All Are Welcome: A Letter from Pastor Jacie Richmond
We have all heard the phrase, “All Are Welcome” when it comes to churches. Throughout my life I have been a member or a staff person of many churches and every single one of them used that phrase when talking about themselves. We all want to be perceived as welcoming and inclusive. It is one thing to say the words, but it is another thing entirely to live out what they mean.
I have been so amazed since day 1 at the way Bethlehem truly lives out the idea that All Are Welcome. Since my family first visited me here they shared with me how many people approached them and genuinely wanted to be in relationship with them. My father shared with me that Bethlehem has been the friendliest church that I have ever been a part of. That is a huge compliment since he is usually a very quiet and reserved man!
I have also felt and seen that in many ways. I have felt that when I have been sick or had a family member pass away and I get floods of messages from members checking in on my well being. I have experienced that when members have stopped to talk and engage with community members who are sitting at the bench right outside our front doors. They come back knowing that person’s name and story. Usually these are members of our community who are in need and may be homeless. These are the kind of people who are used to being treated like wall paper, but for a moment, a Bethlehem member let them know that they are seen and that they are important. I have seen this radical welcome in our congregation when members are constantly asking questions about how we can be more mindful of our neighbors and they do not need to be prompted by the pastors to do this; this kind of thinking just comes naturally here.
“I have seen this radical welcome in our congregation...”
It is clear that this is the result of a lot of hard work and learning among the people here. That is a huge testament to the people of Bethlehem. People here are serious and intentional about learning and living out what it means to be disciples. If one were to read through the many policies, budgets, strategic plans, committee goals, and other various documents of this place those same values will leap out at you from their pages. That intentionality signals a very deep ongoing commitment to living out what All Are Welcome really means in tangible ways each and every day.
Pastor Jacie Richmond