Hello Bethlehem,
Join us for Christmas Eve! Services will take place at 4:00pm and 6:00pm. The 4:00pm service will be livestreamed on our Facebook page. Bethlehem offices will be open tomorrow from 9:00 am until 3:00 pm and will be closed for the remainder of the week, with no Wednesday evening programming. Have a very blessed, safe and merry Christmas season!
family faith formation
The Children’s Christmas Program is now available on YouTube!
It’s been a wonderful holiday season here at Bethlehem. Here are some moments of the kids and youth preparing for Christmas!
Bethlehem will be serving at Connections Shelter on January 3, 4, 5 and on February 3 and 4. Sign up using this link.
It’s the return of Bethlehem’s all-ages talent show! Join us for House of Bread, Friday, January 10th at 7:00pm in the lower level here at Bethlehem. We invite you to sign up to share your talents. Song, dance, poetry, puppetry, hula-hooping, all (church appropriate) talents are welcome! We are also introducing a visual arts component, so share your crafts. We can’t wait to see your skills!
HIRING: BLC Weekend Janitor One of the 3 BLC weekend janitor positions is now open for application by interested BLC members. Our 3 janitors rotate duties on Sunday mornings and at special weekend events with this position starting in January. The job responsibilities and electronic application are available on our website. The starting hourly wage is $10.55. Questions can be addressed to Bob Ihrig: robert.ihrig1@gmail.com or 507-388-1953
Thank you
Thank you, Bethlehem, for another successful blood drive! Despite the snowy day, donors turned out last Thursday. 33 Units were collected and Eunice Sassenberg's fresh baked cookies were enjoyed by the donors. We want to thank our donors, volunteers and the Red Cross for making Bethlehem blood drives a consistent success!
Monthly mission partner: God’s global barnyard
Our December monthly mission partner is God’s Global Barnyard. This ministry works to find sustainable solutions to hunger through the purchase of livestock for those in developing countries facing food scarcity. You can purchase farm animals in honor or memory of your loved ones. These make a particularly meaningful gift during the holiday season. Cards, ornaments and other gifts symbolizing your animal will also be available in the narthex. Look for the form available in the welcome kiosk, or utilize the online order form. Last call to make names appear on the screens at Christmas Eve! Make your donation by December 17th to have your names listed on the worship screens.
This Week in our Prayers
Curt Halvorson Marian Mallory Pete Wachtel
Anna Moses Barb Girtz Royce Elker
Joan Stoffel Paul Haugesag Amy Grams Haugesag
Wally Boyer Al Rossow Donna Quick
Deloris Singelstad Dean Phillips Izzie Asleson
The family & friends of Delores Raveling
Peace and justice in all places