Growing in Christ, Loving our Neighbors, Serving God's world.

the BLC blog

news & updates

BLC Weekly, May 29

Happy Memorial Day Bethlehem,

Thank you to everyone who donated blood at our Blood Drive last Thursday! Together, we helped the Red Cross collect 32 units! 

Update on the Cruz Family: The WELCOME team along with the Cruz family met with a lawyer from a law firm in the Cities. After speaking with the family the lawyer agreed to take their case and represent them. The lawyer will help to file the paperwork to begin the asylum process and is also willing to represent the family in court if needed. We are grateful to be able to formally begin this part of the process of supporting the Cruz family as they continue to seek a new life here in the United States.

The family has been busy! They are planting a vegetable garden and can be seen cruising around on bikes when the weather is nice. All the family members also continue to go to school on a full time basis. 

There will hopefully be some fundraising opportunities to help support them in the near future. We will keep you informed as more information becomes available.

FLIGHT event: Join us for a School's Out Party on Friday, June 9, at Wheeler Park. There will be water games, food and fun!

Our Flamingo Flocking Fundraiser is all full! Thank you for your amazing support of our youth trip to Montana this summer. The flock will continue to fly until mid-June so keep an eye on your yard!

The VBS Registration and Volunteer forms are live! Head to our website to register children ages 3 years to 6th grade or to volunteer as a youth or adult. Check out the donation tree in the narthex to help provide supplies for Vacation Bible School! 

Home Care for Pr. Don: Bethlehem has been caring for and supporting Pastor Don and Bonnie Roberts since he was diagnosed with ALS in 1995, and now the Roberts need our help. Are you interested in helping with Pastor Don's home care? If you have experience as a caregiver, a good heart, and a willingness to learn, you are needed, as they are looking for more caregivers to round out their team. Let Pr. Don and Bonnie know if you can help! Connect with the Roberts by emailing

If you are on the worship volunteer schedule, you should have received a copy in the mail. The schedule is also available online. Please contact the office if you notice any changes need to be made, or if you are interested in volunteering. We are in particular need of Sunday morning coffee servers, and we are beginning to train volunteers to help the slideshow/livestream going forward. Training is available, contact the office if interested. (507) 388-2925.

"Pentecost is the celebration of the gift that is God's holy spirit." -Pastor Jacie Richmond

Our May Monthly Mission is Global Health Ministries. Bethlehem continues to be a strong supporter of GHM through projects such as newborn kits, quilting, and other hands-on projects. GHM believes all people should have access to a healthy life and focuses on helping some of the most vulnerable people in the world through strengthening health systems, leadership, medical supplies, and grassroots efforts. Our goal is to raise $6,000 for this important ministry. You can give online or with a check to Bethlehem with GHM in the memo line. 

Lutheran World Relief is our June mission. We have much to celebrate this month with Werner Fink's milestone for 100,000+ school kits. Werner has been the sole driving force behind the collection of school kit items and assembly; we are grateful and blessed for his commitment to this cause and for God's work being done through his selfless giving. We also support this important mission through quilting and collection of medical supply items and monetary donations. Please consider donating to this important mission that touches those in need across the world. For more information go to Bethlehem's has set a goal of $7,000.

This Week In Our Prayers

Curt Halvorson Brenda Goetsch Marian Mallory

Pete Wachtel Carol Peterson Cherryl Eigen

Lorenzo Blaisdell Bev Alley Ron Hawker

Don Grotta Alice Haugen

Pastor Don Roberts, Bonnie, and his caregivers

LECTIONARY June 4, Matthew 28:16-20

BLC Weekly, May 22

Hello Bethlehem,
Yesterday we were blessed to celebrate Werner Fick and the over 100,000 school kits he has helped to create for Lutheran World Relief. Rev. Lisa Kipp presented Werner with a certificate for this impressive ministry milestone. Congratulations, Werner! 

There are still several donation times open for our Blood Drive happening this Thursday, May 25 in Grounds for Joy. Donors will receive a full-size microfiber American Red Cross towel! Register here to give blood and save lives!

If you are on the worship volunteer schedule, you should have received a copy in the mail. The schedule is also available online. Please contact the office if you notice any changes need to be made, or if you are interested in volunteering. We are in particular need of Sunday morning coffee servers, and we are beginning to train volunteers to help the slideshow/livestream going forward. Training is available, contact the office if interested. (507) 388-2925.

Our Flamingo Flocking Fundraiser is all full! Thank you for your amazing support of our youth trip to Montana this summer. The flock will continue to fly until mid-June so keep an eye on your yard!

The VBS Registration and Volunteer forms are live! Head to our website to register children ages 3 years to 6th grade or to volunteer as a youth or adult. Check out the donation tree in the narthex to help provide supplies for Vacation Bible School! 

