Growing in Christ, Loving our Neighbors, Serving God's world.

the BLC blog

news & updates

BLC Weekly, January 20

Hello Bethlehem,

Join us this Sunday, January 26th for RIC Sunday! This year’s RIC Sunday theme is Resilient Community, celebrating how far we all have come in difficult times and reminding us to renew our goal of true inclusion. Bethlehem has been a Reconciling in Christ congregation since 2020. Review Bethlehem’s Welcome Statement on our website or you can learn more about what it means to be RIC here. We will celebrate RIC Sunday in our worship service. All are welcome!

This week

BLC members are invited to join the Lincoln Park Neighborhood Association meeting this evening at 6:30pm in Grounds for Joy.

Join us for Wednesday night supper. This week we are serving hot beef on a bun with potato salad and rolls, served at 5:00pm in the lower level. 

The Adult Forum for RIC Sunday on January 26 is "Clunky Questions: Answers and discussion about some of the questions you may have had about LGBTQ+ but were afraid to ask.

All are welcome to attend the MLK Jr. Day Celebration at Ostrander Hall from 6:00 - 8:00 PM this evening with the premiere of the extended film MLK 11.12.61.

Family Faith formation

We are putting together college care packages on January 29th to send to BLC college kids! Send the address of a college student to Anna Wencl and we will make sure to send them a care package. Email Anna at


At 9:00 AM Saturday, February 1,  there will be an opportunity to join with others to spend a morning cleaning our beautiful church. You could volunteer in these places: basement kitchen, Grounds for Joy kitchen, Heritage Room kitchen, communion prep room, wiping pew ledges and cleaning the hymnals. If you can’t be there perhaps you’d like to leave snacks for the workers. Please bring your own pails and wash rags. Other needs will be supplied.

Prayer Shawl Makers: Knitters, crocheters and learners are invited to join us in the Bethlehem library from 6-8pm on Thursday, January 23rd and 30th to learn to make prayer shawls. You can RSVP to Marcia Nagel at (507) 420-9692. Please bring a #10 ½ or #11 30-36 inch circular knitting needle OR size K, L or M (7.0, 8.0, 9.0 mm) crochet hook. All skill levels and beginners are welcome! 

Year-end 2024 contribution reports have been sent out by email.  Please review it carefully. Report any questions or errors to Elizabeth in the church office.  If you need a paper copy mailed to you, please let us know.

Offering envelopes are now available in the narthex for those who would like them.

Thank you

Many thanks to Bethlehem and Community members who provided food and helped to serve meals at Connections Shelter in January!  February 3 and 4 are upcoming days of Bethlehem's commitment to help provide a warm meal and servers for Connections' guests. Please consider volunteering to provide food or serving along with a group you may be a part of, with friends, or with another family.  To sign up, please follow this link.  Many thanks!

Monthly mission partner: Green lake lutheran ministries

Our January monthly mission is Green Lake Lutheran Ministries. Their mission is to invite all to experience the life-changing love of Jesus through vibrant settings in community and creation. You can give online or drop off a check written out to Bethlehem with the monthly mission in the memo line.

This Week in our Prayers

Curt Halvorson Marian Mallory Pete Wachtel

Anna Moses Barb Girtz Paul Haugesag

Amy Grams Haugesag Al Rossow Dean Phillips

Shirley Ruby Roger Pipes Norm Knowles

Kurt Burdick Joan Stoffel Gail Ihrig

The family & friends of Howard Wood and Marge Orness

LeRoy Lutheran in LeRoy Trondhjem Lutheran in Hayward

Redeemer Lutheran in Good Thunder Kule Lutheran Parish in South Sudan

Mazoezi Tumuli Lutheran in Tanzania Gambella Lutheran Parish in South Sudan

Lectionary Readings

January 19 & 22, John 2:1-11

January 26 & 29, Luke 4:14-21

Bethlehem LutheranComment
BLC Weekly, January 13

Hello Bethlehem,

We hope you enjoyed our Epiphany Program and House of Bread! Last Wednesday the youth led us in Twinkle, Twinkle, Great Big Star, an Instant Epiphany Program, and members were invited to receive their own star words to guide them in the year ahead. 

Then, on Friday evening, our all-ages talent show returned with song, dance, comedy, storytelling and even some magic tricks! We also viewed quilts, photography and puppets created by members. Huge thank you to everyone who shared their gifts. We are so impressed! Didn’t make it this year? Don’t worry! We plan on bringing back House of Bread again next year. 

This week

January 19 Adult Forum "Celebrating Diversity in Greater Mankato" will be the featured topic of the adult forum. Mohamed Alsadig, Executive Director of the Greater Mankato Diversity Council, will share his insights on Council efforts to promote and support diversity in our community. This forum supports Bethlehem's 5th strategic goal of Embracing Diversity: We will embrace diversity by demonstrating welcome and respect for all identities, listening to develop growing relationships with diverse communities and working for the good of all in the community. 

The NicBluCares Caring Circle meets today at 4pm in Grounds for Joy. 

