Growing in Christ, Loving our Neighbors, Serving God's world.

the BLC blog

news & updates

BLC Weekly, April 24

Hello Bethlehem, 

Semi-Annual Meeting Follow Up: Thanks to everyone attending yesterday's semi-annual meeting!  Because we did not reach a quorum, we are scheduling a short meeting following worship on May 14, in the sanctuary at 10:30, to elect this year's council, boards, and committees. We hope to be done and on our way home in just a few minutes.  Please join us!

We’ve got a lot happening this Sunday, April 30th! TEC will be taking place at Bethlehem this weekend. The TEC youth will join us briefly at worship on Sunday. We will also be joined by the Minnesota Boychoir, who will share some music during worship. Following worship, Jeannie Phillips will lead our Adult Forum with part two of her Appalachian Journey and New Member Orientation will take place in the library. At 1pm the Minnesota Boy Choir will hold a concert in the sanctuary. 

Congratulations Team Bethlehem for winning the inaugural Sleep Out Trophy for your generous contributions to the Connections Shelter Kato Sleep Out! The Bethlehem team contributed over $6,000

Home Care for Pr. Don: Bethlehem has been caring for and supporting Pastor Don and Bonnie Roberts since he was diagnosed with ALS in 1995, and now the Roberts need our help. Are you interested in helping with Pastor Don's home care? If you have experience as a caregiver, a good heart, and a willingness to learn, you are needed, as they are looking for more caregivers to round out their team. Let Pr. Don and Bonnie know if you can help! Connect with the Roberts by emailing

Our April Monthly Mission is the Cruz Family. Sponsored by the newly formed WELCOME Team, a partnership of five area churches, this Nicaraguan family arrived in Minnesota in December and has since been working to learn the English language, earn their GED’s, adapt to Minnesota climate and culture, seek and obtain viable employment and settle into a community. You can support this family with a one-time gift, or stop by and fill out a form to commit to a monthly gift of $10, $25, or $50 for a period of one year. If you would like to support the family with a gift of time or other resources, contact Pastor Jacie. Thank you for your prayers and support of this monthly mission! 

An update from Pastor Jacie: The Cruz family has settled into their new home and Ariac and Andrea are busy attending English classes, with Kamil in daycare while they are in class.  Randy is enjoying second grade, and they are all looking forward to warmer weather to be outside, riding bikes, etc. Volunteers continue to provide transportation to and from schools and other activities, and help the family access other services as needed. The core WELCOME team is now looking at legal needs for the family, and hoping to resolve the issue of employment soon, but there’s lots of bureaucracy in that area. Thank you to all Bethlehem members who have donated funds to help the family and those who have volunteered to help in other ways. Your generosity in both your time and treasure is VERY much appreciated!

Bethlehem Youth are putting on a Flamingo Flocking Fundraiser to raise money for their Montana trip this summer! For $25 you can have a flock of 12 fabulous yard ornament flamingos visit a friend’s yard. For $10, you can buy anti-flamingo insurance, which will keep the birds from flying to your house. You can do it to celebrate a birthday or anniversary, or just because! The flamingo migration will begin in May, fill out this form to sign up! 

Save the date:

  • Join the Bethlehem Gait Keepers for the ALS Walk, coming up on Saturday, April 29 at Spring Lake Park. The walk begins at 10am. 

  • On Wednesday, May 3rd, Confirmation and Torchlight youth will hold an Ask the Pastors right after worship, then the youth show off their cardboard arcade creations! 

  • Our last Wednesday night of the year is coming up! On May 10th we will have dinner, worship and activities outdoors at the Spring Lake Park pavilion. 

  • Bethlehem will host a Blood Drive on May 25th. Register here to give blood! 

  • FLIGHT event: Join us for a School’s Out Party on Friday, June 9, at Wheeler Park. There will be water games, food and fun!

Bethlehem Evening-Weekend Janitor Opening

Part-time evening-weekend janitor position is open for application by BLC members. Visit our website to see accompanying job description & checklist of duties for details of position responsibilities, and to download an application. 

  • Sunday morning responsibilities (1-2 times per month) = 3.5 hours

  • Special event responsibilities (events vary each month) = Hours vary

  • Hourly salary to be determined based on qualifications & experience.

  • Position to start August 1, 2023.

  • Questions should be directed to Bob Ihrig at (507) 388-1953.

Complete application and return to Bethlehem office Personnel mailbox or email for Bob Ihrig by Friday, April 28.

The annual application for Endowment Fund Scholarships is now open! Current college undergraduates and high school seniors can apply online or pick up an application in the office. Scholarship applications are due May 1.

BLC Weekly, April 17

Hello Bethlehem, 

The Kato Sleep Out was a success! At last count, Connections Shelter had raised $23,000, far exceeding their $12,000 goal. The Bethlehem team contributed over $6,000! We are still awaiting an update to hear if Bethlehem won the inaugural Sleep Out Trophy. Thank you for your support and special thank you to Jeannie Phillips, who volunteered to represent our team and set up camp for the evening. 

Earth day is next Saturday! We invite you to participate in our Seed Exchange and Book Exchange, taking place in Grounds for Joy! Bring in your seed packets and gently read books to exchange for new finds. Bethlehem’s Community Garden plots are available for the season and going fast! Contact the office at or call (507) 388-2925 to reserve yours. 