Home Care for Pr. Don: Bethlehem has been caring for and supporting Pastor Don and Bonnie Roberts since he was diagnosed with ALS in 1995, and now the Roberts need our help. Are you interested in helping with Pastor Don's home care? If you have experience as a caregiver, a good heart, and a willingness to learn, you are needed, as they are looking for more caregivers to round out their team. Let Pr. Don and Bonnie know if you can help! Connect with the Roberts by emailing

Congratulations to our graduating seniors! It was a blessing to celebrate with you on Sunday.

FLIGHT event: Join us for a School's Out Party on Friday, June 9, at Wheeler Park. There will be water games, food and fun!

Our May Monthly Mission is Global Health Ministries. Bethlehem continues to be a strong supporter of GHM through projects such as newborn kits, quilting, and other hands-on projects. GHM believes all people should have access to a healthy life and focuses on helping some of the most vulnerable people in the world through strengthening health systems, leadership, medical supplies, and grassroots efforts. Our goal is to raise $6,000 for this important ministry. You can give online or with a check to Bethlehem with GHM in the memo line. 

This Week In Our Prayers

Curt Halvorson Brenda Goetsch Marian Mallory

Pete Wachtel Carol Peterson Cherryl Eigen

Lorenzo Blaisdell Bev Alley Ron Hawker Don Grotta

Pastor Don Roberts, Bonnie, and his caregivers

LECTIONARY May 28, Acts 2:1-21

BLC Weekly, May 15

Hello Bethlehem,

Thank you for joining us for our Wednesday Night Finale! The weather cooperated and we had a wonderful evening of outdoor fun. Thank you also for sticking around after worship on Sunday for our Special Meeting to elect our council, boards and committees. Meeting minutes are available on our website.

Our Flamingo Flocking Fundraiser is all full up! Thank you for your amazing support of our youth trip to Montana this summer. The flock will continue to fly until mid-June so keep an eye on your yard!

VBS Registration is now open! Head to our website to sign up.

Next Sunday, May 21, we will host a celebration of over 100,000 School Kits made! This achievement is due to the dedication and passion of Werner Fick. Join us in Grounds for Joy after worship for cake and celebration of this incredible ministry milestone. 

Bethlehem will host a Blood Drive next week on May 25. Donors will receive a full-size microfiber American Red Cross towel! Register here to give blood! 

FLIGHT event: Join us for a School's Out Party on Friday, June 9, at Wheeler Park. There will be water games, food and fun!


When we pray, GOD hears more than we say and answers more than we ask.  Thank you BLC for all the prayers offered for me during my surgery and hospital stay and while recovering at home!  I've especially appreciated the cards I've received from many of you too!   I thank God for the incredible gift of healing and friendship and I can't imagine going thru something like this without the support of so many. As in the words of a good friend (Lance Quick & "DQ") ~ "See you at church!" 

Witnessing the power of prayer, 

Kelli Woelfel


Home Care for Pr. Don: Bethlehem has been caring for and supporting Pastor Don and Bonnie Roberts since he was diagnosed with ALS in 1995, and now the Roberts need our help. Are you interested in helping with Pastor Don's home care? If you have experience as a caregiver, a good heart, and a willingness to learn, you are needed, as they are looking for more caregivers to round out their team. Let Pr. Don and Bonnie know if you can help! Connect with the Roberts by emailing

ALS Walk Update: A huge thank you to all that participated in the ALS Walk, in person or by donation! It was a sunny day and a great location at Spring Lake Park. We collected approximately $1500.00!
Thank you again!!


A message from Crossroads Campus Ministry:

It is with joy and thanksgiving that Crossroads Campus Ministry offers its gratitude to Bethlehem Lutheran Church and the volunteers who prepared, delivered, and served delicious hot meals to hungry college students through our Lunch For-a-Buck program during the 2022-2023 school year. We extend a special thank you to faithful servants, Jan Blaisdell, Kathryn Sargent, Jeri Clement, Sally Burdick, Kathy Piehl, Karen Sandersfeld, Dee Bennett, Bob Ihrig, Dennis Sandersfeld, Gordy Larson, Troy Sherwood, Roger Haug, Frank Larson, and Pastor Jay Dahlvang for taking time out of their busy schedules to ensure that no student left Crossroads hungry. Your congregation was responsible for serving Lunch For-a-Buck on seven Tuesdays throughout the year. Your volunteers fed 236 individuals and collected $297.30 in donations that went right back into purchasing the salads, beverages and table supplies for subsequent lunches.

Crossroads Campus Ministry was privileged to host 30 lunches throughout the school year, and due to the generosity of Bethlehem Lutheran Church and other area congregations, a total of 1,050 people were fed and $1,059.74 in donations was collected to ensure that we can keep feeding students into the future. We look forward to continuing Lunch For-a-Buck when Fall Term begins in August and hope that Bethlehem will partner with us again to feed Minnesota State – Mankato students. God bless you for your faithfulness and support of this important and impactful ministry. We couldn’t do it without you!

