BLC Weekly, May 22
Hello Bethlehem,
Yesterday we were blessed to celebrate Werner Fick and the over 100,000 school kits he has helped to create for Lutheran World Relief. Rev. Lisa Kipp presented Werner with a certificate for this impressive ministry milestone. Congratulations, Werner!
There are still several donation times open for our Blood Drive happening this Thursday, May 25 in Grounds for Joy. Donors will receive a full-size microfiber American Red Cross towel! Register here to give blood and save lives!
If you are on the worship volunteer schedule, you should have received a copy in the mail. The schedule is also available online. Please contact the office if you notice any changes need to be made, or if you are interested in volunteering. We are in particular need of Sunday morning coffee servers, and we are beginning to train volunteers to help the slideshow/livestream going forward. Training is available, contact the office if interested. (507) 388-2925.
Our Flamingo Flocking Fundraiser is all full! Thank you for your amazing support of our youth trip to Montana this summer. The flock will continue to fly until mid-June so keep an eye on your yard!
The VBS Registration and Volunteer forms are live! Head to our website to register children ages 3 years to 6th grade or to volunteer as a youth or adult. Check out the donation tree in the narthex to help provide supplies for Vacation Bible School!
Home Care for Pr. Don: Bethlehem has been caring for and supporting Pastor Don and Bonnie Roberts since he was diagnosed with ALS in 1995, and now the Roberts need our help. Are you interested in helping with Pastor Don's home care? If you have experience as a caregiver, a good heart, and a willingness to learn, you are needed, as they are looking for more caregivers to round out their team. Let Pr. Don and Bonnie know if you can help! Connect with the Roberts by emailing
Congratulations to our graduating seniors! It was a blessing to celebrate with you on Sunday.
FLIGHT event: Join us for a School's Out Party on Friday, June 9, at Wheeler Park. There will be water games, food and fun!
Our May Monthly Mission is Global Health Ministries. Bethlehem continues to be a strong supporter of GHM through projects such as newborn kits, quilting, and other hands-on projects. GHM believes all people should have access to a healthy life and focuses on helping some of the most vulnerable people in the world through strengthening health systems, leadership, medical supplies, and grassroots efforts. Our goal is to raise $6,000 for this important ministry. You can give online or with a check to Bethlehem with GHM in the memo line.
This Week In Our Prayers
Curt Halvorson Brenda Goetsch Marian Mallory
Pete Wachtel Carol Peterson Cherryl Eigen
Lorenzo Blaisdell Bev Alley Ron Hawker Don Grotta
Pastor Don Roberts, Bonnie, and his caregivers
LECTIONARY May 28, Acts 2:1-21