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April's Monthly Mission: Global Health Ministries

“If you satisfy the needs of the afflicted … you shall be like a watered garden, like a spring of water whose waters never fail.”

— Isaiah 58: 10 – 11

Global Health Ministries (GHM) is an independent Lutheran nonprofit, a resource to international church partners and also to congregations across the U.S.  GHM focuses on strengthening health systems through three integrated strategies: Leadership, Medical Supplies, and Grassroots Efforts.  GHM has partnered for decades in resource-poor settings and these deep relationships are one of their core competencies.  

Hands-on projects are a meaningful way to support GHM’s mission and make a difference in the world. By gathering needed items and  assembling into kits you can help the hands that heal in a very real, immediate way. 

GHM’s hands-on projects are touching the lives of thousands of people around the world. In 2019, more than 10,000 moms received the gift of a Newborn Kit, and almost 6,000 more received a baby hat sent by GHM to partner health systems overseas. More than 5,000 people were comforted by the compassion that goes into every Hospice Kit, and 5,000 more by the mission quilts and blankets GHM sent to waiting partners in 2019. 

Bethlehem has been a wonderful supporter of these hands on projects over the years, a special thanks to Tom and Betty Sanger who kept this project going for years!  Due to COVID, last year we were not able to coordinate this project but the Mission Board hopes to revitalize this project this year.  You can participate by either donating any of the items needed for kits or by putting your own kit or kits together.   Wouldn’t this make a great family project to celebrate Easter?  Any donations are greatly appreciated!  Also, if you happen to have any medical equipment that is in good shape that you are willing to donate, these  items are welcome as well!  A collection box will be in the narthex to collect all individual items and kits.  

Items needed for newborn kits: 1 regular-size bath towel (approx.. 52’ long), 1 washcloth (not microfiber), 1 bath-size bar white Ivory soap in original packaging, 1 newborn cotton t-shirt or “onsie” Size 0-3 or newborn, 1 newborn stocking hat (small size, a newborn’s head is about 14’ circumference), 1 baby receiving blanket (approx.. 30” x  30”) cotton or light flannel, 2 cloth diapers, 2 diaper pins.  Directions for kit   1. Lay items on the towel and fold towel to enclose everything inside 2. Tie your bundle securely with twine, ribbon or rolled bandage.  Or wrap your bundle in a pillowcase, fold over the extra fabric and tie.  The pillowcase helps protect the kit during shipping and becomes an extra gift! 3. Please mark the completed kits “Newborn Kits”

One Hospice Kit contains these items: • 1 regular-size bath towel (approx. 52” long), new or gently used • 1 washcloth, new or gently used (not microfiber) • 1 bath-size bar unscented soap Such as Dove Unscented for Sensitive Skin, in original packaging • 1 toothbrush In original, individual packaging • 1 pick-style comb • 1 nail clipper Larger size preferred • 6 Band-Aids, rubber-banded together • 1 jar or tube of pure petroleum jelly Approx. 4 ounces, lid taped • 1 pair heavy-duty household gloves Kitchen type, size medium 1. Lay items on the towel and fold towel to enclose everything inside. 2. Tie your bundle securely with twine, ribbon, even a rolled bandage. Or, wrap your bundle in a pillowcase, fold over the extra fabric and tie as above. The pillowcase helps protect the kit during shipping, and becomes an extra gift! 3. Please mark the box or bag of completed kits “Hospice Kits.”

For more information please visit  or better yet, attend the virtual GHM presentation on April 14!