Crossroads Campus Ministry


Our May Monthly Mission is Global Health Ministries. Bethlehem continues to be a strong supporter of GHM through projects such as newborn kits, quilting, and other hands-on projects. GHM believes all people should have access to a healthy life and focuses on helping some of the most vulnerable people in the world through strengthening health systems, leadership, medical supplies, and grassroots efforts. Our goal is to raise $6,000 for this important ministry. You can give online or with a check to Bethlehem with GHM in the memo line. 

This Week In Our Prayers

Curt Halvorson Brenda Goetsch Marian Mallory

Pete Wachtel Carol Peterson Cherryl Eigen

Lorenzo Blaisdell Bev Alley Ron Hawker Don Grotta

Pastor Don Roberts, Bonnie, and his caregivers

LECTIONARY May 21, John 17:1-11

BLC Weekly, May 8

Hello Bethlehem, 

Congratulations to all of our 9th grade Confirmation students! It was a blessing to see you and your families this weekend. 

This Wednesday, May 10th is our Wednesday night finale! Join us for dinner at 5:30pm at the Spring Lake Park pavilion near the volleyball courts (on the corner of Webster and Lake Street). We will be serving up hotdogs, veggie-dogs, chips, and Zip Zap ice cream for dessert! There is picnic seating available but you are welcome to bring camp chairs if you’d like. Worship outdoors with us at 6:15pm then there will be plenty of time for games and fun! The forecast looks great but we will post on Facebook if there are any changes. 

Home Care for Pr. Don: Bethlehem has been caring for and supporting Pastor Don and Bonnie Roberts since he was diagnosed with ALS in 1995, and now the Roberts need our help. Are you interested in helping with Pastor Don's home care? If you have experience as a caregiver, a good heart, and a willingness to learn, you are needed, as they are looking for more caregivers to round out their team. Let Pr. Don and Bonnie know if you can help! Connect with the Roberts by emailing

Bethlehem Youth are currently putting on a Flamingo Flocking Fundraiser to raise money for their Montana trip this summer! For $25 you can have a flock of 12 fabulous yard ornament flamingos visit a friend’s yard. For $10, you can buy anti-flamingo insurance, which will keep the birds from flying to your house. You can do it to celebrate a birthday or anniversary, or just because! Use this form to sign up! 

Our May Monthly Mission is Global Health Ministries. Bethlehem continues to be a strong supporter of GHM through projects such as newborn kits, quilting, and other hands-on projects. GHM believes all people should have access to a healthy life and focuses on helping some of the most vulnerable people in the world through strengthening health systems, leadership, medical supplies, and grassroots efforts. Our goal is to raise $6,000 for this important ministry. You can give online or with a check to Bethlehem with GHM in the memo line.

VBS Registration is now open! This year’s theme is RENEW! Together we’ll discover the hope we have in Jesus through the Parable of the Sower. 

Mark your calendar: 

  • Because we did not reach a quorum at our Semi-Annual Meeting, we will have a very brief meeting on May 14 in the sanctuary at 10:30am to elect this year’s council, boards and committees. 

  • On May 21st we will hold a celebration of 100,000 School Kits made! Join us in Grounds for Joy after worship for cake and celebration. 

  • Bethlehem will host a Blood Drive on May 25th. Donors will receive a full-size microfiber American Red Cross towel! Register here to give blood! 

  • FLIGHT event: Join us for a School’s Out Party on Friday, June 9, at Wheeler Park. There will be water games, food and fun!

A note from Crossroads Campus Ministry:

Thank you to Bethlehem Lutheran Church for providing Lunch for-a-Buck at Crossroads Campus Ministry on Tuesday, May 2nd. This was our last Lunch For-a-Buck of the 2022-2023 school year. Jan Blaaisdell and Kathryn Sargent prepared and served a delicious meal of chicken jambalaya, cheese & onion enchiladas, corn muffins, Italian bread and homemade cake to 32 hungry lunch goers on this beautiful spring day. They also collected $24.50 in donations that will help us fund the continued purchase of the lettuce salad, beverages and table supplies for future lunches. Students looked forward to these weekly hot lunches all year long to help them get through the day. Thank you for your generosity and ongoing support of the students and our ministry at Crossroads. We look forward to seeing you during the 2023-2024 school year.

Crossroads Campus Ministry

On Sunday Bethlehem was presented with the inaugural Kato Sleep Out Trophy for being the single largest donor to the Connections Sleep Out fundraiser.

This Week In Our Prayers

Curt Halvorson Brenda Goetsch Marian Mallory

Pete Wachtel Laurie Bentdahl Carol Peterson

Cherryl Eigen Bonnie Torgerson Lorenzo Blaisdell

Sarah Nelson Bev Alley Kelli Woelfel Ron Hawker

Pastor Don Roberts, Bonnie, and his caregivers

The family and friends of Amos Forseth

The family and friends of Judy Backstrom

LECTIONARY May 10: John 14:1-14 May 14:John 14:15-21

BLC Weekly, May 1

Hello Bethlehem, 

Happy May! Check out April in Photos on the BLC Blog to see some of our favorite photos from the month. Have photos of your BLC family, friends and events you’d like to share? Send them to 

We had a great turnout at the ALS Walk this weekend! Thank you to the Bethlehem Gait Keepers and all the members who show up and support the Walk to Defeat ALS. We want to thank Teens Encounter Christ for being such great guests during their weekend in our building and for sharing with us during worship on Sunday. Thank you also to the Minnesota Boychoir for sharing their music with us during worship on Sunday. If you missed their 1pm concert don’t worry, you can still check out their recordings on their website. 

