Hello Bethlehem,
They saved the best for last! Don’t miss Bethlehem’s own, Christine Schulz, at her Summer Organ Recital this Tuesday, August 13. Music begins at 12:10pm in the sanctuary.
Family faith formation
This week! Let the games begin! All families with kiddos ages 3 years - 6th grade are invited to the BLC Olympics.
Please register by this Wednesday to attend! BLC Youth are invited to join us at ValleyFair on August 21. Registration is now open!
Our next Red Cross Blood Drive will be held on August 20 from 12-6pm in Grounds for Joy. Sign up online and save lives!
The Greater Mankato Diversity Council is hosting a Voter Registration Event on Saturday, September 21st, from 12:00 pm to 2:00 pm at the 127 S 2nd St Shared Spaces location. “Our goal is to make voter registration accessible to all eligible community members and ensure they are empowered to participate in the upcoming elections.” Contact GMDC if you are interested in volunteering at this event!
In lieu of a September Bethlehem Star, look for the Fall Catalog heading to your mailbox soon!
Holy Grounds Needs You Holy Grounds is an ecumenical, community-based breakfast program located in downtown Mankato at Centenary Methodist Church. We serve approximately 100 meals six days each week (Monday through Saturday), between 9:00 and 10:00 AM. Our guests are among the most vulnerable in our community - folks that lack housing, folks without enough funds to make it to the end of the month, folks struggling with addiction, and folks who feel alone and isolated. It was started 15 years ago by a gentleman who wanted to meet the church’s downtown neighbors. However, without enough volunteers it would all grind to a halt. If you have 90 minutes available, once a week (8:45 - 10:15 AM), please consider giving it a try. You can sign-up by going to the Holy Grounds home page (https://www.mankatocentenary.org/holy-grounds), and clicking on the volunteer link. Come and join our small, but mighty group of dedicated servants.
Monthly Mission
Bethlehem’s August Monthly Mission partner is Crossroads Campus Ministry. Led by Pastor Jenna Couch, Crossroads is “Welcoming of all people of good will, no exceptions.” Campus Cupboard provides food support to students in need and Lunch-for-a-Buck provides an affordable weekly meal during the school year. Our goal is $1,000. You can give online or drop off a check written out to Bethlehem with the memo line: Monthly Mission, Crossroads Campus Ministry. Thank you for giving generously.
Monthly Mission Match! BLC Endowment is currently matching your monthly mission contributions $1 for $1 for the rest of the summer! Designate a special gift to Bethlehem for any or all of these projects and the Endowment Fund will double it!
This Week in our Prayers
Curt Halvorson Marian Mallory Pete Wachtel
Les Biesterfeld Anna Moses Jim Freyberg
Barb Girtz Mark Woelfel Tracy Carter
Amy Grams Haugesag Jane Sletta Nick Frederick Fran Jurs
Grand Meadow Lutheran in Grand Meadow Gloria Dei Lutheran in Rochester
Zion Lutheran in Lake Crystal St. John Lutheran in Mapleton
Mazoezi Maluga Lutheran in Tanzania
CELCO (Colegio de la Evangelica Luterana de Colombia) in Paz de Ariporo