundary waters, and mission trips to New Orleans, Tennessee, Guatemala and more. Bethlehem is where I met my husband and now, it’s where I work.

After graduating from Gustavus Adolphus College in 2016, I earned my Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing from Hamline University. Writing continues to be one of my life’s greatest passions, alongside sustainability, mindfulness, and lifelong learning. Outside of work I like to spend time hiking, kayaking, mountain biking and playing with my wonderful godchildren. My husband and I live on our small farm with our pup, Jolene, and all the other wonderful creatures who wander into my life.

I became the Congregational Services Coordinator in the summer of 2022 and am so excited to serve our congregation and our community.

Marci Rossow, Nursery Supervisor


I have been working as part of the nursery staff since 2002. I first started as a sub for the previous nursery attendant, and then when she retired I took over the main position of nursery attendant. I have grown up as a part of the Bethlehem Family my whole life and used the nursery myself as a child. 

I graduated from South Central College with an A.A.S. Degree in Early Childhood Education. I not only use this degree while working in the nursery at the church but at my full time job as well. I am a Lead Toddler Teacher at one of the centers within Mankato. With working at the center and with the kids of the church I keep my CPR and First Aid certification up to date as well as attend other trainings that introduce new ideas and activities for working with kids. I have been working with children since I was 16. As a child growing up, I always knew I wanted to be a teacher.  When I am not working I like to watch movies, spend time with family and be outside. 

Kaitlin Carter, Children’s & Family Ministry Associate


Hello!  I’m Kaitlin Carter and I’m the Light/NIGHT Light coordinator here at Bethlehem.  While that’s my official title, I get to do so much more than that.  I have the wonderful opportunity to help guide families of all shapes and sizes on a journey to feel God’s love.  I’m so happy to lead Bethlehem’s youngest members in stories, songs, and art.  Besides working with families, my time at Bethlehem allows me to create art for the entire congregation to enjoy.  Keep and eye out for my pieces throughout the church!

I grew up just up the road in St. Peter, Minnesota, where I attended First Lutheran Church throughout my youth.  I attended Gustavus Adolphus College where I studied theater, dance, and education.  In 2005, I moved to Mankato where I met my husband Jeremy and had four fantastic kiddos.  Jeremy, Elise, Pierce, Bergen, Forest, and I now live in North Mankato with our crazy dog, Cali, and our old lady cat, Naughty.

Currently, I tend to my large vegetable and flower gardens where I love to grow tomatoes, cucumbers, peas, beans, sunflowers, and pollinator-friendly plants.  While I love to garden, I’ll always choose the winter months over the summer months because I LOVE snow!  Besides at church, I’m easy to spot at Scheels where I work evenings and weekends.  I also serve our community by being a member of the District 77 Community Education and Recreation Advisory Council where I serve as an advocate for early learning programs.

Elizabeth Ruiz , Financial Secretary


I have been working at Bethlehem since August, 1999.  My official title is Financial Secretary which means that I am the bookkeeper.  I love the variety of my position, as I work with all aspects of the bookkeeping process.  My position at Bethlehem is part-time, 20 hours per week. 

In my “spare” time, I have a second job as a Spanish medical interpreter.  I enjoy running into Bethlehem members when I am working in local clinics.

  In my spare time, I enjoy reading and cooking.  I am a semi-empty nester.  There are three of us at home -- my husband, Joel; my mother, Ruth; and me.  My daughter works full time, and my son is in his final year of nursing school.  I continue to enjoy my work at Bethlehem.

Christa Hayenga, Wedding Coordinator


I have been a member of Bethlehem my whole life and began as our wedding coordinator in 2018. I love helping couples create a seamless and unforgettable wedding ceremony. One of the highlights for me is sharing the moment with the bride just before she takes her walk down the aisle; it's truly enchanting!

When I'm not busy with weddings, you can find me spending quality time with my husband, Taylor. We enjoy golfing, working out, binge-watching our favorite shows, and making memories with our loved ones.

I am thrilled to help you plan the happiest day of your life!

Charlie Leftridge, Director of Music and Worship


I began directing the Junior Bells in 2018 and the Bethlehem Brass in 2019. I started my undergraduate studies at Concordia College, Moorhead, and graduated from Dickinson State University in 2012 with a Bachelors of Music, vocal music focus. In 2015, I received my Masters of Music in Music Composition from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.

I especially love creating worshipful experiences through musical practice. Rehearsal is a vehicle for worshiping God, too, and shifting that focus makes the music learning process so exciting! My favorite part of working with Junior Bells and Brass is digging deep into new music, finding new ways to express ideas with tools we learn along the way. Writing and arranging for these ensembles is an immense joy. 