This week

  • We invite you to help pack school kits tomorrow morning, May 2nd, at 9am in the basement. 

  • This Wednesday, May 3rd will be our last Wednesday night supper at Bethlehem until we start up again in the fall. We hope you will join us for hamburger rice hotdish, salad and rolls at 5pm, followed by worship at 6:15pm. The youth will hold an Ask the Pastors session after worship, and then you are invited to check out the Kingdom Arcade the youth created! 

  • This Sunday is Confirmation Sunday. Help us celebrate the youth as they affirm their baptism! It is also the last day of Light. We will plan to meet outdoors if weather permits, otherwise we will gather in the dining room. 

  • This Sunday is also our Cinnamon Roll Camp fundraiser, taking place before and after worship. There is a suggested donation of $3 per roll or $10 for 4. Rolls are available to-go!

  • Our Adult Forum this Sunday will be Teachers: Challenges and Changes Panel, with Todd Hanselman & Educators. Meet in Grounds for Joy after worship. 

Last call: The annual application for Endowment Fund Scholarships is now open! Current college undergraduates and high school seniors can apply online or pick up an application in the office. Scholarship applications are due TODAY, May 1st. 

Our May Monthly Mission is Global Health Ministries. Bethlehem continues to be a strong supporter of GHM through projects such as newborn kits, quilting, and other hands-on projects. GHM believes all people should have access to a healthy life and focuses on helping some of the most vulnerable people in the world through strengthening health systems, leadership, medical supplies, and grassroots efforts. Our goal is to raise $6,000 for this important ministry. You can give online or with a check to Bethlehem with GHM in the memo line. 

Coming up

  • VBS registration opens on May 7th! This year’s theme is RENEW! Together we’ll discover the hope we have in Jesus through the Parable of the Sower. 

  • May 10th is the last day of NightLIGHT, Torchlight and Confirmation. We will meet at Spring Lake Park on the corner of Webster and Lake St. for food, worship, and games! Bring the whole family!

  • Because we did not reach a quorum at our Semi-Annual Meeting, we will have a very brief meeting on May 14 in the sanctuary at 10:30am to elect this year’s council, boards and committees. 

  • On May 21st we will hold a celebration of 100,000 School Kits made! 

  • Bethlehem will host a Blood Drive on May 25th. Donors will receive a full-size microfiber American Red Cross towel! Register here to give blood! 

  • FLIGHT event: Join us for a School’s Out Party on Friday, June 9, at Wheeler Park. There will be water games, food and fun!

Home Care for Pr. Don: Bethlehem has been caring for and supporting Pastor Don and Bonnie Roberts since he was diagnosed with ALS in 1995, and now the Roberts need our help. Are you interested in helping with Pastor Don's home care? If you have experience as a caregiver, a good heart, and a willingness to learn, you are needed, as they are looking for more caregivers to round out their team. Let Pr. Don and Bonnie know if you can help! Connect with the Roberts by emailing

Bethlehem Youth are putting on a Flamingo Flocking Fundraiser to raise money for their Montana trip this summer! For $25 you can have a flock of 12 fabulous yard ornament flamingos visit a friend’s yard. For $10, you can buy anti-flamingo insurance, which will keep the birds from flying to your house. You can do it to celebrate a birthday or anniversary, or just because! The flamingo migration will begin in May, fill out this form to sign up! 

A message from Pastor Kristin Engstrom:

Happy Easter dear siblings in Christ,

Here in Zambia, I gathered with five congregations in the Lusaka city area for Easter weekend celebrations.  There were workshops, shared meals, worship, singing, and on Easter morning, we even marched on the side of the highway in front of the church to share the good news that Jesus is risen!  Yesu, a uka! 

Read Pastor Engstrom’s April 2023 Newsletter here.

This Week In Our Prayers

Curt Halvorson Brenda Goetsch Marian Mallory Pete Wachtel

Laurie Bentdahl Carol Peterson Cherryl Eigen Bonnie Torgerson

Lorenzo Blaisdell Sarah Nelson Bev Alley Kelli Woelfel

Pastor Don Roberts, Bonnie, and his caregivers

The family and friends of Amos Forseth

The family and friends of Judy Backstrom

LECTIONARY May 3 | John 10:1-10 May 7 | John 14:1-14

April in Photos

Check out some of our favorite photos from April!

