March in Photos
Check out some of our favorite photos from March!
Our church for all! The BLC children created these images of themselves in the church. Check them out in the hall outside Grounds for Joy
One of the office plants bloomed just in time to celebrate the Lenten season!
Pastor Collette returned for an adult forum discussing Connections Ministry
This month we installed new shades in the Heritage Room
The BLC Men showing off their winnings after an evening at the WOW! Zone
The BLC Choir! Contact Charlie Leftridge if you are interested in joining!
First day of spring at BLC!
Making communion bread
WELCOME, a collaborative effort of five local churches, met with us during an adult forum to discuss the asylum seeking family from Nicaragua and their efforts to settle here in Mankato.
High school game night up in the youth room!
Keep an eye on this library wall for creative prompts!
Jeannie Phillips joined us for an adult forum “My Journey on the Appalachian Trail.” She’ll be back on April 30th to share more of the story!
Torchlight Youth preparing to lead the Palm Sunday service.
BLC 4th graders created their own unique communion chaliced to commemorate their Communion Milestone happening April 2
One last snow storm to wrap up the month!
Have photos of your BLC family and friends you’d like to share? Email them to