Bethlehem Youth are putting on a Flamingo Flocking Fundraiser to raise money for their Montana trip this summer! For $25 you can have a flock of 12 fabulous yard ornament flamingos visit a friend’s yard. For $10, you can buy anti-flamingo insurance, which will keep the birds from flying to your house. You can do it to celebrate a birthday or anniversary, or just because! The flamingo migration will begin in May, fill out this form to sign up! 

Bethlehem Evening-Weekend Janitor Opening

Part-time evening-weekend janitor position is open for application by BLC members. Visit our website to see accompanying job description & checklist of duties for details of position responsibilities, and to download an application. 

  • Sunday morning responsibilities (1-2 times per month) = 3.5 hours

  • Special event responsibilities (events vary each month) = Hours vary

  • Hourly salary to be determined based on qualifications & experience.

Position to start August 1, 2023. Questions should be directed to Bob Ihrig at (507) 388-1953. Complete application and return to Bethlehem office Personnel mailbox or email for Bob Ihrig by Friday, April 28.

The Semi-Annual Meeting will take place next Sunday, April 23rd. A quorum is needed so we hope you will join us after worship. Copies of the 2022 Annual Report are available on our website.

Save the date:

  • The Musicorum Spring Concert will take place in our sanctuary at 3:00pm on Sunday, April 23. 

  • Join the Bethlehem Gait Keepers at the ALS Walk, coming up on Saturday, April 29 at Spring Lake Park. The walk begins at 10am.

  • On Wednesday, May 3rd, Confirmation and Torchlight youth will have an Ask the Pastors, followed by a display of their cardboard arcade creations! 

  • Our last Wednesday night of the year is coming up! On May 10th we will have dinner, worship and activities outdoors at the Spring Lake Park pavilion. 

  • Bethlehem will host a Blood Drive on May 25th. Register here to give blood! 

  • FLIGHT event: Join us for a School’s Out Party on Friday, June 9, at Wheeler Park. There will be water games, food and fun!

The annual application for Endowment Fund Scholarships is now open! Current college undergraduates and high school seniors can apply online or pick up an application in the office. Scholarship applications are due May 1.

Our April Monthly Mission is the Cruz Family. Sponsored by the newly formed WELCOME Team, a partnership of five area churches, this Nicaraguan family arrived in Minnesota in December and has since been working to learn the English language, earn their GED’s, adapt to Minnesota climate and culture, seek and obtain viable employment and settle into a community. You can support this family with a one-time gift, or stop by and fill out a form to commit to a monthly gift of $10, $25, or $50 for a period of one year. If you would like to support the family with a gift of time or other resources, contact Pastor Jacie. Thank you for your prayers and support of this monthly mission! 

BLC Weekly, April 10

Hello Bethlehem, 

We hope you had a blessed Easter. Thank you to all of our wonderful musicians and volunteers who made our Easter service bright and wonderful. 

Spring is in the air! As you begin spring cleaning and garden planning, we invite you to participate in our Seed Exchange and Book Exchange, taking place in Grounds for Joy! Bring in your seed packets and gently read books and exchange them for new finds. 

Bethlehem’s Community Garden plots are available for the season and going fast! Contact the office at or call (507) 388-2925 to reserve yours. 

NightLIGHT, Torchlight and Confirmation will resume this Wednesday, following a 5pm beef sandwich supper and 6:15pm worship. LIGHT will resume on Sunday. 

Bethlehem Youth are putting on a Flamingo Flocking Fundraiser to raise money for their Montana trip this summer! For $25 you can have a flock of 12 fabulous yard ornament flamingos visit a friend’s yard. For $10, you can buy anti-flamingo insurance, which will keep the birds from flying to your house. You can do it to celebrate a birthday or anniversary, or just because! The flamingo migration will begin in May, fill out this form to sign up! 

The annual application for Endowment Fund Scholarships is now open! Current college undergraduates and high school seniors can apply online or pick up an application in the office. Scholarship applications are due May 1.

Bethlehem Evening-Weekend Janitor Opening

Part-time evening-weekend janitor position is open for application by BLC members. Visit our website to see accompanying job description & checklist of duties for details of position responsibilities, and to download an application. 

Sunday morning responsibilities (1-2 times per month) = 3.5 hours

Special event responsibilities (events vary each month) = Hours vary

Hourly salary to be determined based on qualifications & experience.

Position to start August 1, 2023.

Questions should be directed to Bob Ihrig at (507) 388-1953.

Complete application and return to Bethlehem office Personnel mailbox or email for Bob Ihrig by Friday, April 28.

Our April Monthly Mission is the Cruz Family. Sponsored by the newly formed WELCOME Team, a partnership of five area churches, this Nicaraguan family arrived in Minnesota in December and has since been working to learn the English language, earn their GED’s, adapt to Minnesota climate and culture, seek and obtain viable employment and settle into a community. You can support this family with a one-time gift, or stop by and fill out a form to commit to a monthly gift of $10, $25, or $50 for a period of one year. If you would like to support the family with a gift of time or other resources, contact Pastor Jacie. Thank you for your prayers and support of this monthly mission!

