June 13, 2022
We’re hiring! The position of Congregational Services Coordinator is open and accepting applications until June 24th. Read the full job description and apply on our website.
The Library Board is reinventing the library space and would like your help in reducing the amount of books. Read the blog for more information.
The Summer Organ Recital Series is back at BLC this summer. Get the full schedule on our blog, but know that our own Christine Schulz will be performing on August 9th.
Although Mankato celebrates PRIDE the second weekend in September, we should celebrate our LGBTQIA+ siblings all year-round. If you have questions about what it means to be an open and affirming church (all questions are valid!), please contact the Welcome and Inclusion Board. Contact info can be obtained from the church office.
For the remainder of the summer, Wednesday night worship will not be held. We will resume in the fall. If you can’t make it on Sundays, please consider watching the recording on Facebook or YouTube.
Four dates this season our radio broadcast will be preempted by the Twins early start. On these days, our radio playback will be at 5pm instead of 11am. June 5, July 24, Sept. 18, Oct. 2
The June Mission Partner is Lutheran World Relief. You can learn more on the blog. Or donate directly here: https://blcmankato.breezechms.com/give/online
Are you a member of our Facebook group? We post needs, news, and other fun things there, and you're encouraged to share as well. Check it out: https://www.facebook.com/groups/blcfam
News & Updates: https://www.blcmankato.org/news-updates
Church Calendar: https://www.blcmankato.org/calendar
"Every person supports a cause. It may not be our cause, but that's OK. See what's going on in your church and in your community and get involved with something that touches your heart. Think about it, pray about it and then just do it. Live beyond yourself." --Living Lutheran, Sept. 2021
"Bethlehem is an inviting community that is growing in Christ, loving our neighbors, and serving God's world."