BLC Weekly, November 25
Hello Bethlehem,
Thank you to all who helped out with lefse making! As you can see, we had another wonderful turn out. Thank you for keeping this delicious tradition alive. Take a look at the Facebook photo album and keep an eye out for an article coming up in The Land.
If you haven’t had a chance to pick up your pre-order yet, please do so this week. Bethlehem’s office will be open from 9am to 5pm Tuesday and Wednesday. There will be no Wednesday night programming. We hope you have a safe, blessed and happy Thanksgiving.
‘Tis the season
Our Fair Trade Committee will have their Fair Trade Bazaar on Sunday, December 1st. Shop after worship for holiday gifts that do good!
Help us spread Christmas cheer at Ecumen Pathstone this year! Ecumen Christmas bows are up in the Narthex. Members are invited to take home a bow and purchase the gift item listed, with a limit of $15-20 per bow. Then return the bow to the church office by Sunday, December 15th or drop off at Pathstone by Monday, December 16th. On behalf of the residents of Pathstone, thank you for making this Christmas season a very merry one!
Advent Wednesday services in the sanctuary begin December 4. We hope you will join us for this quiet and reflective series focusing on themes of Pause, Prepare and Ponder.
Join Christine Schulz for a Christmas Hymn sing, Sunday December 15th after worship.
family faith formation
Friends in Faith: We are looking for 20 adults who would like to correspond with LIGHT & NightLIGHT kids as they share crafts they make during education at BLC. We would like the adults and kids to correspond roughly once a month Dec.-May. Please contact Anna or Kaitlin if you are interested.
There is no NightLIGHT this Wednesday, Nov. 27 and Sunday, December 1.
Thank you
We want to thank you for providing meals and servers, fulfilling our November serving dates at Connections Shelter. The spirit of generosity and hospitality is abundant here at Bethlehem, and it makes a real difference in our community. Thank you.
Liam Slotemaker performing during worship on Sunday. Interested in sharing your musical gifts with Bethlehem? Contact our Director of Music & Worship, Charlie Leftridge.
Opportunities to serve
Bethlehem is signed up to provide meals at Connections Shelter on December 5, 6, 7 and 8. Can you help? Please sign up online.
Bethlehem will host another blood drive with the Red Cross on Thursday, December 19th from noon to 6pm in Grounds for Joy. Sign up today to save lives!
The Community and Global Missions Board will be hosting a drive to collect Period Products for women served at Crossroads Campus Cupboard. During the month of November, Bethlehem members are invited to drop off menstrual products - especially pads - in the metal basket located in the Narthex. Many thanks for helping to address this critical need of women in our community.
ECHO Food Shelf needs your help. Volunteers are needed any day, any hours. If you’d like to help ECHO feed local families or are interested in more information, please call (507) 345-7477.
Monthly Mission: THe reach youth resource center
Our November Monthly Mission is the REACH Youth Resource Center, a program of Lutheran Social Services. Located on the Liberty Street side of the Bethlehem campus, the REACH assists area unhoused and at-risk youth ages 16-24. Since opening in 2011, they have served over 5,500 youth by providing basic necessities, housing and shelter options, assistance with employment, access to support and education, and opportunities for recreational activities. The REACH has served 33,600 meals. Referrals are up 15% and the needs of our area youth continue to rise. Your financial support provides youth with the resources they need to live productive, healthy, and independent lives. You can give online or drop off a check written out to Bethlehem with the monthly mission in the memo line.
Our December monthly mission partner is God’s Global Barnyard. This ministry works to find sustainable solutions to hunger through the purchase of livestock for those in developing countries facing food scarcity. Beginning next Sunday, December 1st, you will have the opportunity to purchase farm animals in honor or memory of your loved ones. These make a particularly meaningful gift during the holiday season. Make your donation before December 17th to have your names listed on the worship screens. Cards, ornaments and other gifts symbolizing your animal will also be available in the narthex. Look for the form available in the welcome kiosk, or utilize the online form in December.
This Week in our Prayers
Curt Halvorson Marian Mallory Pete Wachtel
Anna Moses Barb Girtz Royce Elker
Joan Stoffel Paul Haugesag Amy Grams Haugesag
Wally Boyer Al Rossow Maxine Wagner
Delores Raveling Donna Quick Deloris Singelstad
Mount Olive Lutheran in Rochester Our Savior’s Lutheran in Austin
Our Savior’s Lutheran in Rochester Kinakumi Lutheran in Tanzania
Iambi Secondary School in Tanzania El Salvador Lutheran in Colombia