Save the date! The ALS Walk is coming up on April 29 at Spring Lake Park. Check in begins at 8:30am, walk starts at 10am. 

The postponed Kato Sleep Out will take place this Friday, April 14. We have met our $3,500 goal but still have two more goals to accomplish:

•Win the Top Team Trophy for most Sleep-Out dollar donations. We can make history by winning the first-ever Sleep-Out trophy. Bragging rights are at stake. Go Team Bethlehem!

•Raise even more money to keep the Connections Ministry active and working in our community. The word is that every dollar is needed to offset rising costs resulting from more clients using shelter resources this year and to cover the costs of staff who are on the front-line making a real difference in the lives of many. Every dollar counts! Talk to your friends and encourage their donations! Bob Ihrig will happily accept such donations on behalf of Connections. The more we can deliver on April 14, the better. We will announce our final total that day. Stay tuned for more good news!

How to give to the Kato Sleep-Out:


•CHECKS (Payable to Connections Ministry)

(Put your cash or check in an envelope with your name and give it to Bob Ihrig at church during the next two weeks. We want to add your name and donation to our team.)


(Designate Kato Sleep-Out with your donation. Email Bob Ihrig at with your name & donation total so we can add it to our team record)

Thank you for your support!

A note from Crossroads Campus Ministry: Thank you to Bethlehem Lutheran Church for providing Lunch for-a-Buck at Crossroads Campus Ministry on Tuesday, April 4. Jan Blaisdell and Kathryn Sargent prepared and served a delicious lunch of chicken tetrazzini, pasta with creamed spinach sauce, Italian bread and homemade cake to 33 hungry lunch goers on this chilly spring day. They also collected $30.16 in donations that will help us fund the continued purchase of the lettuce salad, beverages and table supplies for future lunches. Students really look forward to these weekly hot lunches to help them get through the day. For some, it's their only meal of the day. Thank you for your generosity and ongoing support of the students and our ministry at Crossroads.

Crossroads Campus Ministry

BLC Weekly, April 3

Hello Bethlehem, 

Holy Week is here! Thank you to all the youth, families, and volunteers who helped with our Palm Sunday service. We hope you will join us for Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter! Our full Holy Week schedule is available here. Please note: Easter flower orders are due tomorrow, April 4th. If you would like to get photos with the Easter flower garden, please plan on doing so Sunday morning BEFORE the Easter service. Thank you!

Bethlehem Youth will put on a Flamingo Flocking Fundraiser to raise money for their Montana trip this summer! For $25 you can have a flock of 12 fabulous yard ornament flamingos visit a friend’s yard. For $10, you can buy anti-flamingo insurance, which will keep the birds from flying to your house. You can do it to celebrate a birthday or anniversary, or just because! The flamingo migration will begin soon, so fill out this form to sign up!

Kato Sleep-Out Update: We did it!! We reached the magic $3,500 team donation level to allow our Jeannie Phillips to end her planned Connections Kato Sleep-Out at midnight. Wow!! How amazing! Jeannie thanks you for your support! In just two weeks, 33 individuals & families stepped forward and generously contributed to Team Bethlehem and the Connections Ministry. Thank you!! 

However, Mother Nature interceded with yet another winter storm last Friday and Saturday. As a result, Connections decided, for the safety of sleepers, to postpone the Sleep-Out to Friday, April 14. We have no doubt that Jeannie would have met the challenge if we had proceeded on Friday. Anyone who can hike the Appalachian Trail can handle a little snow.

Believe it or not, this postponement is all good news for our team. We have met our goal to release Jeannie early from the Sleep-Out but still have two more goals to accomplish. Read on! 

•Win the Top Team Trophy for most Sleep-Out dollar donations. We can make history by winning the first-ever Sleep-Out trophy. Bragging rights are at stake. Go Team Bethlehem!

•Raise even more money to keep the Connections Ministry active and working in our community. The word is that every dollar is needed to offset rising costs resulting from more clients using shelter resources this year and to cover the costs of staff who are on the front-line making a real difference in the lives of many. Every dollar counts! Talk to your friends and encourage their donations! Bob Ihrig will happily accept such donations on behalf of Connections. The more $$ that we can deliver on April 14, the better. We will announce our final total that day. Stay tuned for more good news.

Here is how you can still give to the Kato Sleep-Out:


•CHECKS (Payable to Connections Ministry)

(Put your cash or check in an envelope with your name and give to Bob Ihrig at church during the next two weeks. We want to add your name and donation to our team.)


(Designate Kato Sleep-Out with your donation. Email Bob Ihrig at with your name & donation total so we can add it to our team record)

Thank you for your support!

Bethlehem Boards & Committees

Bethlehem members interested in serving on a board/committee during the next 3 years should contact Bob Ihrig at:          507-388-1953

We have vacancies on the following boards & committees:

Community & Global Mission, Facilities, Finance, Music & Worship, Stewardship, Youth

We welcome your service to Bethlehem!

We want to thank you for your continued patience as we work to improve our livestream system. Live streams of our worship services are currently available on our Facebook page. You do not need a Facebook account to view them. Our worship service is also broadcast on 1420 AM and 102.7 FM each Sunday at 11:00am. 

If you are interested in volunteering as a slideshow and/or livestream operator during worship, please contact our office or email you!

