Growing in Christ, Loving our Neighbors, Serving God's world.

the BLC blog

news & updates

BLC Weekly, August 12

Hello Bethlehem,

They saved the best for last! Don’t miss Bethlehem’s own, Christine Schulz, at her Summer Organ Recital this Tuesday, August 13. Music begins at 12:10pm in the sanctuary.

Family faith formation

This week! Let the games begin! All families with kiddos ages 3 years - 6th grade are invited to the BLC Olympics.

Please register by this Wednesday to attend! BLC Youth are invited to join us at ValleyFair on August 21. Registration is now open! 


  • Our next Red Cross Blood Drive will be held on August 20 from 12-6pm in Grounds for Joy. Sign up online and save lives! 

  • The Greater Mankato Diversity Council is hosting a Voter Registration Event on Saturday, September 21st, from 12:00 pm to 2:00 pm at the 127 S 2nd St Shared Spaces location. “Our goal is to make voter registration accessible to all eligible community members and ensure they are empowered to participate in the upcoming elections.” Contact GMDC if you are interested in volunteering at this event! 

  • In lieu of a September Bethlehem Star, look for the Fall Catalog heading to your mailbox soon!

  • Holy Grounds Needs You Holy Grounds is an ecumenical, community-based breakfast program located in downtown Mankato at Centenary Methodist Church. We serve approximately 100 meals six days each week (Monday through Saturday), between 9:00 and 10:00 AM. Our guests are among the most vulnerable in our community - folks that lack housing, folks without enough funds to make it to the end of the month, folks struggling with addiction, and folks who feel alone and isolated. It was started 15 years ago by a gentleman who wanted to meet the church’s downtown neighbors. However, without enough volunteers it would all grind to a halt. If you have 90 minutes available, once a week (8:45 - 10:15 AM), please consider giving it a try. You can sign-up by going to the Holy Grounds home page (, and clicking on the volunteer link. Come and join our small, but mighty group of dedicated servants. 

Monthly Mission

Bethlehem’s August Monthly Mission partner is Crossroads Campus Ministry. Led by Pastor Jenna Couch, Crossroads is “Welcoming of all people of good will, no exceptions.” Campus Cupboard provides food support to students in need and Lunch-for-a-Buck provides an affordable weekly meal during the school year. Our goal is $1,000. You can give online or drop off a check written out to Bethlehem with the memo line: Monthly Mission, Crossroads Campus Ministry. Thank you for giving generously. 

Monthly Mission Match! BLC Endowment is currently matching your monthly mission contributions $1 for $1 for the rest of the summer! Designate a special gift to Bethlehem for any or all of these projects and the Endowment Fund will double it!

This Week in our Prayers

Curt Halvorson Marian Mallory Pete Wachtel

Les Biesterfeld Anna Moses Jim Freyberg

Barb Girtz Mark Woelfel Tracy Carter

Amy Grams Haugesag Jane Sletta Nick Frederick Fran Jurs

Grand Meadow Lutheran in Grand Meadow Gloria Dei Lutheran in Rochester

Zion Lutheran in Lake Crystal St. John Lutheran in Mapleton

Mazoezi Maluga Lutheran in Tanzania

CELCO (Colegio de la Evangelica Luterana de Colombia) in Paz de Ariporo

Lectionary Readings

August 18, John 6:51-58

August 25, John 6:56-69

Bethlehem LutheranComment
BLC Weekly, August 5

Hello Bethlehem,

Welcome back BLC Green Lake Campers! Pastor Jacie, FFF Director Anna Wencl and the BLC Youth have returned from the Shores of St. Andrew. We’re happy to hear it was a fun and memorable week!

Congratulations Elizabeth Ruiz

Our Financial Secretary, Elizabeth Ruiz, will celebrate 25 years of faithful service to Bethlehem this week. Elizabeth began her employment with us on August 8, 1999. 

We are grateful for her many years of financial expertise in serving us through 3 capital campaigns, 25 years of annual fund pledge campaigns and budget preparation as well as essential bookkeeping associated with monthly income and expenses. Her dedication to excellence in her work and to financial integrity have provided a solid foundation for our church in advancing our ministry and mission. We appreciate her positive spirit, warm smile and great sense of humor! What a blessing Elizabeth has been to Bethlehem! Thank you for all you do!

