February in Photos
Check out some of our favorite photos from February!
BLC Men’s group enjoyed snowshoeing at Minneopa state park.
Email pastorjay@blcmankato.org if you would like to participate in future BLC Men’s events!
Our youth ensemble, Brass & Sass, during their debut performance!
Mohamed Asladig with the Mankato Diversity Council joined us for an adult forum on Reconciliation & Diversity Initiatives
Children put away their “allelujahs” for the Lenten season during a children’s sermon.
Join us for supper, Wednesdays at 5pm!
Sharing a sweet treat to celebrate another 100 Grand off our mortgage! Thank you for supporting our Capital Campaign!
The BLC Praise Band
Say cheese! Kiddos can find all kinds of crafts, activities and books in our main floor library lounge.
Curl up with a book in a big cozy chair! The library lounge is full of great children’s books.
Welcome to our annual Fat Tuesday dinner & silent auction!
Pastor Jacie and Pastor Jay enjoying Fat Tuesday festivities
Our Fat Tuesday dish crew.
Congratulations to our silent auction winners!
Despite the snow we had a great turnout! Thank you for supporting our youth!
Eunice won our Bible Trivia Pursuit!
Have photos of Bethlehem friends and events you’d like to share? Email them to blchurch@blcmankato.org