Currently, I serve as the Director of Operations for the Mankato Symphony Orchestra and as the director for the Minnesota State University, Mankato, University Chorale. I moonlight as a composer and arranger, working in particular with new works for choir and chamber music ensembles. In my free time, I enjoy singing, hiking, gardening, watching 80s horror films, visiting breweries/trying new brews, and caring for a menagerie of four-legged children.

Christine Schulz, Organist and Office Assistant


Music has always been a very important part of my life.  I began taking organ lessons at age 4 and played for my first church service at Garden City Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) at age 7.  My dad built special pedal extensions so that I could reach the organ pedals!  At age 10, I was hired to provide organ music while people dined at the Cat 'n' Fiddle Supper Club near New Ulm -- a few years later, I was "promoted" to waitress.

Two months after graduating from Lake Crystal High School, my alto saxophone and I toured 7 European countries with the U.S. Collegiate Wind Band.  That fall, I began my seemingly endless college career at MSU, earning B.S. (music), A.S. (secretarial), and Master of Music (organ performance) degrees.  During this time, I was the accompanist for the MSU Concert Choir, and we were invited to perform at Bethlehem.  I remember falling in love with the big, beautiful sanctuary and wanted to get my fingers on the pipe organ!  I was delighted to learn in 1990 that Bethlehem was looking for an assistant organist.  I auditioned and was offered the job – but before deciding to take it, I attended a worship service to get a “feel” for the place.  The warm welcome from strangers and the four pastors, plus hearing the uplifting music, made my decision easy!

In 2007, after 16 years of being a medical transcriptionist, I decided it was time for a career change.  An office assistant position at Bethlehem became available in May, 2007, and I was hired – I love the variety of tasks and visiting with people!

Career highlights include having my "Variations on The Ash Grove" for organ published by MorningStar Music in 1995; playing one of Liberace's 9-foot Baldwin concert grand pianos (covered with 200 pounds of rhinestones!) in 2002; and receiving the 2018 Award of Harmony from the Mankato Riverblenders, which was presented to me during a service at Bethlehem.  I am the current secretary for the Sioux Trails Chapter of the American Guild of Organists. Since February of 1984, I've been the rehearsal/performance pianist for over 130 musicals at MSU-Mankato.

I enjoy working in my large yard (I’m living in the house my dad built), watching old movies and British comedies, and spending time with my smarter-than-average cats.  I hope to continue my service to Bethlehem for many more years, making a joyful noise to the Lord and praising Him with music!

Kevin Liebl, Head Custodian


I was born in Morris, MN and moved to Lake Crystal when I was 5.  I am the fifth of eleven children, seven sisters and three brothers.  I moved to Mankato after graduating from Lake Crystal High School.  I have been married for 30 years and we have two adult boys.  As a family, we enjoy outdoor activities including, biking, walks and kayaking.  I also enjoy fishing, hunting and playing tennis.

Weekend/Evening Custodians:

Alexa Bolstad, Benny Montalbo & Kellen Schaefer



The elected officers of the congregation make up the Congregation Council.  The council's responsibility is to provide oversight for the life and activities of this congregation.  The council meets regularly on the third Tuesday of each month at 7 p.m.  An open forum at the beginning of each meeting provides the opportunity for congregation members to speak to the council with proposals, questions or concerns.  Council meeting minutes are available below and in the church office. 

Please feel free to direct any comments or concerns to members of the Council.  We will be more than happy to discuss them with you. ~ Your Council

2023-2024 Congregation Council


The boards and committees of Bethlehem are elected bodies with members serving three-year terms. Nominations are completed in the spring with elections held at the April semi-annual meeting. Members interested in serving should contact the Nominating Committee Chair, Bob Ihrig, at

ADULT EDUCATION Plan for and host Christian, educational Adult Forums

CHILDREN’S Coordinate Family Faith Formation Ministry for children ages 0-6th grade and families with the FFF Staff

COMMUNITY & GLOBAL MISSIONS Promote congregational awareness of, involvement in, and support of the local and global outreach of BLC

ENDOWMENT Manage the BLC Endowment Fund, which was established in 1983; gifts to the fund are never spent, but will perpetually provide for Christian purposes within and outside the congregation

FACILITIES Provide a safe and comfortable facility for both fellowship and worship

FAIR TRADE Promote global fair-trade practices and products

FINANCE Monitor BLC spending, income, and budget

MUSIC & WORSHIP Promote and support activities that enhance BLC music and worship

PERSONNEL Coordinate personnel activities related to BLC pastoral and lay staff

STEWARDSHIP Plan and coordinate activities in support of stewardship: the care and keeping of the church

WELCOME & INCLUSION Initiate and lead efforts to reach out to the community to promote membership and involvement in the mission and ministry of BLC

YOUTH Coordinate the Family Faith Formation Ministry for 7th-12th grade youth and their families with the FFF Director

Feeling called to leadership? Members interested in serving should contact the Nominating Committee Chair, Bob Ihrig, at