Join us for Wednesday night supper. This week we are serving hamburger and rice hotdish with salad and rolls at 5:00pm in the lower level. 

Wednesday night worship returns to the chapel this week! We will hold services in the chapel until lent. 


Bethlehem will be serving at Connections Shelter on February 3 and 4. Sign up using this link.  

We pray for all affected by the wildfires in California and want to share this message from Lutheran Disaster Response:  As Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton said in her statement about the wildfires, "The prophet Isaiah writes that even when fires rage, the final word is faith, not fear. God redeems us and calls us by name to be agents of healing and hope, even amid staggering loss. In faith, we respond through prayer, accompaniment and action." Lutheran Disaster Response is coordinating with the Southwest California Synod and Pacifica Synod to assess the needs of people impacted by the wildfires. We will work with them to address immediate needs amid the destruction and assist with recovery efforts for months and years to come. You can give here to support Lutheran Disaster Response in their efforts.


Offering envelopes are now available in the narthex for those who would like them.

The Adult Forum for RIC Sunday on January 26 is "Clunky Questions: Answers and discussion about some of the questions you may have had about LGBTQ+ but were afraid to ask.

We are working on the winter/spring worship volunteer schedule. If you want to make changes to your volunteer preferences, please contact the office. 

Meet & Eat: new groups are forming! Three BLC couples/individuals will be matched up and set up three different get togethers over a meal, each hosted by a member of the group.  Sign up here if you are interested. 

Thank you

Thank you to my Bethlehem family for the cards, notes, and especially prayers during my knee surgery and recuperation.  All were greatly appreciated. -Donna and Lance Quick

Thank you to John Wingert, who volunteered his time and talent and audio equipment to make House of Bread possible. Thank you also to Amy Haigh for managing the refreshments. We appreciate you!

Monthly mission partner: Green lake lutheran ministries

Our January monthly mission is Green Lake Lutheran Ministries. Their mission is to invite all to experience the life-changing love of Jesus through vibrant settings in community and creation. You can give online or drop off a check written out to Bethlehem with the monthly mission in the memo line.

This Week in our Prayers

Curt Halvorson Marian Mallory Pete Wachtel

Anna Moses Barb Girtz Paul Haugesag

Amy Grams Haugesag Al Rossow Dean Phillips

Shirley Ruby Roger Pipes

Bethel Lutheran in Northfield Hegre Lutheran in Kenyon

Marshall Lutheran in Adams Sayuni Kinyambuli Lutheran in Tanzania

Kijota Hull High School in Tanzania

Lectionary Readings

January 12 & 15, Luke 3:15-17, 21-22

January 19 & 22, John 2:1-11

Bethlehem LutheranComment
BLC Weekly, January 6

Hello Bethlehem,

It’s the return of Bethlehem’s all-ages talent show! Join us for House of Bread, this Friday, January 10th at 7:00pm in the lower level here at Bethlehem. We invite you to sign up to share your talents. Song, dance, poetry, stand-up comedy, whatever your skills may be, all (church appropriate) talents are welcome! We are also introducing a visual arts component, so sign up to display your crafts. If you don’t want to participate, you are still invited to come and enjoy this casual event. We can’t wait to see your skills!

This week

Wednesday night suppers return this week. Join us for scalloped potatoes and ham, with salad and roll, served at 5:00 pm in the lower level. Stick around for the Epiphany Program at 6:15pm in the sanctuary! 

Wednesday night education resumes this week. NightLIGHT will have a Happy Birthday Jesus party after the Epiphany Program. 9th graders are off this week but 5th-8th graders are invited to join Anna for a game night after worship.

Putting Artificial Intelligence To Work - January 12 Adult Forum Curious about artificial intelligence in the news? Wondering what it means for you? How can we put it to work for us? Should we fear or embrace AI? Join us for the January 12 adult forum at 10:45 am to hear from our own Jason Bruns as he explores the potential and actual use of artificial intelligence based upon his real-world professional experience. You don't want to miss this!


We are working on the winter/spring worship volunteer schedule. If you want to make changes to your volunteer preferences, please contact the office. 

Meet & Eat: new groups are forming! Three BLC couples/individuals will be matched up and set up three different get togethers over a meal, each hosted by a member of the group.  Sign up here if you are interested. 

Bethlehem will be serving at Connections Shelter on February 3 and 4. Sign up using this link.  

Thank you

Thank you to Travis Aufderheide from Green Lake Lutheran Ministries for meeting with us at the adult forum on Sunday. It was a pleasure to hear from you! 

Our goal for our December monthly mission, God’s Global Barnyard, was to raise $10,000. We are pleased to share that Bethlehem raised $10,013! This valuable resource provides sustainable solutions to world hunger. 

Monthly mission partner: Green lake lutheran ministries

Our January monthly mission is Green Lake Lutheran Ministries. Their mission is to invite all to experience the life-changing love of Jesus through vibrant settings in community and creation. You can give online or drop off a check written out to Bethlehem with the monthly mission in the memo line.