Bethlehem Evening-Weekend Janitor Opening

Part-time evening-weekend janitor position is open for application by BLC members. Visit our website to see accompanying job description & checklist of duties for details of position responsibilities, and to download an application. 

Sunday morning responsibilities (1-2 times per month) = 3.5 hours

Special event responsibilities (events vary each month) = Hours vary

Hourly salary to be determined based on qualifications & experience.

Position to start August 1, 2023.

Questions should be directed to Bob Ihrig at (507) 388-1953.

Complete application and return to Bethlehem office Personnel mailbox or email for Bob Ihrig by Friday, April 28.

Save the date! The ALS Walk is coming up on April 29 at Spring Lake Park. Check in begins at 8:30am, walk starts at 10am. 

A note from Crossroads Campus Ministry: We feel privileged to be able to offer Lunch-For-a-Buck every Tuesday of the regular school year, and we couldn't do it without congregations like yours.

The Lunch 4-a-Buck program continues to be something that students look forward to every week.  We are especially thankful for the support of Bethlehem Lutheran Church and the volunteers who offer their time and culinary talents to provide a hot meal to hungry students and faculty. We look forward to seeing your Lunch 4-a-Buck volunteers this coming Tuesday, April 4 as we continue feeding the Lord's sheep.

Please read the following. I've included some new information:

  • If you already know what you are serving, please let me know ASAP so we can post the menu on our Facebook page and Instagram. The most recent meals served since you last visited us include bbq chicken sandwiches, broccoli cheese soup, hot beef & hot turkey sandwiches, egg salad sandwiches, roasted chicken quarters, and sweet potato hot dish.

  • The meal "officially" runs from 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM, but we are seeing more and more students arriving between 1:10 and 1:30, all of them looking for a hot meal. We know it is a big ask, but if you could have your volunteers stay until 1:15 or 1:30, it would make a lot of students happy. 

  • Try to arrive by 10:30 to set up

  • Please try to carpool as parking is limited. We will provide parking passes to park on Dillon Avenue in front of the building. You may also park in spaces #1 and #2 in our parking lot if they are open.

  • It is really difficult to predict how many students will stop by for lunch as the numbers have not been consistent recently. I am suggesting that you plan on serving a minimum of 45-50 people. The last five weeks we served 44, 31, 30, 46, and 45 people.

  • Please avoid serving pork products. Students also enjoy having vegetarian options. 

Let me know if you have any questions. Feel free to call or text my mobile phone at 507-829-3161. Thank you for participating in the Lunch 4-a-Buck program and for your continued support of Crossroads Campus Ministry. 


Teri Herder-Blahnik

The annual application for Endowment Fund Scholarships is now open! Current college undergraduates and high school seniors can apply online or pick up an application in the office. Scholarship applications are due May 1.

Our April Monthly Mission is the Cruz Family. Sponsored by the newly formed WELCOME Team, a partnership of five area churches, this Nicaraguan family arrived in Minnesota in December and has since been working to learn the English language, earn their GED’s, adapt to Minnesota climate and culture, seek and obtain viable employment and settle into a community. You can support this family with a one-time gift, or stop by and fill out a form to commit to a monthly gift of $10, $25, or $50 for a period of one year. If you would like to support the family with a gift of time or other resources, contact Pastor Jacie. Thank you for your prayers and support of this monthly mission! 

March in Photos

Check out some of our favorite photos from March!

Our church for all! The BLC children created these images of themselves in the church. Check them out in the hall outside Grounds for Joy

One of the office plants bloomed just in time to celebrate the Lenten season!

Pastor Collette returned for an adult forum discussing Connections Ministry

This month we installed new shades in the Heritage Room

The BLC Men showing off their winnings after an evening at the WOW! Zone

The BLC Choir! Contact Charlie Leftridge if you are interested in joining!

First day of spring at BLC!

Making communion bread

WELCOME, a collaborative effort of five local churches, met with us during an adult forum to discuss the asylum seeking family from Nicaragua and their efforts to settle here in Mankato.

High school game night up in the youth room!

Keep an eye on this library wall for creative prompts!

Jeannie Phillips joined us for an adult forum “My Journey on the Appalachian Trail.” She’ll be back on April 30th to share more of the story!

Torchlight Youth preparing to lead the Palm Sunday service.

BLC 4th graders created their own unique communion chaliced to commemorate their Communion Milestone happening April 2

One last snow storm to wrap up the month!

Have photos of your BLC family and friends you’d like to share? Email them to

BLC Weekly, March 27

Hello Bethlehem, 

Join us this Wednesday as we wrap up our Lenten worship series exploring the five spiritual practices rooted in Jesus' own walk with his Father. Based on Adam Hamilton's book, The Walk, each week we will explore how we walk with Christ, grow in our love for God, and faithfully serve our neighbor. This Wednesday we will serve a cheeseburger dinner followed by 6:15pm worship. This week Pastor Jacie will preach on Share: Going Fishing, Reflecting Light. 

Then, we hope you will join us next week for Holy Week! The worship schedule is available online. 

