Growing in Christ, Loving our Neighbors, Serving God's world.

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BLC Weekly, May 8

Hello Bethlehem, 

Congratulations to all of our 9th grade Confirmation students! It was a blessing to see you and your families this weekend. 

This Wednesday, May 10th is our Wednesday night finale! Join us for dinner at 5:30pm at the Spring Lake Park pavilion near the volleyball courts (on the corner of Webster and Lake Street). We will be serving up hotdogs, veggie-dogs, chips, and Zip Zap ice cream for dessert! There is picnic seating available but you are welcome to bring camp chairs if you’d like. Worship outdoors with us at 6:15pm then there will be plenty of time for games and fun! The forecast looks great but we will post on Facebook if there are any changes. 

Home Care for Pr. Don: Bethlehem has been caring for and supporting Pastor Don and Bonnie Roberts since he was diagnosed with ALS in 1995, and now the Roberts need our help. Are you interested in helping with Pastor Don's home care? If you have experience as a caregiver, a good heart, and a willingness to learn, you are needed, as they are looking for more caregivers to round out their team. Let Pr. Don and Bonnie know if you can help! Connect with the Roberts by emailing

Bethlehem Youth are currently putting on a Flamingo Flocking Fundraiser to raise money for their Montana trip this summer! For $25 you can have a flock of 12 fabulous yard ornament flamingos visit a friend’s yard. For $10, you can buy anti-flamingo insurance, which will keep the birds from flying to your house. You can do it to celebrate a birthday or anniversary, or just because! Use this form to sign up! 

Our May Monthly Mission is Global Health Ministries. Bethlehem continues to be a strong supporter of GHM through projects such as newborn kits, quilting, and other hands-on projects. GHM believes all people should have access to a healthy life and focuses on helping some of the most vulnerable people in the world through strengthening health systems, leadership, medical supplies, and grassroots efforts. Our goal is to raise $6,000 for this important ministry. You can give online or with a check to Bethlehem with GHM in the memo line.

VBS Registration is now open! This year’s theme is RENEW! Together we’ll discover the hope we have in Jesus through the Parable of the Sower. 

Mark your calendar: 

  • Because we did not reach a quorum at our Semi-Annual Meeting, we will have a very brief meeting on May 14 in the sanctuary at 10:30am to elect this year’s council, boards and committees. 

  • On May 21st we will hold a celebration of 100,000 School Kits made! Join us in Grounds for Joy after worship for cake and celebration. 

  • Bethlehem will host a Blood Drive on May 25th. Donors will receive a full-size microfiber American Red Cross towel! Register here to give blood! 

  • FLIGHT event: Join us for a School’s Out Party on Friday, June 9, at Wheeler Park. There will be water games, food and fun!

A note from Crossroads Campus Ministry:

Thank you to Bethlehem Lutheran Church for providing Lunch for-a-Buck at Crossroads Campus Ministry on Tuesday, May 2nd. This was our last Lunch For-a-Buck of the 2022-2023 school year. Jan Blaaisdell and Kathryn Sargent prepared and served a delicious meal of chicken jambalaya, cheese & onion enchiladas, corn muffins, Italian bread and homemade cake to 32 hungry lunch goers on this beautiful spring day. They also collected $24.50 in donations that will help us fund the continued purchase of the lettuce salad, beverages and table supplies for future lunches. Students looked forward to these weekly hot lunches all year long to help them get through the day. Thank you for your generosity and ongoing support of the students and our ministry at Crossroads. We look forward to seeing you during the 2023-2024 school year.

Crossroads Campus Ministry

On Sunday Bethlehem was presented with the inaugural Kato Sleep Out Trophy for being the single largest donor to the Connections Sleep Out fundraiser.

This Week In Our Prayers

Curt Halvorson Brenda Goetsch Marian Mallory

Pete Wachtel Laurie Bentdahl Carol Peterson

Cherryl Eigen Bonnie Torgerson Lorenzo Blaisdell

Sarah Nelson Bev Alley Kelli Woelfel Ron Hawker

Pastor Don Roberts, Bonnie, and his caregivers

The family and friends of Amos Forseth

The family and friends of Judy Backstrom

LECTIONARY May 10: John 14:1-14 May 14:John 14:15-21