Growing in Christ, Loving our Neighbors, Serving God's world.

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Congratulations! Bethlehem becomes an RIC congregation!

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It is with great joy we announce the approval of our new Welcome Statement (below) which passed with 97% approval at our Semi-Annual Meeting on November 15, 2020.

“Bethlehem is an inviting congregation with its doors open to all people. We joyfully affirm that every person is a Child of God. We believe we are one body with many diverse members.

We welcome all who desire to learn more about Jesus—seekers, doubters, and inquirers alike. We strive to include people of every race, age, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, nationality, spoken language, ethnicity, immigration status, physical condition, size, level of chemical use/abuse/dependence, neurodiverse function, mental health condition, appearance, marital status, family configuration, political affiliation, criminal history, economic circumstance, level of education, housing situation, theological background, and other intersection of life. 

The world can be an unloving place, and the experience of alienation is all too common. To those who have felt excluded here or elsewhere, we are deeply sorry, and extend our warm welcome in Christ's love. Everyone is invited to join and fully participate in the daily life and mission of the Bethlehem community.

Together we are better able to love our neighbors and serve God’s world. Together we are better able to learn and share God’s word. Together we are better.”

Bethlehem LutheranComment