Hello Bethlehem,
Join us on Lenten Wednesdays as we explore five spiritual practices rooted in Jesus' own walk with his Father. Based on Adam Hamilton's book, The Walk, each week we will explore how we walk with Christ, grow in our love for God, and faithfully serve our neighbor. We welcome area pastors as our guest preachers, and if you want to follow along, the book is available online.
We’re inviting our high school youth to game night! Join Pastor Jacie for an evening of fun, games and popcorn! Grades 9-12 come hang out on Friday March 10th from 7-9pm in the Youth Room. RSVP to pastor Jacie, pastorjacie@blcmankato.org by March 8th.
Bethlehem will host a Life Line Screening down in the basement on Thursday, March 30, 2023 offering safe, painless, non-invasive preventive health screenings that are typically not a part of a routine physical. To be more proactive about your health for yourself, your family and your community, please register for these health screenings today. There is no time like the present to take action! Screenings offered: Carotid Artery Screening, Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Screening, Peripheral Arterial Disease Screening, and Atrial Fibrillation Screening.
Three ways to register:
• Call toll-free: 1-844-591-7160
• Online: https://llsa.social/HC
• Text: the word circle to 216-279-1607
The SE Minnesota Synod Assembly will be held on Saturday, May 6 at the Mayo Clinic Event Center in Mankato. See link for details:
Bethlehem is entitled to 3 adult delegates & 1 youth/young adult delegate to represent us. This is a great opportunity to learn more about the work of the synod and to participate in church decisionmaking and worship service. If you are interested in being a delegate, contact Bob Ihrig at robert.ihrig1@gmail.com. The deadline to submit your name is March 20. The Council will act on all delegates at its March 21 meeting.
Bethlehem members interested in serving on the BLC Council or a board/committee during the next 3 years should contact Bob Ihrig at robert.ihrig1@gmail.com Identify your specific interest so we can match you up with the right group. We have open positions and welcome your service to Bethlehem!
The YWCA program Girls on the Run is a life-changing program for girls in 3rd-5th grade. Their mission is to inspire girls to be joyful, healthy and confident. This year Girls on the Run will be using our Heritage Room space to gather on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons until mid April. This year’s curriculum is focused on Identity, Connectedness, and Empowerment. You can learn more by visiting their website.
VITA free tax preparation service has returned and is providing free tax preparation, by appointment only, in Grounds for Joy. Tax preparation service for seniors, low-to-moderate-income taxpayers, and those with disabilities, is available Thursdays and Fridays from 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. from February 2 - April 14. For more information or to schedule an appointment, call 386-5570 from 9:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. Monday - Friday.
KNITTERS and CROCHETERS — PRAYER SHAWL MAKERS: These still winter months are a great time for quiet knitting and crocheting to replenish the supply of BLC prayer shawls. Bundles of soft, new yarn (not Homespun) with patterns/instructions for prayer shawls are available in the office. BE A PRAYER SHAWL MAKER. See Marcia Nagel or Kathy Croswell for more information. Knitting lessons available. Crochet teachers wanted.
There are still a couple days to give to Bethlehem’s monthly mission partner for February: Green Lake Lutheran Ministries. Green Lake Lutheran Ministries (GLLM) has been a part of our Bethlehem fabric for many years. Many of us have sent our children to the beautiful shores of Green Lake, Spicer, MN to experience this important ministry. Green Lake's mission is "To invite all to experience the life-changing love of Jesus through vibrant settings in community and creation." The ministry celebrates everyone to let you be who you are. Please consider supporting this very important ministry for our youth to develop their spiritual life and learning. Our goal is $1,000.
ECHO Food Shelf is Bethlehem's March Monthly Mission. The need for services for local families continues to rise and ECHO expands and provides their services to meet the growing needs of our community. Please consider supporting this important program via a monetary donation. Our March monetary goal is $3000. We thank Bethlehem members for your continued commitment to our community and to ECHO Food Shelf.
