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Semi-Annual Meeting and Welcome Statement Forum THIS WEEK!

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Here is everything you need to prepare for the Semi-Annual Meeting this week:

**Planning to attend in person? The meeting will be held in the sanctuary immediately following church. No need to even move. Not coming to church? Please enter the sanctuary by the door closest to how you enter the building and wear a mask.

**Got kids? Childcare is available for those attending in person. Please register here:

**Planning to watch online? Viewing will be available on Facebook and YouTube. You may ask questions in the comments' sections of these platforms, but you MUST BE PRESENT TO VOTE. Drive-thru voting is open at Door #1 from 10:45am-11:15am.

**Still have questions about the RIC Welcoming Statement? Please attend the Zoom forum this Wednesday, Nov. 11th at 6:45pm to have your questions answered. Join the meeting by clicking here.

**Want to be prepared? All the meeting documents, including the slideshow that will be presented during the meeting and the ballots, can be found on our website,

PLEASE, PLEASE make every effort to vote at this important meeting. Make a plan (attending the meeting or using the drive-thru?) and put it on your calendar. Set a reminder. We must meet a quorum (75 people) to hold a vote.

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