This Week in our Prayers

Curt Halvorson Marian Mallory Pete Wachtel

Anna Moses Barb Girtz Paul Haugesag

Amy Grams Haugesag Al Rossow Dean Phillips

Shirley Ruby Roger Pipes

Vang Lutheran in Dennison Pilot Mound Lutheran in Chatfield

St. John Evangelical Lutheran in Waseca Trinity Lutheran in Ostrander

Dominiki Lutheran in Tanzania Kigaa Lutheran in Tanzania

Lectionary Readings

January 5 & 8, John 1:1-18

January 12 & 15, Luke 3:15-17, 21-22

Bethlehem LutheranComment
BLC Weekly, December 30

Hello Bethlehem,

What an amazing year here at Bethlehem. 2024 was full of service, growth and fellowship. Your faith, friendship and support are the fuel that keep Bethlehem thriving. Together we continue fulfilling our mission of being an inviting community, growing in Christ, loving our neighbors and serving God’s world. Thank you. 

As we look ahead to another wonderful year together, please enjoy some of our favorite moments of 2024 in our new video, 2024 at BLC!


There will be no Wednesday night programming, worship or supper this week. We hope you will join us next week for scalloped potatoes and ham, with salad and roll, served at 5:00 pm on January 8th in the lower level, followed by the Epiphany Program!

Servers and meal items needed! Please sign up today to help serve at Connections Shelter. Bethlehem will be serving at Connections Shelter on January 3, 4, 5 and on February 3 and 4. Sign up using this link.

It’s the return of Bethlehem’s all-ages talent show! Join us for House of Bread, Friday, January 10th at 7:00pm in the lower level here at Bethlehem. We invite you to sign up to share your talents. Song, dance, poetry, all (church appropriate) talents are welcome! We are also introducing a visual arts component, so sign up to display your crafts. We can’t wait to see your skills!

Monthly mission partner: God’s global barnyard

Our December monthly mission partner is God’s Global Barnyard. This ministry works to find sustainable solutions to hunger through the purchase of livestock for those in developing countries facing food scarcity. You can purchase farm animals in honor or memory of your loved ones. These make a particularly meaningful gift during the holiday season. Cards, ornaments and other gifts symbolizing your animal will also be available in the narthex. Look for the form available in the welcome kiosk, or utilize the online order form. Last call to make names appear on the screens at Christmas Eve! Make your donation by December 17th to have your names listed on the worship screens. 

This Week in our Prayers

Curt Halvorson Marian Mallory Pete Wachtel

Anna Moses Barb Girtz Royce Elker

Paul Haugesag Amy Grams Haugesag Wally Boyer

Al Rossow Donna Quick Deloris Singelstad

Dean Phillips Izzie Asleson Jodi Orchard

Faith Lutheran in Saint Charles Central Lutheran in Winona

Wanamingo Lutheran in Wanamingo Kiech Kuon Lutheran Parish in South Sudan

Torpuot Lutheran Parish in South Sudan Mading Lutheran Parish in South Sudan

Iambi Secondary School in Tanzania

Lectionary Readings

January 5 & 8, John 1:10-18

Bethlehem LutheranComment
BLC Weekly, December 23

Hello Bethlehem,

Join us for Christmas Eve! Services will take place at 4:00pm and 6:00pm. The 4:00pm service will be livestreamed on our Facebook page. Bethlehem offices will be open tomorrow from 9:00 am until 3:00 pm and will be closed for the remainder of the week, with no Wednesday evening programming. Have a very blessed, safe and merry Christmas season!

family faith formation

The Children’s Christmas Program is now available on YouTube!

It’s been a wonderful holiday season here at Bethlehem. Here are some moments of the kids and youth preparing for Christmas!


Bethlehem will be serving at Connections Shelter on January 3, 4, 5 and on February 3 and 4. Sign up using this link.  

It’s the return of Bethlehem’s all-ages talent show! Join us for House of Bread, Friday, January 10th at 7:00pm in the lower level here at Bethlehem. We invite you to sign up to share your talents. Song, dance, poetry, puppetry, hula-hooping, all (church appropriate) talents are welcome! We are also introducing a visual arts component, so share your crafts. We can’t wait to see your skills! 

HIRING: BLC Weekend Janitor One of the 3 BLC weekend janitor positions is now open for application by interested BLC members. Our 3 janitors rotate duties on Sunday mornings and at special weekend events with this position starting in January. The job responsibilities and electronic application are available on our website. The starting hourly wage is $10.55. Questions can be addressed to Bob Ihrig: or 507-388-1953

Thank you

Thank you, Bethlehem, for another successful blood drive! Despite the snowy day, donors turned out last Thursday. 33 Units were collected and Eunice Sassenberg's fresh baked cookies were enjoyed by the donors. We want to thank our donors, volunteers and the Red Cross for making Bethlehem blood drives a consistent success! 