Palm Sunday led by the BLC Youth

Maundy Thursday

Maundy Thursday

Good Friday

BLC Brass performing on Good Friday

Easter morning sunrise devotion

Easter Sunday

The Easter Garden

Alleluia Archway photo op!

Easter Flowers

Youth were able to enjoy Wednesday nights outside again.

A new sign was hung on the Bethlehem Community Garden!

Landscaping volunteers helped with spring cleaning!

The Seed Exchange and Book Exchange kicked off in Grounds for Joy!

The BLC Youth are preparing for their Flocking Flamingo Fundraiser!

Blooms in the courtyard

The Annual Walk to Defeat ALS with the BLC Gait Keepers!

TEC Youth shared a song during worship on April 30

The Minnesota Boychoir sang during worship on April 30

Minnesota Boychoir concert April 30th

Bethlehem is blooming!

Have photos of your BLC family and friends you’d like to share? Email them to

BLC Weekly, April 24

Hello Bethlehem, 

Semi-Annual Meeting Follow Up: Thanks to everyone attending yesterday's semi-annual meeting!  Because we did not reach a quorum, we are scheduling a short meeting following worship on May 14, in the sanctuary at 10:30, to elect this year's council, boards, and committees. We hope to be done and on our way home in just a few minutes.  Please join us!

We’ve got a lot happening this Sunday, April 30th! TEC will be taking place at Bethlehem this weekend. The TEC youth will join us briefly at worship on Sunday. We will also be joined by the Minnesota Boychoir, who will share some music during worship. Following worship, Jeannie Phillips will lead our Adult Forum with part two of her Appalachian Journey and New Member Orientation will take place in the library. At 1pm the Minnesota Boy Choir will hold a concert in the sanctuary. 

Congratulations Team Bethlehem for winning the inaugural Sleep Out Trophy for your generous contributions to the Connections Shelter Kato Sleep Out! The Bethlehem team contributed over $6,000

Home Care for Pr. Don: Bethlehem has been caring for and supporting Pastor Don and Bonnie Roberts since he was diagnosed with ALS in 1995, and now the Roberts need our help. Are you interested in helping with Pastor Don's home care? If you have experience as a caregiver, a good heart, and a willingness to learn, you are needed, as they are looking for more caregivers to round out their team. Let Pr. Don and Bonnie know if you can help! Connect with the Roberts by emailing

Our April Monthly Mission is the Cruz Family. Sponsored by the newly formed WELCOME Team, a partnership of five area churches, this Nicaraguan family arrived in Minnesota in December and has since been working to learn the English language, earn their GED’s, adapt to Minnesota climate and culture, seek and obtain viable employment and settle into a community. You can support this family with a one-time gift, or stop by and fill out a form to commit to a monthly gift of $10, $25, or $50 for a period of one year. If you would like to support the family with a gift of time or other resources, contact Pastor Jacie. Thank you for your prayers and support of this monthly mission! 

An update from Pastor Jacie: The Cruz family has settled into their new home and Ariac and Andrea are busy attending English classes, with Kamil in daycare while they are in class.  Randy is enjoying second grade, and they are all looking forward to warmer weather to be outside, riding bikes, etc. Volunteers continue to provide transportation to and from schools and other activities, and help the family access other services as needed. The core WELCOME team is now looking at legal needs for the family, and hoping to resolve the issue of employment soon, but there’s lots of bureaucracy in that area. Thank you to all Bethlehem members who have donated funds to help the family and those who have volunteered to help in other ways. Your generosity in both your time and treasure is VERY much appreciated!

Bethlehem Youth are putting on a Flamingo Flocking Fundraiser to raise money for their Montana trip this summer! For $25 you can have a flock of 12 fabulous yard ornament flamingos visit a friend’s yard. For $10, you can buy anti-flamingo insurance, which will keep the birds from flying to your house. You can do it to celebrate a birthday or anniversary, or just because! The flamingo migration will begin in May, fill out this form to sign up! 

Save the date:

  • Join the Bethlehem Gait Keepers for the ALS Walk, coming up on Saturday, April 29 at Spring Lake Park. The walk begins at 10am. 

  • On Wednesday, May 3rd, Confirmation and Torchlight youth will hold an Ask the Pastors right after worship, then the youth show off their cardboard arcade creations! 

  • Our last Wednesday night of the year is coming up! On May 10th we will have dinner, worship and activities outdoors at the Spring Lake Park pavilion. 

  • Bethlehem will host a Blood Drive on May 25th. Register here to give blood! 

  • FLIGHT event: Join us for a School’s Out Party on Friday, June 9, at Wheeler Park. There will be water games, food and fun!

Bethlehem Evening-Weekend Janitor Opening

Part-time evening-weekend janitor position is open for application by BLC members. Visit our website to see accompanying job description & checklist of duties for details of position responsibilities, and to download an application. 

  • Sunday morning responsibilities (1-2 times per month) = 3.5 hours

  • Special event responsibilities (events vary each month) = Hours vary

  • Hourly salary to be determined based on qualifications & experience.