More of The Appalachian Trail

Thank you, Jeannie Phillips, for sharing with us at our adult forum on Sunday! Jeannie will continue her Appalachian Trail journey on Sunday, April 30 at the adult forum starting at 10:45 am after morning worship. She will share more pictures and stories of her 2022 experience. Pick up your morning coffee and take a seat in Grounds for Joy! Come and enjoy! It is quite a saga! 

The annual application for Endowment Fund Scholarships is now open! Current college undergraduates and high school seniors can apply online or pick up an application in the office. Scholarship applications are due May 1.

Save the date! The ALS Walk is coming up on April 29 at Spring Lake Park. Check in begins at 8:30am, walk starts at 10am. 

Bethlehem Boards & Committees

Bethlehem members interested in serving on a board/committee during the next 3 years should contact Bob Ihrig at:          507-388-1953

We have vacancies on the following boards & committees:

Community & Global Mission



Music & Worship



We welcome your service to Bethlehem!

ECHO Food Shelf is Bethlehem's March Monthly Mission. The need for services for local families continues to rise and ECHO expands and provides their services to meet the growing needs of our community. Please consider supporting this important program via a monetary donation. Our March monetary goal is $3000. We thank Bethlehem members for your continued commitment to our community and to ECHO Food Shelf.

Last week we introduced the Cruz family to our congregation as we,additionally, provided an opportunity for our members to support Ariac, Andrea and their two sons in their journey to American citizenship by committing to a monthly gift of $10, $25 or $50 for a period of one year. It’s such an easy way to help this refugee family working hard to learn the English language, earn their GED’s, adapt to Minnesota climate and culture, seek and obtain viable employment and settle into a community where snow is abundant, the summers are beastly and the people can’t be nicer!

This month we are giving you yet another option for supporting the Cruz family. Our Community and Global Missions Board has named them the “Monthly Mission” for April. If you prefer a one-time gift over a monthly gift for a period of a year, we hope you will choose to support the Monthly Mission. Regardless, please pray for this family and the WELCOME volunteers who work tirelessly on their behalf. Thank you.

Last call! Community & Global will be collecting new and gently used items to create newborn kits though the end of March. Each Kit includes 1 Regular 52" bath towel, 1 washcloth (not microfiber), 1 bath-size-bar white ivory soap (in original packaging), 1 newborn cotton t-shirt or onesie (sizes 0-3 months), 1 newborn stocking hat, 2 cloth diapers, and 2 diaper pins. You can drop off donations in the collection bin in the narthex. Contact Amy Haigh (507) 720-2148 with any questions. Thank you! 

Thrivent Action Grants & Choice Dollars

Are you currently a Thrivent member? Do you own one or more Thrivent financial products? If so, you may be eligible to financially benefit Bethlehem with a Thrivent Action Plan or with Thrivent Choice Dollars.

This is your opportunity to serve Bethlehem with a financial gift at no cost to you. Please give these options your serious consideration! Thank you. Contact Bob Ihrig with your questions: 507-388-1953 or

Kato Sleep Out: The Bethlehem Tuesday morning Bible Study group has enthusiastically accepted the challenge from the Connections Ministry Overnight Shelter to sponsor a fundraising team in the Kato Sleep Out on Friday, March 31. Check out the details on the Connections website:

Jeannie Phillips has offered, on behalf of our team, to sleep out that evening to raise awareness of homelessness in our community and to raise financial pledges to support the vital work of Connections. Thank you Jeannie for your commitment to Bethlehem and Connections!

Our goal is to raise $3,500 from our team and other members of Bethlehem. We welcome your contributions and support of this vital community project. Help us to make a difference! If you are interested in financially supporting Bethlehem's team for Kato Sleep Out, contact team coordinator Bob Ihrig at: 507-388-1953

You have 3 donation options for helping us meet our $3,500 goal:


•Check (Make payable to Connections Shelter)

•Online (See option on site. Be sure to designate Sleep Out)

Cash and checks (in envelope) should be given directly to Bob Ihrig. You can do this at church on Wednesday evening. Make sure you identify your name  on the envelope so we can properly credit you on our team record. I will present all of these on the evening of March 31 with our team record & donations.

Please let Bob Ihrig know via email of any Sleep Out online donation you made. We need your name, email address and donation amount to count for our team donation record.

Donation Update: We have raised $2,470 donations as of Sunday toward our Sleep-Out goal of $3,500. Wow! Thank you! Everyone at Bethlehem can help Jeannie Phillips end her March 31 sleep-out early by adding to this total. Help Bethlehem be the #1 team for Sleep-Out donations. We only need $1,030 more! Let's make it happen for Jeannie and Connections Shelter! Feel free to share this with your friends! We welcome all Connections supporters & donations!

BLC Weekly, March 20

Hello Bethlehem, 

Happy first day of spring! Our week at Connections Shelter begins today. There are still meals available to sign up for on Friday and Saturday. Sign up here. Thank you!

Join us on Lenten Wednesdays as we explore five spiritual practices rooted in Jesus' own walk with his Father. Based on Adam Hamilton's book, The Walk, each week we will explore how we walk with Christ, grow in our love for God, and faithfully serve our neighbor. This Wednesday we will serve a Swedish meatball dinner at 5pm and then worship at 6:15pm, exploring the topic Here I Am Lord, Send Me: Serve, led by Pastor Jay.