Monthly mission partner: God’s global barnyard

Our December monthly mission partner is God’s Global Barnyard. This ministry works to find sustainable solutions to hunger through the purchase of livestock for those in developing countries facing food scarcity. You can purchase farm animals in honor or memory of your loved ones. These make a particularly meaningful gift during the holiday season. Cards, ornaments and other gifts symbolizing your animal will also be available in the narthex. Look for the form available in the welcome kiosk, or utilize the online order form. Last call to make names appear on the screens at Christmas Eve! Make your donation by December 17th to have your names listed on the worship screens. 

This Week in our Prayers

Curt Halvorson Marian Mallory Pete Wachtel

Anna Moses Barb Girtz Royce Elker

Joan Stoffel Paul Haugesag Amy Grams Haugesag

Wally Boyer Al Rossow Donna Quick

Deloris Singelstad Dean Phillips Izzie Asleson

The family & friends of Delores Raveling

Peace and justice in all places

Lectionary Readings

December 24, Luke 2:1-20

December 29, Luke 2:41-52

Bethlehem LutheranComment
BLC Weekly, December 16

Hello Bethlehem,

You are invited to Bethlehem’s annual Children’s Christmas Program. “We Were There, Too!” will tell the birth of Jesus through the perspective of the nearby animals. The program will take place during Sunday morning worship, so join us at 9:30am this Sunday, December 22!

This week

Ecumen Pathstone Christmas bow gifts must be dropped off at Pathstone today! If you have not already brought your gift to the church office, please bring it directly to Ecumen Pathstone. On behalf of the residents of Pathstone, thank you for making this Christmas season a very merry one!

Join us for Wednesday night suppers, served at 5:00pm in the lower level. Offering is accepted but the meal is free. All are welcome. This week we’re serving lasagna, garlic toast and salad. 

Advent Wednesday services continue this Wednesday, 6:15pm in the sanctuary. We hope you will join us for this quiet and reflective series. This week’s focus is Ponder.  

Bethlehem will host a blood drive with the Red Cross on Thursday, December 19th from noon to 6pm in Grounds for Joy. Sign up today to save lives! 

family faith formation

Due to sickness at Connections Shelter, we are looking for an alternative place to go Christmas Caroling on Wednesday evening. Keep an eye on the BLC Facebook page, we will update with a caroling plan by Wednesday morning! 

Youth interested in attending our BLC Youth Christmas Party this Sunday can sign up now using this form! We will have an "Elf" viewing party, decorate gingerbread houses, and more. Friends are welcome. Join us!


Join us for Christmas Eve worship at 4:00pm and 6:00pm in the sanctuary. All are welcome! Interested in serving as a communion assistance on Christmas Eve? Contact the office or Gordy Larson, and let us know if you would prefer the 4:00pm or 6:00pm worship service. 

It’s the return of Bethlehem’s all-ages talent show! Join us for House of Bread, Friday, January 10th at 7:00pm in the lower level here at Bethlehem. We invite you to sign up to share your talents. We are also introducing a visual arts component, so share your crafts. We can’t wait to see your skills! 

Thank you

Thank you all our musicians and our Director of Music and Worship, Charlie Leftridge, for leading us in a beautiful ensemble program yesterday. Thanks also to our very talented Christine Schulz for helping to lead us in a Christmas Hymn Sing after worship in Grounds for Joy. 

Thank you to Kellen Schaefer for 5 years of service at BLC! Yesterday was Kellen’s last Sunday working as one of Bethlehem’s weekend janitors. We are so thankful for all his hard work and wish him the best! 

Huge thanks to all who provided food or made donations to ensure that all of the guests at Connections had a delicious and warm meal in December! We have more upcoming dates to serve on January 3, 4, 5 and on February 3 and 4. Sign up using this link.  


BLC Weekend Janitor

One of the 3 BLC weekend janitor positions is now open for application by interested BLC members. Our 3 janitors rotate duties on Sunday mornings and at special weekend events with this position starting in January. The job responsibilities and electronic application are available on our website. 

The starting hourly wage is $10.55. The application deadline is today, Monday, December 16. Interviews will be conducted after this date. Questions can be addressed to Bob Ihrig: or 507-388-1953

Monthly mission partner: God’s global barnyard

Our December monthly mission partner is God’s Global Barnyard. This ministry works to find sustainable solutions to hunger through the purchase of livestock for those in developing countries facing food scarcity. You can purchase farm animals in honor or memory of your loved ones. These make a particularly meaningful gift during the holiday season. Cards, ornaments and other gifts symbolizing your animal will also be available in the narthex. Look for the form available in the welcome kiosk, or utilize the online order form. Last call to make names appear on the screens at Christmas Eve! Make your donation by December 17th to have your names listed on the worship screens. 

