BLC Weekly, November 4
Hello Bethlehem,
We have a big week ahead with a lot going on. Our 2nd Annual Women’s Event will be held this Saturday, November 9th. Grab your gal pals and join us from 9:00am to 1:00pm for a tour of tables, brunch, speaker, Darla Makela, and comedic musical entertainment by the “Desperate Housewives.” Tickets are $20 and going fast! More details and tickets are available here or by clicking the link on our homepage.
This Week
ALL WEEK: Bethlehem is signed up to provide meals at Connections Shelter on November 4, 5, 7, and 8 and December 5, 6, 7 and 8. We are in special need of sign ups for this Friday, November 8th. Can you help? Please sign up online.
SATURDAY: Rake the Town Our Confirmation youth and the BLC Men will once again be raking yards for our neighbors who need support. We invite parents to come along as drivers and/or rakers, too! Gather at Bethlehem at 9am. We will have donuts before we leave the church and be done once all our yards are completed, likely around 11 am.
MONDAY: As the election season comes to a close, we invite you to our Election Eve Prayer Vigil tonight at 6:15pm in the sanctuary. Join us as we pray for our election officials, future leaders and the nation. All are welcome.
WEDNESDAY: Join us for Wednesday night suppers, served at 5:00pm in the lower level. Offering is accepted but the meal is free. All are welcome. This week we’re serving meatloaf, mashed potatoes, mixed vegetables and rolls.
THURSDAY: Bibles & Brews meets at Weggy’s this Thursday from 6-8pm. Join us for meaningful conversations on faith and culture. All are welcome!
family faith formation
5th-8th grade youth and a trusted adult are invited to join us for another Brave Conversation on Wednesday, November 6th. The topic: How do we have brave and kind political conversations? Brave Conversations are held twice a year. If your child isn't ready to have a brave conversation, that's okay. Though we hope it's a meaningful and age-appropriate conversation, we trust you to choose what's best for your family. A parent or trusted adult should attend with each youth. If that's not possible, we invite you to ask another parent if they will welcome your child to join their brave conversation.
We had 40 youth and 6 adults at Friday’s Youth Lock-in!
Budget forum & semi-annual meeting
Here are the correct dates for upcoming BLC congregational meetings:
Sunday, November 10: Budget Forum - Grounds for Joy (At this meeting will review the proposed 2025 budget and answer your questions.)
Sunday, November 17: Semi-Annual Meeting - Dining Room (We need a quorum of 75 members to approve the 2025 budget & other agenda business)
The agenda and Council/boards/committees goals & activities report are available here, on the BLC website.
Our congregation has the unique opportunity to participate in a national study of worship attenders. The study is being conducted by Faith Communities Today (FACT), a research partner of the ELCA. Since 2000, FACT has conducted research that provides religious leaders of all traditions with critical information about the changing nature of congregational life and how to respond effectively. For participating in this survey, our congregation will receive a $200 Amazon gift card and, if at least 10 people respond, a report of our responses.
Anyone 18 or older who is a regular participant can complete the survey. It should take between 12 to 15 minutes. To take the survey, please click this link. Please complete the survey by Friday, Nov. 22. If you are interested in learning more about this study, please visit:
Join us for lefse making on Friday, November 22 at 9am. Join us for coffee and goodies as we roll out this delicious Nordic treat. Please contact Ginger Erlandson either by texting 507-380-5268 or email
Lefse pre-orders are now open! Pre-order now to pick up on the 22nd or at church on Sunday the 24th, just in time for fresh Thanksgiving lefse! Any leftovers not claimed in the presale will also be available for purchase after worship on Sunday the 24th.
The Community and Global Missions Board will be hosting a drive to collect Period Products for women served at Crossroads Campus Cupboard. During the month of November, Bethlehem members are invited to drop off menstrual products - especially pads - in the metal basket located in the Narthex. Many thanks for helping to address this critical need of women in our community.
Thank you for turning in your pledge cards! If you have not had a chance yet, please drop off your paper copy in the office or feel free to complete the online pledge form. If you have any questions about online or automatic giving, please contact our office.
VIGILS of PRAYER & LISTENING – the 4th in a series – St. John the Baptist, Mankato School Sisters of Notre Dame in Mankato and North Mankato, together with SSND Associates, welcome you to join them for hour-long gatherings of “Prayer and Listening.” Given the realities of our country and world, enter the quiet, let your mind rest, and center in God with people of any faith tradition in the Mankato area. The method is simple: prayer and listening to each other and the Spirit. The fourth session will be Thursday, November 7, 7:00-8:00 PM, St. John the Baptist Catholic Church, 632 S Broad St. No registration necessary. Bring a friend and come as you are.
Monthly Mission: THe reach youth resource center
Our November Monthly Mission is the REACH Youth Resource Center, a program of Lutheran Social Services. Located on the Liberty Street side of the Bethlehem campus, the REACH assists area unhoused and at-risk youth ages 16-24. Since opening in 2011, they have served over 5,500 youth by providing basic necessities, housing and shelter options, assistance with employment, access to support and education, and opportunities for recreational activities. The REACH has served 33,600 meals. Referrals are up 15% and the needs of our area youth continue to rise. Your financial support provides youth with the resources they need to live productive, healthy, and independent lives. You can give online or drop off a check written out to Bethlehem with the monthly mission in the memo line.
This Week in our Prayers
Curt Halvorson Marian Mallory Pete Wachtel
Anna Moses Barb Girtz Royce Elker
Joan Stoffel Paul Haugesag Amy Grams Haugesag
Wally Boyer Al Rossow Maxine Wagner Gatchang Duach
First Lutheran in Lake City Henrytown Lutheran in Canton
Trinity Lutheran in New Richland Vasa Lutheran in Welch
Mruma Lutheran in Tanzania Castillo Fuerte Lutheran in Colombia Ulemo Lutheran in Tanzania