The annual application for Endowment Fund Scholarships is now open! Current college undergraduates and high school seniors can apply online or pick up an application in the office. Scholarship applications are due May 1.

Thrivent Action Grants & Choice Dollars

Are you currently a Thrivent member? Do you own one or more Thrivent financial products? If so, you may be eligible to financially benefit Bethlehem with a Thrivent Action Plan or with Thrivent Choice Dollars. Curious? Interested? Read on.

Check out the attached document for more details on how you can make this happen. This is your opportunity to serve Bethlehem with a financial gift at no cost to you. Please give these options your serious consideration! Thank you. Contact Bob Ihrig with your questions: 507-388-1953 or

Connections Shelter Sleep Out Fundraiser:

The BLC Tuesday morning Bible Study group has enthusiastically accepted the challenge from the Connections Ministry Overnight Shelter to sponsor a fundraising team in the Kato Sleep Out on Friday, March 31. Check out details on the Connections website: Jeannie Phillips has offered, on behalf of our team, to sleep out that evening to raise awareness of homelessness in our community and to raise financial pledges to support the vital work of Connections. 

Our goal is to raise $3,500 from our team and other members of Bethlehem. We welcome your contributions and support of this vital community project. Help us to make a difference! If you are interested in financially supporting Bethlehem's team for Kato Sleep Out, contact team coordinator Bob Ihrig at:           507-388-1953.

You have 3 donation options for helping us meet our $3,500 goal:


•Check (Make payable to Connections Shelter)

•Online (See option on site. Be sure to designate Sleep Out)

Cash and checks (in envelope) should be given directly to Bob Ihrig. Make sure you identify your name  on the envelope so we can properly credit you on our team record. I will present all of these on March 31 with our team record.

Donation Update:

We have raised $825 thus far toward our Sleep-Out goal of $3,500. Wow! Thank you! Everyone at Bethlehem can help Jeannie Phillips end her March 31 sleep-out early by adding to this total. Help Bethlehem be the #1 team for Sleep-Out donations. We only need $2,675 more! Let's make it happen for Jeannie and Connections Shelter! Please let Bob Ihrig know via email of any online donation you made. We need your name and donation amount for our team donation record.

Sunday Adult Forum: Ready for a walk? How about 2,200 miles this summer? Enjoy visiting other U.S. states? How about 14 states from Georgia to Maine? Want to meet other people? How about 3 million other hiking enthusiasts? This coming Sunday, March 26, you have the opportunity to hear from our own Jeannie Phillips share her summer 2022 walk on the renowned Appalachian Trail. Join us at 10:45 am for the adult forum in Grounds for Joy and learn all that is involved with this “stroll” out east. It’s story-time at Bethlehem!

Save the date! The ALS Walk is coming up on April 29 at Spring Lake Park. Check in begins at 8:30am, walk starts at 10am. 

While the search contintues for treatments and a cure, the ALS Association advocates for the support of caregivers and family members. Did you know that $35 can provide one hour of respite for a caregiver? Learn more and donate on the ALS Association website.

The SE Minnesota Synod Assembly will be held on Saturday, May 6 at the Mayo Clinic Event Center in Mankato. See link for details:

Bethlehem is entitled to 3 adult delegates & 1 youth/young adult delegate to represent us. This is a great opportunity to learn more about the work of the synod and to participate in church decisionmaking and worship service.If you are interested in being a delegate, contact Bob Ihrig at The deadline to submit your name is March 20. The Council will act on all delegates at its March 21 meeting.

Bethlehem members interested in serving on the BLC Council or a board/committee during the next 3 years should contact Bob Ihrig at  Identify your specific interest so we can match you up with the right group. We have open positions and welcome your service to Bethlehem!

Community & Global will be collecting new and gently used items to create newborn kits though the end of March. Each Kit includes 1 Regular 52" bath towel, 1 washcloth (not microfiber), 1 bath-size-bar white ivory soap (in original packaging), 1 newborn cotton t-shirt or onesie (sizes 0-3 months), 1 newborn stocking hat, 2 cloth diapers, and 2 diaper pins. You can drop off donations in the collection bin in the narthex. Contact Amy Haigh (507) 720-2148 with any questions. Thank you! 

We apologize for any technical difficulties you may notice during our worship livestream. We are experimenting with new livestream equipment to improve quality. Thank you for your patience and feedback as we continue to make improvements! 

ECHO Food Shelf is Bethlehem's March Monthly Mission. The need for services for local families continues to rise and ECHO expands and provides their services to meet the growing needs of our community. Please consider supporting this important program via a monetary donation. Our March monetary goal is $3000. We thank Bethlehem members for your continued commitment to our community and to ECHO Food Shelf.

BLC Weekly, March 13

Hello Bethlehem, 

The annual application for Endowment Fund Scholarships is now open! Current college undergraduates and high school seniors can apply online or pick up an application in the office. Scholarship applications are due May 1.

Join us on Lenten Wednesdays for dinner and worship as we explore five spiritual practices rooted in Jesus' own walk with his Father. Based on Adam Hamilton's book, The Walk, each week we will explore how we walk with Christ, grow in our love for God, and faithfully serve our neighbor. 