This Week in our Prayers

Curt Halvorson Marian Mallory Pete Wachtel

Anna Moses Barb Girtz Royce Elker

Joan Stoffel Paul Haugesag Amy Grams Haugesag

Wally Boyer Al Rossow Delores Raveling

Donna Quick Deloris Singelstad Dean Phillips

Izzie Asleson Jane Sletta

The family & friends of Nancy Bartell

Concordia Lutheran of Pickerel Lake in Albert Lea East Chain Lutheran in Blue Earth

People of Hope in Rochester St. Paul Kyengege Lutheran in Tanzania

Palliative Care Program at Iambi Hospital in Tanzania

Lectionary Readings

December 18, Luke 1:26-38

December 22, Luke 1:39-45

Bethlehem LutheranComment
BLC Weekly, December 9

Hello Bethlehem,

Our December monthly mission partner is God’s Global Barnyard. This ministry works to find sustainable solutions to hunger through the purchase of livestock for those in developing countries facing food scarcity. You can purchase farm animals in honor or memory of your loved ones. These make a particularly meaningful gift during the holiday season. Make your donation before December 17th to have your names listed on the worship screens. Cards, ornaments and other gifts symbolizing your animal will also be available in the narthex. Look for the form available in the welcome kiosk, or utilize the online order form.

This week

Join us for Wednesday night suppers, served at 5:00pm in the lower level. Offering is accepted but the meal is free. All are welcome. This week we’re serving ham, mashed potatoes, corn and rolls. 

Advent Wednesday services continue this Wednesday, 6:15pm in the sanctuary. We hope you will join us for this quiet and reflective series. This week’s focus is Prepare. 

Bibles & Brews gathers this Thursday, 6:00pm at Weggy’s! Join Pastor Jacie for meaningful conversations on faith and culture.

Bethlehem will host Christmas with Musicorum this Saturday, December 14 at 6:30pm. Gather in the sanctuary for festive music from talented local musicians. 

family faith formation

Friends in Faith: We are looking for 10 more adults who would like to correspond with LIGHT & NightLIGHT kids as they share crafts they make during education at BLC. We would like the adults and kids to correspond roughly once a month Dec.-May. Please contact Anna or Kaitlin if you are interested. 


Help us spread Christmas cheer at Ecumen Pathstone this year! Ecumen Christmas bows are up in the Narthex. Members are invited to take home a bow and purchase the gift item listed, with a limit of $15-20 per bow. Then return the bow to the church office by Sunday, December 15th or drop off at Pathstone by Monday, December 16th. On behalf of the residents of Pathstone, thank you for making this Christmas season a very merry one!

Join us for Christmas Eve worship at 4:00pm and 6:00pm in the sanctuary. All are welcome! Interested in serving as a communion assistance on Christmas Eve? Contact the office or Gordy Larson, and let us know if you would prefer the 4:00pm or 6:00pm worship service. 

Join Christine Schulz for a Christmas Hymn sing, Sunday December 15th after worship. 

Bethlehem will host another blood drive with the Red Cross on Thursday, December 19th from noon to 6pm in Grounds for Joy. Sign up today to save lives! 

It’s the return of Bethlehem’s all-ages talent show! Join us for House of Bread, Friday, January 10th at 7:00pm in the lower level here at Bethlehem. We invite you to sign up to share your talents. Song, dance, poetry, puppetry, hula-hooping, all (church appropriate) talents are welcome! We are also introducing a visual arts component, so share your crafts. We can’t wait to see your skills! 


BLC Weekend Janitor

One of the 3 BLC weekend janitor positions is now open for application by interested BLC members. Our 3 janitors rotate duties on Sunday mornings and at special weekend events with this position starting in January. The job responsibilities and electronic application are available here on our website.

The starting hourly wage is $10.55. The application deadline is Monday, December 16. Interviews will be conducted after this date. Questions can be addressed to Bob ihrig: or 507-388-1953

Thank you

We can't believe that we are already one week away from winter break at MSU-Mankato. We feel blessed to have Bethlehem Lutheran Church and your volunteers as partners in our ministry to feed hungry students through our Lunch For-a-Buck program. On Tuesday, December 3rd, faithful servants Jan Blaisdell, Zoe Blaisdell, Kathy Piehl, and Sue Larsen prepared and/or served a hearty lunch of chicken tetrazzini, spinach & garlic noodles, Italian bread, salad, and cookies to 45 hungry lunch-goers. They also collected $43.00 in donations that will be used to purchase the salad supplies, beverages, dinnerware, and other items for lunches during the school year. God bless you for your generosity and for supporting the students and our ministry at Crossroads. We look forward to seeing you again on Tuesday, February 4th as we continue feeding the Lord's sheep. We couldn't do this without you!

Have a blessed Christmas,

Crossroads Lutheran Campus Ministry

This Week in our Prayers

Curt Halvorson Marian Mallory Pete Wachtel

Anna Moses Barb Girtz Royce Elker

Joan Stoffel Paul Haugesag Amy Grams Haugesag

Wally Boyer Al Rossow Delores Raveling

Donna Quick Deloris Singelstad Dean Phillips Izzie Asleson

The family & friends Esperanza Cruz

The family & friends of Nancy Bartell

St. John Lutheran in Elkton Bethlehem Lutheran of Myrtle in Glenville

Dennison Lutheran in Dennison St. John’s Lutheran in Northfield

Kisimba Lutheran in Tanzania Msamaria Mwema Getwanasi Lutheran in Tanzania

Lectionary Readings

December 11, Luke 19:28-40

December 15, Luke 3:7-18

Bethlehem LutheranComment
BLC Weekly, December 2

Hello Bethlehem,

Advent Wednesday services in the sanctuary begin this Wednesday, December 4. We hope you will join us for this quiet and reflective series focusing on themes of Pause, Prepare and Ponder.

