Growing in Christ, Loving our Neighbors, Serving God's world.

the BLC blog

news & updates

Weekly Email, May 9

May 9, 2022

We are pleased to share the excitement at First Presbyterian and their new organ. We know we have the best organist around in Christine Schulz, so of course they’ve asked her to be a part of their concert. This will be a lovely way to spend a Sunday afternoon. 


We are sad to report there are four funerals at the church this week, each at 11am: 

Wednesday, May 11: Lowell Carpenter

Thursday, May 12: Betty Warnke

Friday, May 13: Lavon Mutch

Saturday, May 14: Kathy Yale

Our sincerest condolences to all of their families. 


REMINDER: Starting this week and for the remainder of the summer, Wednesday night worship will be held in the chapel and will not be livestreamed. The time remains 6:15pm. 


Town Hall, Sunday, May 15 in the Heritage Room after worship, hosted by the Call Committee and Pastor Barb Streed, Assistant to the Bishop for Call Process and Congregation Care in the SEMN Synod. This is the congregation's opportunity to affirm the Ministry Site Profile (snapshot of our congregation) compiled by the Call Committee before it is submitted to the Office of the Bishop as part of the call process.


The Strategic Planning Team will host a gathering following worship on May 22 in Grounds for Joy so you can find out more about how you can be part of where the holy Spirit is leading us ahead. 


Calling all gardeners! There are still plots available in the Bethlehem Community Garden (located at the west end of the building in the REACH garden area). Garden plots are free of charge. Gardeners are responsible for planting, weeding, watering, and cleaning up their own plots in the fall. Plots will be assigned on a first come, first serve basis. Please contact Sarah Morgan @ 641-430-9353 or Jack Morgan @ 507-327-9120 if interested.


The mask requirement has been lifted at church. You can read Pr. Jay’s statement on the blog. 


The May Mission Partner is Open Door Health Center. You can learn more on the blog.  Donate here.


Are you a member of our Facebook group? We post needs, news, and other fun things there, and you're encouraged to share as well. Check it out:


News & Updates:

Church Calendar:
"Every person supports a cause. It may not be our cause, but that's OK. See what's going on in your church and in your community and get involved with something that touches your heart. Think about it, pray about it and then just do it. Live beyond yourself." --Living Lutheran, Sept. 2021

"Bethlehem is an inviting community that is growing in Christ, loving our neighbors, and serving God's world."