  • Position to start August 1, 2023.

  • Questions should be directed to Bob Ihrig at (507) 388-1953.

Complete application and return to Bethlehem office Personnel mailbox or email for Bob Ihrig by Friday, April 28.

The annual application for Endowment Fund Scholarships is now open! Current college undergraduates and high school seniors can apply online or pick up an application in the office. Scholarship applications are due May 1.

BLC Weekly, April 17

Hello Bethlehem, 

The Kato Sleep Out was a success! At last count, Connections Shelter had raised $23,000, far exceeding their $12,000 goal. The Bethlehem team contributed over $6,000! We are still awaiting an update to hear if Bethlehem won the inaugural Sleep Out Trophy. Thank you for your support and special thank you to Jeannie Phillips, who volunteered to represent our team and set up camp for the evening. 

Earth day is next Saturday! We invite you to participate in our Seed Exchange and Book Exchange, taking place in Grounds for Joy! Bring in your seed packets and gently read books to exchange for new finds. Bethlehem’s Community Garden plots are available for the season and going fast! Contact the office at or call (507) 388-2925 to reserve yours. 

Bethlehem Youth are putting on a Flamingo Flocking Fundraiser to raise money for their Montana trip this summer! For $25 you can have a flock of 12 fabulous yard ornament flamingos visit a friend’s yard. For $10, you can buy anti-flamingo insurance, which will keep the birds from flying to your house. You can do it to celebrate a birthday or anniversary, or just because! The flamingo migration will begin in May, fill out this form to sign up! 

Bethlehem Evening-Weekend Janitor Opening

Part-time evening-weekend janitor position is open for application by BLC members. Visit our website to see accompanying job description & checklist of duties for details of position responsibilities, and to download an application. 

  • Sunday morning responsibilities (1-2 times per month) = 3.5 hours

  • Special event responsibilities (events vary each month) = Hours vary

  • Hourly salary to be determined based on qualifications & experience.

Position to start August 1, 2023. Questions should be directed to Bob Ihrig at (507) 388-1953. Complete application and return to Bethlehem office Personnel mailbox or email for Bob Ihrig by Friday, April 28.

The Semi-Annual Meeting will take place next Sunday, April 23rd. A quorum is needed so we hope you will join us after worship. Copies of the 2022 Annual Report are available on our website.

Save the date:

  • The Musicorum Spring Concert will take place in our sanctuary at 3:00pm on Sunday, April 23. 

  • Join the Bethlehem Gait Keepers at the ALS Walk, coming up on Saturday, April 29 at Spring Lake Park. The walk begins at 10am.

  • On Wednesday, May 3rd, Confirmation and Torchlight youth will have an Ask the Pastors, followed by a display of their cardboard arcade creations! 

  • Our last Wednesday night of the year is coming up! On May 10th we will have dinner, worship and activities outdoors at the Spring Lake Park pavilion. 

  • Bethlehem will host a Blood Drive on May 25th. Register here to give blood! 

  • FLIGHT event: Join us for a School’s Out Party on Friday, June 9, at Wheeler Park. There will be water games, food and fun!

The annual application for Endowment Fund Scholarships is now open! Current college undergraduates and high school seniors can apply online or pick up an application in the office. Scholarship applications are due May 1.

Our April Monthly Mission is the Cruz Family. Sponsored by the newly formed WELCOME Team, a partnership of five area churches, this Nicaraguan family arrived in Minnesota in December and has since been working to learn the English language, earn their GED’s, adapt to Minnesota climate and culture, seek and obtain viable employment and settle into a community. You can support this family with a one-time gift, or stop by and fill out a form to commit to a monthly gift of $10, $25, or $50 for a period of one year. If you would like to support the family with a gift of time or other resources, contact Pastor Jacie. Thank you for your prayers and support of this monthly mission! 

BLC Weekly, April 10

Hello Bethlehem, 

We hope you had a blessed Easter. Thank you to all of our wonderful musicians and volunteers who made our Easter service bright and wonderful. 

Spring is in the air! As you begin spring cleaning and garden planning, we invite you to participate in our Seed Exchange and Book Exchange, taking place in Grounds for Joy! Bring in your seed packets and gently read books and exchange them for new finds. 

Bethlehem’s Community Garden plots are available for the season and going fast! Contact the office at or call (507) 388-2925 to reserve yours. 

NightLIGHT, Torchlight and Confirmation will resume this Wednesday, following a 5pm beef sandwich supper and 6:15pm worship. LIGHT will resume on Sunday. 

Bethlehem Youth are putting on a Flamingo Flocking Fundraiser to raise money for their Montana trip this summer! For $25 you can have a flock of 12 fabulous yard ornament flamingos visit a friend’s yard. For $10, you can buy anti-flamingo insurance, which will keep the birds from flying to your house. You can do it to celebrate a birthday or anniversary, or just because! The flamingo migration will begin in May, fill out this form to sign up! 