This week at our Wednesday night supper, we’re serving grilled chicken on a bun, with potato salad and pickles. Join us at 5:00pm in the lower level. Offering is accepted but the meal is free. All are welcome.

The BLC Men’s 5th Annual Bowling Championship is this Thursday! Contact Pastor Jay for details.

family faith formation

Friends in Faith: We are looking for 10 more adults who would like to correspond with LIGHT & NightLIGHT kids as they share crafts they make during education at BLC. We would like the adults and kids to correspond roughly once a month Dec.-May. Please contact Anna or Kaitlin if you are interested. 


Help us spread Christmas cheer at Ecumen Pathstone this year! Ecumen Christmas bows are up in the Narthex. Members are invited to take home a bow and purchase the gift item listed, with a limit of $15-20 per bow. Then return the bow to the church office by Sunday, December 15th or drop off at Pathstone by Monday, December 16th. On behalf of the residents of Pathstone, thank you for making this Christmas season a very merry one! 

Join Christine Schulz for a Christmas Hymn sing, Sunday December 15th after worship.

Bethlehem will host another blood drive with the Red Cross on Thursday, December 19th from noon to 6pm in Grounds for Joy. Sign up today to save lives! 

Bethlehem is signed up to provide meals at Connections Shelter on December 5, 6, 7 and 8. Still needed are all meal items for Friday, December 6 and Saturday, December 7.  Also needed are servers for Thursday, Friday and Saturday.  Can you help? Please sign up online.

The Community and Global Missions Board will be hosting a drive to collect Period Products for women served at Crossroads Campus Cupboard.  During the month of November, Bethlehem members are invited to drop off menstrual products - especially pads - in the metal basket located in the Narthex.  Many thanks for helping to address this critical need of women in our community.

Cruz family update

This is an update on the Cruz family who is supported by our 5 local Lutheran churches in Mankato. We are nearing the 2nd year point of their adventures in Mankato. The process of immigration is taking longer than originally thought for the family. The WELCOME team appreciates that all churches have committed to support the family for at least one more year. If you have been pledging money for the family, please prayerfully consider continuing to financially support the family. If you would like to make a pledge, please do so thorough your church. The Cruz family is very thankful for your support. 

Ariac, Andrea and their oldest, Randy, all attend school. Ariac working at Christ the King, and is available for odd jobs. He is hoping to pass his driver's exam soon. Randy enjoys math and soccer. Kamil, the youngest member of the family, turned three this year and is fan of the Hulk! For a more detailed update on all members of the Cruz family, check out the flyer on the Welcome Kiosk. 


BLC Weekend Janitor

One of the 3 BLC weekend janitor positions is now open for application by interested BLC members. Our 3 janitors rotate duties on Sunday mornings and at special weekend events with this position starting in January. The job responsibilities and electronic application are available here on our website.

The starting hourly wage is $10.55. The application deadline is Monday, December 16. Interviews will be conducted after this date. Questions can be addressed to Bob ihrig: or 507-388-1953

Monthly Mission: God’s global barnyard

Our December monthly mission partner is God’s Global Barnyard. This ministry works to find sustainable solutions to hunger through the purchase of livestock for those in developing countries facing food scarcity. Beginning next Sunday, December 1st, you will have the opportunity to purchase farm animals in honor or memory of your loved ones. These make a particularly meaningful gift during the holiday season. Make your donation before December 17th to have your names listed on the worship screens. Cards, ornaments and other gifts symbolizing your animal will also be available in the narthex. Look for the form available in the welcome kiosk, or utilize the online order form. Feel free to pick up ornaments, cards, or crafts in the narthex to commemorate your gift of a barnyard animal! 

This Week in our Prayers

Curt Halvorson Marian Mallory Pete Wachtel

Anna Moses Barb Girtz Royce Elker

Joan Stoffel Paul Haugesag Amy Grams Haugesag

Wally Boyer Al Rossow Delores Raveling

Donna Quick Deloris Singelstad Dean Phillips Carl Schoenstedt

The family & friends of Maxine Wagner

Our Savior’s Lutheran in Spring Valley Evanger Lutheran in Sargeant

Minneola Lutheran in Goodhue North Waseca Lutheran in Waseca

Urughu Lutheran in Tanzania Msingi Lutheran in Tanzania

Lectionary Readings

December 4, Matthew 6:25-34

December 8, Luke 3:1-6

Bethlehem LutheranComment
BLC Weekly, November 25

Hello Bethlehem,

Thank you to all who helped out with lefse making! As you can see, we had another wonderful turn out. Thank you for keeping this delicious tradition alive. Take a look at the Facebook photo album and keep an eye out for an article coming up in The Land.