This Wednesday we will serve a lasagna dinner at 5pm and welcome Pastor Dave Reedstrom from Calvary Lutheran Church in Rapidan to preach at service, beginning at 6:15pm.

Thrivent Action Grants & Choice Dollars

Are you currently a Thrivent member? Do you own one or more Thrivent financial products? If so, you may be eligible to financially benefit Bethlehem with a Thrivent Action Plan or with Thrivent Choice Dollars. Curious? Interested? Read on. Check out the attached document for more details on how you can make this happen. This is your opportunity to serve Bethlehem with a financial gift at no cost to you. Please give these options your serious consideration! Thank you. Contact Bob Ihrig with your questions: 507-388-1953 or

Sunday, March 19 Adult Forum

Join us this Sunday to learn about the WELCOME project involving Bethlehem and other community churches to welcome a family from Nicaragua in establishing a new home and life in Mankato. Kathy Chatelaine of the Southeast MN Synod, Pr. Jacie Richmond, Amy Haigh and Carrol Meyers-Dobler will share details of all that has happened thus far. You will be amazed at how much has been contributed in volunteer time, talents and donations to make this a reality. Learn how we are making a real difference in the lives of this family.

BE A PRAYER SHAWL MAKER. Bundles of soft, new yarn (not Homespun) with patterns/instructions for prayer shawls are available in the office. See Marcia Nagel or Kathy Croswell for more information. Knitting and crocheting lessons available! Contact Amy Haigh or Jessica Auel for lessons. 

Bethlehem will host a Life Line Screening down in the basement on Thursday, March 30, 2023 offering safe, painless, non-invasive preventive health screenings that are typically not a part of a routine physical. To be more proactive about your health for yourself, your family and your community, please register for these health screenings today. There is no time like the present to take action! Screenings offered: Carotid Artery Screening, Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Screening, Peripheral Arterial Disease Screening, and Atrial Fibrillation Screening. 

Three ways to register:

•       Call toll-free: 1-844-591-7160

•       Online:

•       Text: the word circle to 216-279-1607

Save the date! The ALS Walk is coming up on April 29 at Spring Lake Park. Check in begins at 8:30am, walk starts at 10am. 

Connections Shelter Sleep Out Fundraiser The BLC Tuesday morning Bible Study group has enthusiastically accepted the challenge from the Connections Ministry Overnight Shelter to sponsor a fundraising team in the Kato Sleep Out on Friday, March 31. Check out the Kato Sleep Out page for more information. Jeannie Phillips has offered, on behalf of our team, to sleep out that evening to raise awareness of homelessness in our community and to raise financial pledges to support the vital work of Connections. Our goal is to raise $3,500 from our team and other members of Bethlehem. We welcome your contributions and support of this vital community project. Help us to make a difference! If you are interested in financially supporting Bethlehem's team for Kato Sleep Out, contact Jeannie at (608) 215-0198

BLC high schoolers joined us for Friday Game Night!

The SE Minnesota Synod Assembly will be held on Saturday, May 6 at the Mayo Clinic Event Center in Mankato. See link for details:

Bethlehem is entitled to 3 adult delegates & 1 youth/young adult delegate to represent us. This is a great opportunity to learn more about the work of the synod and to participate in church decisionmaking and worship service.If you are interested in being a delegate, contact Bob Ihrig at The deadline to submit your name is March 20. The Council will act on all delegates at its March 21 meeting.

Bethlehem members interested in serving on the BLC Council or a board/committee during the next 3 years should contact Bob Ihrig at  

Identify your specific interest so we can match you up with the right group. We have open positions and welcome your service to Bethlehem!

Newborn Kits: Throughout February and March, Community & Global will be collecting new and gently used items to create newborn kits. Each Kit includes 1 Regular 52" bath towel, 1 washcloth (not microfiber), 1 bath-size-bar white ivory soap (in original packaging), 1 newborn cotton t-shirt or onesie (sizes 0-3 months), 1 newborn stocking hat, 2 cloth diapers, and 2 diaper pins. Contact Amy Haigh (507) 720-2148 with any questions.

ECHO Food Shelf is Bethlehem's March Monthly Mission. The need for services for local families continues to rise and ECHO expands and provides their services to meet the growing needs of our community. Please consider supporting this important program via a monetary donation. Our March monetary goal is $3000. We thank Bethlehem members for your continued commitment to our community and to ECHO Food Shelf.

BLC Weekly, March 6

Hello Bethlehem, 

Our 4th graders were in the kitchen on Sunday baking communion bread! 4th graders will celebrate communion together during Palm Sunday and Maundy Thursday.

Join us on Lenten Wednesdays as we explore five spiritual practices rooted in Jesus' own walk with his Father. Based on Adam Hamilton's book, The Walk, each week we will explore how we walk with Christ, grow in our love for God, and faithfully serve our neighbor. We welcome area pastors as our guest preachers, and if you want to follow along, the book is available online. This Wednesday we will welcome Pastor John Odegard from Grace Lutheran church. 

Thank you Pastor Collette Broady Grund for joining us on Sunday to talk about Connections Shelter at our adult forum. Sign up for Bethlehem’s upcoming shelter week, beginning March 20, here. We also invite you to register as an individual or a group for Connection’s Kato Sleep Out coming up on March 31st. Sleep out to help raise funds and awareness for area homelessness. Learn more and register here. 