Family faith formation

BLC Youth are invited to join us at ValleyFair on August 21. Registration is now open! 

Let the games begin! All families with kiddos ages 3 years - 6th grade are invited to the BLC Olympics.


Our next Red Cross Blood Drive will be held on August 20 from 12-6pm in Grounds for Joy. Sign up online and save lives! 

Summer Organ Recitals continue at Bethlehem! Recitals will take place Tuesdays at 12:10pm in the sanctuary, July 16 through August 13. Upcoming recitals: 

  • August 6 - Kraig Windschitl    

  • August 13 - Christine Schulz

Holy Grounds Needs You

Holy Grounds is an ecumenical, community-based breakfast program located in downtown Mankato at Centenary Methodist Church. We serve approximately 100 meals six days each week (Monday through Saturday), between 9:00 and 10:00 AM. Our guests are among the most vulnerable in our community - folks that lack housing, folks without enough funds to make it to the end of the month, folks struggling with addiction, and folks who feel alone and isolated. It was started 15 years ago by a gentleman who wanted to meet the church’s downtown neighbors.

However, without enough volunteers it would all grind to a halt. If you have 90 minutes available, once a week (8:45 - 10:15 AM), please consider giving it a try. You can sign-up by going to the Holy Grounds home page (, and clicking on the volunteer link. Come and join our small, but mighty group of dedicated servants. 

Monthly Mission

Bethlehem’s August Monthly Mission partner is Crossroads Campus Ministry. Led by Pastor Jenna Couch, Crossroads is “Welcoming of all people of good will, no exceptions.” Campus Cupboard provides food support to students in need and Lunch-for-a-Buck provides an affordable weekly meal during the school year. Our goal is $1,000. You can give online or drop off a check written out to Bethlehem with the memo line: Monthly Mission, Crossroads Campus Ministry. Thank you for giving generously. 

Our July goal was to raise $1,300 for Partners for Housing. Together, we surpassed our goal and raised $1,404! In addition, Endowment will be doubling that total. Great work, Bethlehem! 

Monthly Mission Match! BLC Endowment is currently matching your monthly mission contributions $1 for $1 for the rest of the summer! Designate a special gift to Bethlehem for any or all of these projects and the Endowment Fund will double it!

This Week in our Prayers

Curt Halvorson Marian Mallory Pete Wachtel

Les Biesterfeld Anna Moses Jim Freyberg

Barb Girtz Mark Woelfel Tracy Carter

Amy Grams Haugesag Jane Sletta Nick Frederick

Red Oak Grove Lutheran in Austin Hayward Lutheran in Hayward

Mabel First Lutheran in Mabel Solo Por Fe Lutheran in Colombia

Emanuel Cathedral Lutheran in Tanzania Casa La Paz in Medellin, Colombia

Lectionary Readings

August 11, John 6:35, 41-51

August 18, John 6:51-58

BLC Weekly, July 29

Hello Bethlehem,

We had an awesome week at VBS! Together the kiddos learned about living fully in Christ, in mind, body, spirit and fellowship. Thank you to all volunteers, donors and helpers who made this week so special! 

Now, BLC Campers are off to Green Lake! We pray our youth and chaperones have a great week of fun and fellowship.

Family faith formation

BLC Youth are invited to join us at ValleyFair on August 21. Registration is now open! 

Let the games begin! All families with kiddos ages 3 years - 6th grade are invited to the BLC Olympics.


Worship Technology Volunteers wanted! We are looking for folks interested in operating the worship livestream and slideshow. Basic computer skills will get you by, and we will train you! Contact Molly Nelson if interested:

Holy Grounds Needs You

Holy Grounds is an ecumenical, community-based breakfast program located in downtown Mankato at Centenary Methodist Church. We serve approximately 100 meals six days each week (Monday through Saturday), between 9:00 and 10:00 AM. Our guests are among the most vulnerable in our community - folks that lack housing, folks without enough funds to make it to the end of the month, folks struggling with addiction, and folks who feel alone and isolated. It was started 15 years ago by a gentleman who wanted to meet the church’s downtown neighbors.

However, without enough volunteers it would all grind to a halt. If you have 90 minutes available, once a week (8:45 - 10:15 AM), please consider giving it a try. You can sign-up by going to the Holy Grounds home page (, and clicking on the volunteer link. Come and join our small, but mighty group of dedicated servants. 