If you haven’t had a chance to pick up your pre-order yet, please do so this week. Bethlehem’s office will be open from 9am to 5pm Tuesday and Wednesday. There will be no Wednesday night programming. We hope you have a safe, blessed and happy Thanksgiving. 

‘Tis the season

Our Fair Trade Committee will have their Fair Trade Bazaar on Sunday, December 1st. Shop after worship for holiday gifts that do good! 

Help us spread Christmas cheer at Ecumen Pathstone this year! Ecumen Christmas bows are up in the Narthex. Members are invited to take home a bow and purchase the gift item listed, with a limit of $15-20 per bow. Then return the bow to the church office by Sunday, December 15th or drop off at Pathstone by Monday, December 16th. On behalf of the residents of Pathstone, thank you for making this Christmas season a very merry one! 

Advent Wednesday services in the sanctuary begin December 4. We hope you will join us for this quiet and reflective series focusing on themes of Pause, Prepare and Ponder. 

Join Christine Schulz for a Christmas Hymn sing, Sunday December 15th after worship.

family faith formation

Friends in Faith: We are looking for 20 adults who would like to correspond with LIGHT & NightLIGHT kids as they share crafts they make during education at BLC. We would like the adults and kids to correspond roughly once a month Dec.-May. Please contact Anna or Kaitlin if you are interested. 

There is no NightLIGHT this Wednesday, Nov. 27 and Sunday, December 1.

Thank you

We want to thank you for providing meals and servers, fulfilling our November serving dates at Connections Shelter. The spirit of generosity and hospitality is abundant here at Bethlehem, and it makes a real difference in our community. Thank you.

Liam Slotemaker performing during worship on Sunday. Interested in sharing your musical gifts with Bethlehem? Contact our Director of Music & Worship, Charlie Leftridge.

Opportunities to serve

Bethlehem is signed up to provide meals at Connections Shelter on December 5, 6, 7 and 8. Can you help? Please sign up online. 

Bethlehem will host another blood drive with the Red Cross on Thursday, December 19th from noon to 6pm in Grounds for Joy. Sign up today to save lives! 

The Community and Global Missions Board will be hosting a drive to collect Period Products for women served at Crossroads Campus Cupboard.  During the month of November, Bethlehem members are invited to drop off menstrual products - especially pads - in the metal basket located in the Narthex.  Many thanks for helping to address this critical need of women in our community.

ECHO Food Shelf needs your help. Volunteers are needed any day, any hours. If you’d like to help ECHO feed local families or are interested in more information, please  call (507) 345-7477.

Monthly Mission: THe reach youth resource center

Our November Monthly Mission is the REACH Youth Resource Center, a program of Lutheran Social Services. Located on the Liberty Street side of the Bethlehem campus, the REACH assists area unhoused and at-risk youth ages 16-24. Since opening in 2011, they have served over 5,500 youth by providing basic necessities, housing and shelter options, assistance with employment, access to support and education, and opportunities for recreational activities. The REACH has served 33,600 meals. Referrals are up 15% and the needs of our area youth continue to rise. Your financial support provides youth with the resources they need to live productive, healthy, and independent lives. You can give online or drop off a check written out to Bethlehem with the monthly mission in the memo line.

Our December monthly mission partner is God’s Global Barnyard. This ministry works to find sustainable solutions to hunger through the purchase of livestock for those in developing countries facing food scarcity. Beginning next Sunday, December 1st, you will have the opportunity to purchase farm animals in honor or memory of your loved ones. These make a particularly meaningful gift during the holiday season. Make your donation before December 17th to have your names listed on the worship screens. Cards, ornaments and other gifts symbolizing your animal will also be available in the narthex. Look for the form available in the welcome kiosk, or utilize the online form in December.

This Week in our Prayers

Curt Halvorson Marian Mallory Pete Wachtel

Anna Moses Barb Girtz Royce Elker

Joan Stoffel Paul Haugesag Amy Grams Haugesag

Wally Boyer Al Rossow Maxine Wagner

Delores Raveling Donna Quick Deloris Singelstad

Mount Olive Lutheran in Rochester Our Savior’s Lutheran in Austin

Our Savior’s Lutheran in Rochester Kinakumi Lutheran in Tanzania

Iambi Secondary School in Tanzania El Salvador Lutheran in Colombia

Lectionary Readings

December 1, Luke 21:25-36

December 4, Matthew 6:25-34

Bethlehem LutheranComment
BLC Weekly, November 18

Hello Bethlehem,

Mankato area ELCA churches present, Winter Warm-Up 2024, with music by Minneapolis-based singer/songwriter, Rachel Kurtz! Join us Wednesday, November 20th in the sanctuary. Doors open at 6pm and the concert will go until 7:45pm. Note, there will be no worship service in the chapel this Wednesday. Confirmation youth are expected to attend this event but the whole community is welcome! Grab your friends and join us at Winter Warm-Up!


Our congregation has the unique opportunity to participate in a national study of worship attenders. The study is being conducted by Faith Communities Today (FACT), a research partner of the ELCA. Since 2000, FACT has conducted research that provides religious leaders of all traditions with critical information about the changing nature of congregational life and how to respond effectively. For participating in this survey, our congregation will receive a $200 Amazon gift card and, if at least 10 people respond, a report of our responses.