What challenges and changes exist in America's health care world today? How are they reshaping what we expect from the medical community? What can we expect in the future? What will it mean for you? Join Mary Bliesmer, Holly Nevills, Jeannie Phillips & Drew Hood as they share their experiences and insights into acute care, primary care, assisted living and long term care. Join us for coffee and the adult forum on Sunday, March 12 at 10:45 am in Grounds for Joy. Listen, ask your questions and learn with your fellow Bethlehem members. The full upcoming adult forum schedule is available on our website. 

We’re inviting our high school youth to game night! Join Pastor Jacie for an evening of fun, games and popcorn! Grades 9-12 come hang out on Friday March 10th from 7-9pm in the Youth Room. RSVP to pastor Jacie, by March 8th. 

Bethlehem will host a Life Line Screening down in the basement on Thursday, March 30, 2023 offering safe, painless, non-invasive preventive health screenings that are typically not a part of a routine physical. To be more proactive about your health for yourself, your family and your community, please register for these health screenings today. There is no time like the present to take action! Screenings offered: Carotid Artery Screening, Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Screening, Peripheral Arterial Disease Screening, and Atrial Fibrillation Screening. 

Three ways to register:

•       Call toll-free: 1-844-591-7160

•       Online:

•       Text: the word circle to 216-279-1607

Save the date! The ALS Walk is coming up on April 29 at Spring Lake Park. Check in begins at 8:30am, walk starts at 10am. 

KNITTERS and CROCHETERS — PRAYER SHAWL MAKERS: These still winter months are a great time for quiet knitting and crocheting to replenish the supply of BLC prayer shawls. Bundles of soft, new yarn (not Homespun) with patterns/instructions for prayer shawls are available in the office. BE A PRAYER SHAWL MAKER. See Marcia Nagel or Kathy Croswell for more information. Knitting and crocheting lessons available.

The SE Minnesota Synod Assembly will be held on Saturday, May 6 at the Mayo Clinic Event Center in Mankato. See link for details:

Bethlehem is entitled to 3 adult delegates & 1 youth/young adult delegate to represent us. This is a great opportunity to learn more about the work of the synod and to participate in church decisionmaking and worship service.If you are interested in being a delegate, contact Bob Ihrig at The deadline to submit your name is March 20. The Council will act on all delegates at its March 21 meeting.

Bethlehem members interested in serving on the BLC Council or a board/committee during the next 3 years should contact Bob Ihrig at   Identify your specific interest so we can match you up with the right group. We have open positions and welcome your service to Bethlehem!

Newborn Kits: Throughout February and March, Community & Global will be collecting new and gently used items to create newborn kits. Each Kit includes 1 Regular 52" bath towel, 1 washcloth (not microfiber), 1 bath-size-bar white ivory soap (in original packaging), 1 newborn cotton t-shirt or onesie (sizes 0-3 months), 1 newborn stocking hat, 2 cloth diapers, and 2 diaper pins. Contact Amy Haigh (507) 720-2148 with any questions.

WELCOME, a collaboration of Bethlehem, Grace, Messiah, Calvary and Christ the King churches, would like to share the following updates: 

  • The renovations of the family's home are now complete! Final cleaning was finished on Saturday 3/4. The family will be moving in soon! Thank you to everyone who donated items for their new home!

  • All family members are now attending school/daycare. The adults are attending ESL classes and are enthusiastic to practice their English whenever they can.

  • Ways to help- if people want to continue to support the family a great way to do that is either through cash donations or with gift cards for places like Target (for example). Also, keeping the family in prayer is another good way to support as well. As always if people want to donate money with a check they should write the check to Bethlehem and put "WELCOME- Nicaragua" in the memo line.

ECHO Food Shelf is Bethlehem's March Monthly Mission. The need for services for local families continues to rise and ECHO expands and provides their services to meet the growing needs of our community. Please consider supporting this important program via a monetary donation. Our March monetary goal is $3000. We thank Bethlehem members for your continued commitment to our community and to ECHO Food Shelf.

February in Photos

Check out some of our favorite photos from February!

BLC Men’s group enjoyed snowshoeing at Minneopa state park.

Email if you would like to participate in future BLC Men’s events!

Our youth ensemble, Brass & Sass, during their debut performance!

Mohamed Asladig with the Mankato Diversity Council joined us for an adult forum on Reconciliation & Diversity Initiatives

Children put away their “allelujahs” for the Lenten season during a children’s sermon.

Join us for supper, Wednesdays at 5pm!

Sharing a sweet treat to celebrate another 100 Grand off our mortgage! Thank you for supporting our Capital Campaign!

The BLC Praise Band

Say cheese! Kiddos can find all kinds of crafts, activities and books in our main floor library lounge.

Curl up with a book in a big cozy chair! The library lounge is full of great children’s books.

Welcome to our annual Fat Tuesday dinner & silent auction!

Pastor Jacie and Pastor Jay enjoying Fat Tuesday festivities

Our Fat Tuesday dish crew.

Congratulations to our silent auction winners!

Despite the snow we had a great turnout! Thank you for supporting our youth!

Eunice won our Bible Trivia Pursuit!

Have photos of Bethlehem friends and events you’d like to share? Email them to

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