Summer Organ Recitals continue at Bethlehem! Recitals will take place Tuesdays at 12:10pm in the sanctuary, July 16 through August 13. Upcoming recitals: 

  • ​July 30 -  John Stender   

  • August 6 - Kraig Windschitl    

  • August 13 - Christine Schulz

Monthly Mission

Bethlehem’s July Monthly Mission partner is Partners for Housing. For 40 years Partners for Housing has worked to support stable permanent housing for those in need. Blue Earth County has been labeled a “severe cost-burdened county” meaning many in our area spend more than 50% of their household income on housing. Partners for Housing provides emergency shelter and offers affordable transitional and permanent housing, as well as case management and other support services. Our giving goal is $1,300. You can give online or drop off a check written out to Bethlehem with the memo line: Monthly Mission, Partners for Housing. Thank you for giving generously. 

Monthly Mission Match! BLC Endowment is currently matching your monthly mission contributions $1 for $1 for the rest of the summer! Designate a special gift to Bethlehem for any or all of these projects and the Endowment Fund will double it!

This Week in our Prayers

Curt Halvorson Marian Mallory Pete Wachtel

Les Biesterfeld Anna Moses Jim Freyberg

Barb Girtz Mark Woelfel Tracy Carter Amy Grams Haugesag

The families & friends of Allan Asleson and Jane Johnson

Shiloh Lutheran in Elmore Grace Lutheran in Nerstrand

Principe de Paz Lutheran in Colombia Merya Lutheran in Tanzania

Lectionary Readings

August 4, John 6:24-35

August 11, John 6:35, 41-51

BLC Weekly, July 22

Hello Bethlehem,

It’s VBS week! Our theme this year is Wholly Holy and together we will remember Jesus’ words from John 10:10b, “I came so everyone would have life, and have it fully.” We will learn about wellness and our connection to God. We pray for a fun, safe and blessed week of learning and growing together. 

Family faith formation

BLC Youth are invited to join us at ValleyFair on August 21. Registration is now open! 

Welcome back to the youth and chaperones who attended the ELCA Youth Gathering in New Orleans! Check out some of the photos from their trip.

Sacred Sites Tour: Friday, August 16, 10am-2:00pm in St. Paul

Messiah Lutheran Church has been working with the Minnesota Council of Churches to arrange a Sacred Sites Tour through MCC's Healing Minnesota Stories initiative. "Healing Minnesota Stories is an effort to create understanding and healing between Native American and non-Native people, particularly those in various faith communities." The Sacred Sites Tour is a powerful and important "opportunity to learn about Minnesota history from a Native perspective through story-telling and experiencing the sites in silence / meditation / reflection." All are welcome!

If carpooling from Mankato, meet at Messiah Lutheran Church at 8:00am. (1706 Lee Blvd, North Mankato, MN 56003)


Tours are led by Rev. Jim Bear Jacobs (Mohican) and Kelly Sherman Conroy (Oglala Lakota). The whole tour is outdoors and can be fully accessible. We ask that participants bring along a camping or folding chair as not all of our sites have places to sit. We do not set aside time for lunch so please bring water or snacks to meet your needs. Total cost will be determined by the number of people attending. Estimated cost is $30-45. Payment will be due at the time of the tour.

To sign up, use this Google Form or contact Briana Parr-Baker at or 320-905-4442.


We have successfully completed the NEXTREX Recycling Challenge! Please note the collection bins will be returned this week, so please take your future plastic recycling to other NEXTREX recycling collection locations in town, including Cub Foods and HyVee. Thank you for your awesome support! 

Summer Organ Recitals are returning to Bethlehem! Recitals will take place Tuesdays at 12:10pm in the sanctuary, July 16 through August 13. 

  • July 16 -   Thomas Andrews 

  • July 23 -  Kaleb Schmidt  

  • ​July 30 -  John Stender   

  • August 6 - Kraig Windschitl    

  • August 13 - Christine Schulz 

The 2nd Annual Women’s Event is scheduled for November 9th. We want your group to join in the fun at a tour of tables! This year’s theme is Warm your Heart with Plaid! Be creative and advertise your group.

