Growing in Christ, Loving our Neighbors, Serving God's world.

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April in Photos

Check out some of our favorite photos from April!

Palm Sunday led by the BLC Youth

Maundy Thursday

Maundy Thursday

Good Friday

BLC Brass performing on Good Friday

Easter morning sunrise devotion

Easter Sunday

The Easter Garden

Alleluia Archway photo op!

Easter Flowers

Youth were able to enjoy Wednesday nights outside again.

A new sign was hung on the Bethlehem Community Garden!

Landscaping volunteers helped with spring cleaning!

The Seed Exchange and Book Exchange kicked off in Grounds for Joy!

The BLC Youth are preparing for their Flocking Flamingo Fundraiser!

Blooms in the courtyard

The Annual Walk to Defeat ALS with the BLC Gait Keepers!

TEC Youth shared a song during worship on April 30

The Minnesota Boychoir sang during worship on April 30

Minnesota Boychoir concert April 30th

Bethlehem is blooming!

Have photos of your BLC family and friends you’d like to share? Email them to