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Help Stop Predatory Payday Lending!

You are invited to attend an informative session hosted by Greater Mankato Area United Way and presented by MN Council of Churches and Exodus Lending about the impact payday lending has on individuals in our area. Payday lending is predatory by nature and hinders individual financial well-being as well as deters them from pursuing any financial future outside of paying off debt. By learning about the problem of payday lending you may be able to help people reduce their risk of falling into the cycle.

Please join us November 12 from 1-2PM through Zoom (the link and call-in number will be emailed to everyone who registers). Please feel free to invite others who may be interested in attending. Register here!

Learn more about payday lending or refer someone who needs help ending the cycle of paydaylending at Exodus Lending, a non-profit that helps Minnesotans get free of the payday lending cycle.

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