Connections Ministry Adult Forum: Pastor Collette Broady-Grund will join us on Sunday, March 5 for our adult forum. She will share the latest news about the Connections Ministry such as their new office on Front Street, the 2022-23 shelter season and volunteer opportunities, the Kato Sleep-Out fundraiser planned for March and their future plans for a year-round 24/7 shelter in Mankato. Welcome Pr. Collette and learn more about what is being done to meet the challenge of homelessness in Mankato. The full upcoming adult forum schedule is available on our website.
Save the date! The ALS Walk is coming up on April 29 at Spring Lake Park. Check in begins at 8:30am, walk starts at 10am.
Despite the storm we had a great turnout during our Fat Tuesday dinner and silent auction, both in-person, with take-out meals, and with our online silent auction. Thank you for supporting our youth!
Providing food for 35 can feel like a daunting task. Is your group up to the challenge? Our next week at Connections Shelter is 3/20. During our last week we were short one meal. The BLC Men’s group rose to the challenge and sponsored a meal from Pub500. With their gift of $180 they provided turkey sandwiches for dinner. Now, they’re challenging your BLC group to skip the cooking and consider sponsoring a meal for our neighbors in need. Contact Derek Brown at 210-863-4202 or sign up online if your group is up to the challenge!
The Lunch 4-a-Buck program has seen increasing numbers each week of this Spring semester. We are especially thankful for the support of Bethlehem Lutheran Church and the volunteers who offer their time and culinary talents to provide a hot meal to hungry students and faculty. We look forward to seeing your Lunch 4-a-Buck volunteers this coming Tuesday, February 7 as we continue feeding the Lord's sheep.
Please read the following. I've included some new information:
If you already know what you are serving, please let me know ASAP so we can post the menu on our Facebook page and Instagram. The most recent meals served since you last visited us include all-beef hotdogs, broccoli & cheese soup, beef & vegetarian chili, roasted chicken & fried rice, and baked chicken with mashed potatoes and macaroni & cheese.
The meal "officially" runs from 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM, but we are seeing more and more students arriving between 1:15 and 1:30, all of them looking for a hot meal. We know it is a big ask, but if you could have your volunteers stay until 1:30, it would make a lot of students happy.
You may arrive at 10:30 to set up
Please try to carpool as parking is limited. We will provide parking passes to park on Dillon Avenue in front of the building. You may also park in spaces #1 and #2 in our parking lot if they are open.
Plan on serving a minimum of 35-40 people. Today we had 44!
Please avoid serving pork products. Students also enjoy having vegetarian options.
WELCOME, a collaboration of Bethlehem, Grace, Messiah, Calvary and Christ the King churches, invites you to continue using this form to purchase needed items and gift cards for the asylum-seeking family from Nicaragua. If you are donating money through a check write the check to Bethlehem and write "WELCOME- Nicaragua" in the memo line.
Interested in helping get the family’s apartment ready for move-in? Contact pastor Jacie at pastorjacie@blcmankato.org. Thank you for your prayers, support and flexibility as this situation develops.
Newborn Kits: Throughout February and March, Community & Global will be collecting new and gently used items to create newborn kits. Each Kit includes 1 Regular 52" bath towel, 1 wash cloth (not microfiber), 1 bath-size-bar white ivory soap (in original packaging), 1 newborn cotton t-shirt or onesie (sizes 0-3 months), 1 newborn stocking hat, 2 cloth diapers, and 2 diaper pins. Contact Amy Haigh (507) 720-2148 with any questions.
A note from our Financial Secretary, Elizabeth Ruiz: Offering envelopes for 2023 are available in the narthex. If you would like a packet of envelopes, please feel free to take one. Envelopes do not have an assigned number on them, so please be sure to write your name on the envelope when contributing. If you would like a packet of envelopes but are unable to pick it up, please let the office know and a packet can be mailed to you.