Anyone 18 or older who is a regular participant can complete the survey. It should take between 12 to 15 minutes. To take the survey, please click this link. Please complete the survey by Friday, Nov. 22. If you are interested in learning more about this study, please visit:


Thank you, landscaping crew, for getting us ready for the Thanksgiving season!

  • Wednesday Night Supper this week: roast turkey, mashed potatoes, vegetables, rolls and salad. There will be no supper next week. We hope you have a blessed Thanksgiving.

  • We are making lefse this Friday, November 22 at 9am. Join us for coffee and goodies as we roll out this delicious Nordic treat. Please contact Ginger Erlandson either by texting 507-380-5268 or email

  • Lefse pre-orders are now open! Pre-order now to pick up on the 22nd or at church on Sunday the 24th, just in time for fresh Thanksgiving lefse! Any leftovers not claimed in the presale will also be available for purchase after worship on Sunday the 24th.

family faith formation

  • Youth Bake Sale: This Sunday, November 24th after worship 10:30-11:30 am. Stop in the Narthex and buy a delicious treat to take home and support our youth trips to the Boundary Waters and camp at Shores of St. Andrew. If you want to donate bake sale items, you can contact Anna (

  • We are looking for 20 adults who would like to correspond with LIGHT & NightLIGHT kids as they share crafts they make during education at BLC. We would like the adults and kids to correspond roughly once a month Dec.-May. Please contact Anna or Kaitlin if you are interested. 

  • There is no NightLIGHT Nov. 20 or 27. Kids are invited to attend the Rachel Kurtz concert in the sanctuary from 6:15-7:45 pm instead. The nursery will still be available.


Thank you to everyone who attended the Semi-Annual Meeting. We had a quorum and all items were passed. As always, our Council Documents are available on our website for your review. The meeting was livestreamed to the Friends & Family page on Facebook and is available for viewing.

Advent Wednesday services in the sanctuary begin December 4. We hope you will join us for this quiet and reflective series. 

Bethlehem will host another blood drive with the Red Cross on Thursday, December 19th from noon to 6pm in Grounds for Joy. Sign up today to save lives! 

VIGIL of PRAYER & LISTENING – final 2024 session, November 21, 7-8 PM, St. John the Baptist, Mankato School Sisters of Notre Dame in Mankato and North Mankato, together with SSND Associates, welcome you to join them for this hour-long gathering of “Prayer and Listening.” Given the realities of our country and world, enter the quiet, let your mind rest, and center in God with people of any faith tradition in the Mankato area. The method is simple: prayer and listening to each other and the Spirit. The final session in 2024 will be Thursday, November 21, 7:00-8:00 PM, St. John the Baptist Catholic Church, 632 S Broad St. No registration necessary. Bring a friend and come as you are.

Bethlehem is signed up to provide meals at Connections Shelter on December 5, 6, 7 and 8. Can you help? Please sign up online. 

Our Fair Trade Committee will have their Fair Trade Bazaar on Sunday, December 1st. Shop after worship for holiday gifts that do good! 

Bethlehem members are welcomed to join in the Lincoln Park Neighborhood Association’s (LPNA) bi-monthly meetings, held here at Bethlehem. Meetings begin at 6:30pm in Grounds for Joy. Upcoming meetings are November 18th and January 20th.

The Community and Global Missions Board will be hosting a drive to collect Period Products for women served at Crossroads Campus Cupboard.  During the month of November, Bethlehem members are invited to drop off menstrual products - especially pads - in the metal basket located in the Narthex.  Many thanks for helping to address this critical need of women in our community.

Monthly Mission: THe reach youth resource center

Our November Monthly Mission is the REACH Youth Resource Center, a program of Lutheran Social Services. Located on the Liberty Street side of the Bethlehem campus, the REACH assists area unhoused and at-risk youth ages 16-24. Since opening in 2011, they have served over 5,500 youth by providing basic necessities, housing and shelter options, assistance with employment, access to support and education, and opportunities for recreational activities. The REACH has served 33,600 meals. Referrals are up 15% and the needs of our area youth continue to rise. Your financial support provides youth with the resources they need to live productive, healthy, and independent lives. You can give online or drop off a check written out to Bethlehem with the monthly mission in the memo line.

This Week in our Prayers

Curt Halvorson Marian Mallory Pete Wachtel

Anna Moses Barb Girtz Royce Elker

Joan Stoffel Paul Haugesag Amy Grams Haugesag

Wally Boyer Al Rossow Maxine Wagner

Delores Raveling Donna Quick

Sudanese Nuer Community at St. Olaf Lutheran in Austin Zion Lutheran in Stewartville

North Blue Earth Lutheran in Bricelyn Shelui Lutheran in Tanzania

Ishenga Lutheran in Tanzania Banytic Lutheran Parish in South Sudan

Lectionary Readings

November 17, Mark 13:1-8

November 24, John 18:33-37

Bethlehem LutheranComment