Growing in Christ, Loving our Neighbors, Serving God's world.

Small Groups


Small Groups

  • BLC Men The mission of our BLC Men’s Group is to grow closer to God as we grow closer to one another. Fill out our registration form to join.

    March 22, Schell’s Tour

    April 26, Breakfast with the Bishop

    May 28, Night at the Moondogs

  • NEW: Bibles & Brews Meaningful conversations on faith and culture. 6:00-8:00pm at Weggy’s. Dates: December 12, January 16, February 13, March 13, April 10, May 18. SIGN UP: Bibles & Brews

  • Book of Faith Weekly Bible Study meeting 10:30am on Wednesdays. We open Scripture and join in conversation, looking at texts from four distinct perspectives: historical, literary, Lutheran, and devotional. The cost of the book is $12. There is no need to sign up in advance, but feel free to register online. 

  • Meet and Eat! Meet new friends and enjoy wonderful food! Three BLC couples/individuals will be matched up and set up three different get togethers over a meal, each hosted by a member of the group. Sign up here!

  • Quilters & School Kit Assemblers Gathering at 9am on the first and third Tuesday of the month. School kits are donated to Lutheran World Relief (over 100,000 so far!) All are welcome to join us!

  • Tuesday Morning Lectionary Study Each week a group of Bethlehem members and friends gathers online at 7am to study and discuss the coming week’s preaching text. If you are interested in participating, use this Zoom link to join in.

  • Women’s Book Club 3:30pm 2nd & 4th Wednesdays of the month at Bethlehem to discuss 15-20 page sections of group selected books.

Interested in joining A Small Group? sign up using the linked forms or contact the office. (507) 388-2925



The Bethlehem Women of the ELCA (BWELCA) is a community of women created in the image of God, called to discipleship in Jesus Christ, and empowered by the Holy Spirit. They are committed to growing in faith, affirm their gifts, supporting one another in our callings, engaging in ministry, and promoting healing and wholeness in the church, the society, and the world. Their mission is:

  • Growth (Education) - to provide a variety of learning experiences which strengthen each woman as a whole person, develop her potential, and equip her for ministry.

  • Community - to enable each woman to value herself and others as created in God’s image and redeemed through Christ; and to build up and celebrate relationships which are global, diverse and interdependent.

  • Action (Stewardship) - to enable women to articulate and act upon their faith as disciples of Christ in all areas of life.

The Circles

BWELCA is made up of four circles that meet once a month except for July and August. A Coordinating Committee, made up of representatives from each circle, oversees activities involving all the circles. The contact person is Ginger Erlandson, (507) 278-3007.

Deborah Circle 3rd Saturday - 10:00am Grounds for Joy

Eve Circle 3rd Thursday - 6:30 pm (location varies)

Rachel Circle 2nd Tuesday - 9:00 am in the Library

Sarah Circle 4th Wednesday - 9:00 am




The Bethlehem WELCA ran a Nordic Bazaar with shopping, food, and fellowship the first week of November for 100 years. The final bazaar, in 2019, raised over $20,000 for local missions and ministries.