Growing in Christ, Loving our Neighbors, Serving God's world.

the BLC blog

news & updates

BLC to offer Flu Shot Clinic

On November 1st, Bethlehem will be offering a flu shot clinic in Grounds for Joy from 9am to 11am (or until all are served). Please bring your insurance card, though not having insurance won't disallow you from getting a vaccine. Injectable vaccines for ages 3+, high-dosage injectable vaccine for 65+, and vaccines for those with egg allergies all available.

Please line up outside door 3 for flu shots. If you come before service, you can exit into the narthex and proceed to the sanctuary. If you choose to receive your flu shot after service, please exit the door indicated by your seat in the sanctuary, then re-enter the building at door 3, maintaining proper social distancing. Thank you!

Bethlehem LutheranComment
Stewardship 2020: "Whoever sows generously will also reap generously." 2 Corinthians 9:6

We believe God has blessed each of us with varied talents, precious time, and abundant treasures. We challenge our members, friends, and community to share in God’s grace through giving. We enjoy deep, satisfying relationships with God’s people and community, enabled by the gifts received from our members. By the end of October, you’ll receive a letter and a pledge card in the mail. We ask you to prayerfully consider contributing to the church. Give joyfully and purposefully. Your pledge card helps us plan the budget for the upcoming year. Please complete it by November 8th.

If you’d like to mark it off your to-do list now, you can fill out the Pledge Card online at

The ideal method in terms of fees and planning would be a donation given through bank account transfer on a recurring basis. This is our strong preference as it helps us wisely and accurately forecast budgets. We ask you to consider making your donations automatic. Learn more about that here:

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Bethlehem LutheranComment
Looking for an opportunity to serve THIS WEEK?

Food distribution opportunity with North Minneapolis ELCA congregation!

Who? People with a heart for service who can physically load/unload boxes of donated food (Not appropriate for young children)

When?  Friday, October 16, beginning at 10 a.m.

What? Unload/load boxes of donated food (to be distributed at seven North Mpls neighborhood food shelves)

Where? Gethsemane Lutheran Church parking lot (4656 Colfax Avenue North)

How? Masks are required (available on-site, if needed); Hand sanitizer on-site

*** Donations of diapers (all sizes) and personal care products are greatly appreciated!***

BONUS: Volunteers are invited to enjoy a socially distanced lunch of St. Louis BBQ ribs with North Minneapolis community members

For more information, contact Kathy Chatelaine, Assistant to the Bishop at If you’d like to participate, please contact Pastor Jay.

Bethlehem LutheranComment
Upcoming Adult Forums

Oct. 14- Tanzania Ministry Update 

Speakers: Kathy Chatelaine (SE Minnesota ELCA Synod) & Pastor Jay Dahlvang

Oct. 28- Everything You Always Wanted To Know About Voting and the November 3 Election

Speakers: Michael Stallberger (Blue Earth County Elections Director) & Lynn Solo (President, St. Peter League of Women Voters)


Bethlehem LutheranComment
Communion Celebration last Sunday!

On our first Sunday back indoors, we had the pleasure of celebrating with eight BLC youth as they received communion. Please include the following families in your prayers:

Gabriella Bock

Elise Carter

Gabriella Hager

Luke Keenan

Owen Neubert

Carter Rebelein

Liam Slotemaker

Nick Stevensen

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Bethlehem LutheranComment
Endowment Board Seeks Giving Opportunities

The Endowment Fund is unlike the general fund, capital appeals or designated giving which fund, respectively, day-to-day operations of Bethlehem Lutheran, brick and mortar, or specific ministries. The purpose of the Endowment Fund is to ensure that Bethlehem Lutheran Church has means for existence and purposeful ministry many, many years into the future.

Bethlehem members may request a gift from the annual earnings of the Endowment Fund or a specific designated fund to be distributed to a person or group inside or outside the congregation. Gift are distributed quarterly. Learn more at

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Bethlehem LutheranComment
October Monthly Mission

It’s a new month, so we have a new monthly mission! Community and Global works hard to organize each month a different local or global fundraiser for us to contribute to. This month is scholarships for the Iambi Secondary School.

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Family Faith Formation in full-swing!

All our education groups have now met at least once, and we have our Family Faith Formation Director, Anna Wencl, to thank for her hard work in reimagining these new experiences. The schedule for the next month is below, but also check out all the fun pictures from the first weeks!

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