The annual application for Endowment Fund Scholarships is now open! Current college undergraduates and high school seniors can apply online or pick up an application in the office. Scholarship applications are due May 1.

Bethlehem Evening-Weekend Janitor Opening

Part-time evening-weekend janitor position is open for application by BLC members. Visit our website to see accompanying job description & checklist of duties for details of position responsibilities, and to download an application. 

Sunday morning responsibilities (1-2 times per month) = 3.5 hours

Special event responsibilities (events vary each month) = Hours vary

Hourly salary to be determined based on qualifications & experience.

Position to start August 1, 2023.

Questions should be directed to Bob Ihrig at (507) 388-1953.

Complete application and return to Bethlehem office Personnel mailbox or email for Bob Ihrig by Friday, April 28.

Our April Monthly Mission is the Cruz Family. Sponsored by the newly formed WELCOME Team, a partnership of five area churches, this Nicaraguan family arrived in Minnesota in December and has since been working to learn the English language, earn their GED’s, adapt to Minnesota climate and culture, seek and obtain viable employment and settle into a community. You can support this family with a one-time gift, or stop by and fill out a form to commit to a monthly gift of $10, $25, or $50 for a period of one year. If you would like to support the family with a gift of time or other resources, contact Pastor Jacie. Thank you for your prayers and support of this monthly mission!

Save the date! The ALS Walk is coming up on April 29 at Spring Lake Park. Check in begins at 8:30am, walk starts at 10am. 

The postponed Kato Sleep Out will take place this Friday, April 14. We have met our $3,500 goal but still have two more goals to accomplish:

•Win the Top Team Trophy for most Sleep-Out dollar donations. We can make history by winning the first-ever Sleep-Out trophy. Bragging rights are at stake. Go Team Bethlehem!

•Raise even more money to keep the Connections Ministry active and working in our community. The word is that every dollar is needed to offset rising costs resulting from more clients using shelter resources this year and to cover the costs of staff who are on the front-line making a real difference in the lives of many. Every dollar counts! Talk to your friends and encourage their donations! Bob Ihrig will happily accept such donations on behalf of Connections. The more we can deliver on April 14, the better. We will announce our final total that day. Stay tuned for more good news!

How to give to the Kato Sleep-Out:


•CHECKS (Payable to Connections Ministry)

(Put your cash or check in an envelope with your name and give it to Bob Ihrig at church during the next two weeks. We want to add your name and donation to our team.)


(Designate Kato Sleep-Out with your donation. Email Bob Ihrig at with your name & donation total so we can add it to our team record)

Thank you for your support!

A note from Crossroads Campus Ministry: Thank you to Bethlehem Lutheran Church for providing Lunch for-a-Buck at Crossroads Campus Ministry on Tuesday, April 4. Jan Blaisdell and Kathryn Sargent prepared and served a delicious lunch of chicken tetrazzini, pasta with creamed spinach sauce, Italian bread and homemade cake to 33 hungry lunch goers on this chilly spring day. They also collected $30.16 in donations that will help us fund the continued purchase of the lettuce salad, beverages and table supplies for future lunches. Students really look forward to these weekly hot lunches to help them get through the day. For some, it's their only meal of the day. Thank you for your generosity and ongoing support of the students and our ministry at Crossroads.

Crossroads Campus Ministry

BLC Weekly, April 3

Hello Bethlehem, 

Holy Week is here! Thank you to all the youth, families, and volunteers who helped with our Palm Sunday service. We hope you will join us for Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter! Our full Holy Week schedule is available here. Please note: Easter flower orders are due tomorrow, April 4th. If you would like to get photos with the Easter flower garden, please plan on doing so Sunday morning BEFORE the Easter service. Thank you!

Bethlehem Youth will put on a Flamingo Flocking Fundraiser to raise money for their Montana trip this summer! For $25 you can have a flock of 12 fabulous yard ornament flamingos visit a friend’s yard. For $10, you can buy anti-flamingo insurance, which will keep the birds from flying to your house. You can do it to celebrate a birthday or anniversary, or just because! The flamingo migration will begin soon, so fill out this form to sign up!

Kato Sleep-Out Update: We did it!! We reached the magic $3,500 team donation level to allow our Jeannie Phillips to end her planned Connections Kato Sleep-Out at midnight. Wow!! How amazing! Jeannie thanks you for your support! In just two weeks, 33 individuals & families stepped forward and generously contributed to Team Bethlehem and the Connections Ministry. Thank you!! 

However, Mother Nature interceded with yet another winter storm last Friday and Saturday. As a result, Connections decided, for the safety of sleepers, to postpone the Sleep-Out to Friday, April 14. We have no doubt that Jeannie would have met the challenge if we had proceeded on Friday. Anyone who can hike the Appalachian Trail can handle a little snow.

Believe it or not, this postponement is all good news for our team. We have met our goal to release Jeannie early from the Sleep-Out but still have two more goals to accomplish. Read on! 

