Growing in Christ, Loving our Neighbors, Serving God's world.

the BLC blog

news & updates

Weekly Email, Mar. 29

March 29, 2021

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On Palm Sunday yesterday, FFF Director Anna set up a ten-station activity highlighting the Emotions of Holy Week, each with its own color, reading, and body pose. After each station, the kids would put a layer of colored sand in their clear cross vessel, displaying and remembering each emotion. Because they are kids and because it was colder than expected, unexpected tumbles to the ground, large gusts of wind, and well-meaning little siblings caused many a cross vessel's sand to get jumbled. "Oh, no!" one kid would cry, while another one forcefully shook theirs on purpose. Adults responded with, "That's okay, it still looks pretty," or "Uh-oh! Let's be more careful!" Then one parent said, "That's okay; emotions ARE all mixed up, especially in Holy Week. It's more accurate that way."

After such a year as this, our emotions are completely jumbled. It might still feel hard to celebrate. You might feel more connected to your faith on Friday this year than on Sunday. That's okay. First the crucifixion, then the resurrection. All of your emotions surrounding both are valid and welcome. We hope you'll join us in-person or online. Sharing our emotions helps us magnify them, both the good and difficult.

Easter flowers! DEADLINE IS WEDNESDAY, MARCH 31. We are changing things up this year to accommodate a low-contact environment at the church. We are accepting donations to fill the church with flowers, but they will not be available for pick-up on Easter Sunday. You can use the forms in the pews if you are joining us in person, or use this form to give online.

We're hiring! Applications are now being accepted from BLC members for a LIGHT/NightLIGHT Coordinator position. Details and application here.

The Semi-Annual Meeting is April 18th at 10:45. Learn more.

April Adult Forums have been scheduled. Please check out the website for details.

Online Synod Assembly Needs Delegates on May 8th from 8-3:30. Sound interesting? Deadline is THIS THURSDAY. Find out how to volunteer here.

High School Seniors and current college undergrad students, the Endowment Fund Scholarship Application is now available!

Our new website and church management system, Breeze, offers so many exciting ways we can streamline our communication with you. Using Breeze to send you weekly updates is one of the ways we can keep our email list consistent and accurate (it also saves time and money!).

Additionally, our new website features a "News & Updates" blog, which you can follow right from the home page ( By including all the details there, you can easily reference it at any time.

News & Updates:

The website also integrates the Events Calendar from Breeze. You can view the calendar and event descriptions on the website, but you can also check into worship and register for events by using your own Breeze account (don't have one yet? Contact Emily in the office).

Church Calendar:

"Bethlehem is an inviting community that is growing in Christ, loving our neighbors, and serving God's world." (507) 388-2925
Bethlehem Lutheran Church
720 S. 2nd St. Mankato MN 56001
A Reconciling in Christ Congregation

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