Growing in Christ, Loving our Neighbors, Serving God's world.

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Weekly Email, May 23

May 23, 2022

Congratulations to the 15 undergraduate college students who applied for a scholarship from Bethlehem's Endowment Fund this year! Scholarships will be presented on Sunday, June 5 at the beginning of the 9:30 worship service. Students and parents will be invited to the front of the sanctuary.



The Brother/Sister program creates a unique bridge connecting caring adult mentors to youth. Mentors help youth increase their self-confidence, social and communication skills, positive behaviors and help improve relationships at home, school and within the community.

Making a positive difference in the life of a kid who needs it. That’s the role – and reward – of the Brother/Sister volunteer.


We’re looking for people 18 or older who have a clean driving record, valid car insurance and no criminal record.

We also ask for:

A nine-month minimum commitment to the program

Keeping regular meetings with the youth (about once a week for two to three hours)

Demonstrating values of caring, honesty, respect and responsibility

Sharing skills, time and interests with youth

Communicating with the program staff monthly

Sharing relationship accomplishments and concerns with parent(s)

Sharing in costs of weekly outings with the youth

Help choose fun activities

More information can be found at: or contact: Allison Braswell at or 507-386-2705


Green Lake needs staff! If you know someone, please refer them for a $1,000 bonus for you or the church! Flyers with more details can be found on the Welcome Desk or visit


From the ELCA: What is important to you when you think about government? What about how the church and the state relate to each other?

A task force is at work on a new social statement about civics and faith, and it wants to hear from you.(Click to learn more.) This social statement was requested by the 2019 ELCA Churchwide Assembly. A key piece of this process is hearing from ELCA members about their priorities and perspectives.

Social statements establish the basis for the ELCA’s public voice and policy decisions. They also serve as a teaching tool to help people discern and discuss their views on an issue.

This month you can connect directly with the task force to let them know what’s important to you!

Join members of the ELCA social statement task force for an ELCA-wide virtual listening event. The event will introduce what social statements are and how they’re developed. Then, participants will have a chance to share with task force members directly in breakout groups. The main questions will be:

  • What themes, ideas or topics do you think the task force needs to talk about or consider for the social statement?

  • What is important for the task force to consider in creating an effective social statement?

There are two opportunities to participate: Tuesday, May 24, 7-8:15 p.m. or Wednesday, May 25, 7-8:15 p.m. Click here to register. 



  • For the remainder of the summer, Wednesday night worship will not be held. We will resume in the fall. If you can’t make it on Sundays, please consider watching the recording on Facebook or YouTube. 

  • Four dates this season our radio broadcast will be preempted by the Twins early start. On these days, our radio playback will be at 5pm instead of 11am. 


The May Mission Partner is Open Door Health Center. You can learn more on the blog.  Donate here.


Are you a member of our Facebook group? We post needs, news, and other fun things there, and you're encouraged to share as well. Check it out:


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"Every person supports a cause. It may not be our cause, but that's OK. See what's going on in your church and in your community and get involved with something that touches your heart. Think about it, pray about it and then just do it. Live beyond yourself." --Living Lutheran, Sept. 2021

"Bethlehem is an inviting community that is growing in Christ, loving our neighbors, and serving God's world."