•Win the Top Team Trophy for most Sleep-Out dollar donations. We can make history by winning the first-ever Sleep-Out trophy. Bragging rights are at stake. Go Team Bethlehem!

•Raise even more money to keep the Connections Ministry active and working in our community. The word is that every dollar is needed to offset rising costs resulting from more clients using shelter resources this year and to cover the costs of staff who are on the front-line making a real difference in the lives of many. Every dollar counts! Talk to your friends and encourage their donations! Bob Ihrig will happily accept such donations on behalf of Connections. The more $$ that we can deliver on April 14, the better. We will announce our final total that day. Stay tuned for more good news.

Here is how you can still give to the Kato Sleep-Out:


•CHECKS (Payable to Connections Ministry)

(Put your cash or check in an envelope with your name and give to Bob Ihrig at church during the next two weeks. We want to add your name and donation to our team.)


(Designate Kato Sleep-Out with your donation. Email Bob Ihrig at with your name & donation total so we can add it to our team record)

Thank you for your support!

Bethlehem Boards & Committees

Bethlehem members interested in serving on a board/committee during the next 3 years should contact Bob Ihrig at:          507-388-1953

We have vacancies on the following boards & committees:

Community & Global Mission, Facilities, Finance, Music & Worship, Stewardship, Youth

We welcome your service to Bethlehem!

We want to thank you for your continued patience as we work to improve our livestream system. Live streams of our worship services are currently available on our Facebook page. You do not need a Facebook account to view them. Our worship service is also broadcast on 1420 AM and 102.7 FM each Sunday at 11:00am. 

If you are interested in volunteering as a slideshow and/or livestream operator during worship, please contact our office or email you!

Bethlehem Evening-Weekend Janitor Opening

Part-time evening-weekend janitor position is open for application by BLC members. Visit our website to see accompanying job description & checklist of duties for details of position responsibilities, and to download an application. 

Sunday morning responsibilities (1-2 times per month) = 3.5 hours

Special event responsibilities (events vary each month) = Hours vary

Hourly salary to be determined based on qualifications & experience.

Position to start August 1, 2023.

Questions should be directed to Bob Ihrig at (507) 388-1953.

Complete application and return to Bethlehem office Personnel mailbox or email for Bob Ihrig by Friday, April 28.

Save the date! The ALS Walk is coming up on April 29 at Spring Lake Park. Check in begins at 8:30am, walk starts at 10am. 

A note from Crossroads Campus Ministry: We feel privileged to be able to offer Lunch-For-a-Buck every Tuesday of the regular school year, and we couldn't do it without congregations like yours.

The Lunch 4-a-Buck program continues to be something that students look forward to every week.  We are especially thankful for the support of Bethlehem Lutheran Church and the volunteers who offer their time and culinary talents to provide a hot meal to hungry students and faculty. We look forward to seeing your Lunch 4-a-Buck volunteers this coming Tuesday, April 4 as we continue feeding the Lord's sheep.

Please read the following. I've included some new information:

  • If you already know what you are serving, please let me know ASAP so we can post the menu on our Facebook page and Instagram. The most recent meals served since you last visited us include bbq chicken sandwiches, broccoli cheese soup, hot beef & hot turkey sandwiches, egg salad sandwiches, roasted chicken quarters, and sweet potato hot dish.

  • The meal "officially" runs from 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM, but we are seeing more and more students arriving between 1:10 and 1:30, all of them looking for a hot meal. We know it is a big ask, but if you could have your volunteers stay until 1:15 or 1:30, it would make a lot of students happy. 

  • Try to arrive by 10:30 to set up

  • Please try to carpool as parking is limited. We will provide parking passes to park on Dillon Avenue in front of the building. You may also park in spaces #1 and #2 in our parking lot if they are open.

  • It is really difficult to predict how many students will stop by for lunch as the numbers have not been consistent recently. I am suggesting that you plan on serving a minimum of 45-50 people. The last five weeks we served 44, 31, 30, 46, and 45 people.

  • Please avoid serving pork products. Students also enjoy having vegetarian options. 

Let me know if you have any questions. Feel free to call or text my mobile phone at 507-829-3161. Thank you for participating in the Lunch 4-a-Buck program and for your continued support of Crossroads Campus Ministry. 


Teri Herder-Blahnik

The annual application for Endowment Fund Scholarships is now open! Current college undergraduates and high school seniors can apply online or pick up an application in the office. Scholarship applications are due May 1.

Our April Monthly Mission is the Cruz Family. Sponsored by the newly formed WELCOME Team, a partnership of five area churches, this Nicaraguan family arrived in Minnesota in December and has since been working to learn the English language, earn their GED’s, adapt to Minnesota climate and culture, seek and obtain viable employment and settle into a community. You can support this family with a one-time gift, or stop by and fill out a form to commit to a monthly gift of $10, $25, or $50 for a period of one year. If you would like to support the family with a gift of time or other resources, contact Pastor Jacie. Thank you for your prayers and support of this monthly mission!