  • Bring a plaid tablecloth 

  • Decorate the table with a centerpiece celebrating your group

  • Plates/napkins are provided but optional to bring if your group has something in mind!

Interested? Contact Joy Dykema,

Monthly Mission

Bethlehem’s July Monthly Mission partner is Partners for Housing. For 40 years Partners for Housing has worked to support stable permanent housing for those in need. Blue Earth County has been labeled a “severe cost-burdened county” meaning many in our area spend more than 50% of their household income on housing. Partners for Housing provides emergency shelter and offers affordable transitional and permanent housing, as well as case management and other support services. Our giving goal is $1,300. You can give online or drop off a check written out to Bethlehem with the memo line: Monthly Mission, Partners for Housing. Thank you for giving generously. 

Monthly Mission Match! BLC Endowment is currently matching your monthly mission contributions $1 for $1 for the rest of the summer! Designate a special gift to Bethlehem for any or all of these projects and the Endowment Fund will double it!

This Week in our Prayers

Curt Halvorson Marian Mallory Pete Wachtel

Les Biesterfeld Anna Moses Jim Freyberg

Barb Girtz Mark Woelfel Tracy Carter Amy Grams Haugesag

The family & friends of Allan Asleson

Good Shepherd Lutheran in Wells Faith Lutheran in Dodge Center

Our Savior’s Lutheran in Owatonna Misigiri Lutheran in Tanzania

San Jose de Leon in Colombia Mazoezi Minyughe Lutheran in Tanzania

Lectionary Readings

July 28, John 6:1-21

August 4, John 6:24-35

BLC Weekly, July 15

Hello Bethlehem,

And they’re off! BLC Youth and chaperones left yesterday for New Orleans. We pray they have a safe, blessed and fun week at the ELCA Youth Gathering! If you want to follow along with their journey, check out the daily event livestream on the ELCA website.

Family faith formation

VBS is almost here! Register today for VBS! All youth ages 3 years to 6th grade are invited to join us July 22-25. Please sign up ASAP so that we can begin getting a head count. Our theme this year is Wholly Holy and together we will remember Jesus’ words from John 10:10b, “I came so everyone would have life, and have it fully.” We will learn about wellness and our connection to God. 

BLC Youth are invited to join us at ValleyFair on August 21. Registration is now open! 

Prayer Partners: pick up cards for your pen pal at the Welcome Kiosk! Contact Anna Wencl with any questions.

The 2nd Annual Women’s Event is scheduled for November 9th. We want your group to join in the fun at a tour of tables! This year’s theme is Warm your Heart with Plaid! Be creative and advertise your group.

  • Bring a plaid tablecloth 

  • Decorate the table with a centerpiece celebrating your group

  • Plates/napkins are provided but optional to bring if your group has something in mind!

Interested? Contact Joy Dykema,

Worship Technology Volunteers wanted! We are looking for folks interested in operating the worship livestream and slideshow. Basic computer skills will get you by, and we will train you! Contact Molly Nelson if interested:


We have successfully completed the NEXTREX Recycling Challenge! Please note the collection bins will be returned this week, so please take your future plastic recycling to other NEXTREX recycling collection locations in town, including Cub Foods and HyVee. Thank you for your awesome support! 

Summer Organ Recitals are returning to Bethlehem! Recitals will take place Tuesdays at 12:10pm in the sanctuary, July 16 through August 13. 

  • July 16 -   Thomas Andrews 

  • July 23 -  Kaleb Schmidt  

  • ​July 30 -  John Stender   

  • August 6 - Kraig Windschitl    

  • August 13 - Christine Schulz 

YOU’re Invited

  • NicBluCares will host a Caring Circle centered on grief and loss this evening at 6pm in Grounds for Joy. 

  • The Lincoln Park Neighborhood Association meets this evening, July 15, at 6:30pm in the Heritage Room. BLC members are welcome to attend. 

  • Summer organ recitals at Bethlehem begin this week! Catch Thomas Andrews this Tuesday at 12:10pm in the sanctuary. 

  • Deborah Circle invites you to their Summer Bible Study! Join them this Saturday, July 20, at 10am in Grounds for Joy. Copies of the study will be available for any who don’t have a subscription to Gather magazine. All are welcome, we hope to see you there!

  • Retirement Party for Simon Hernandez! Saturday, July 27th from 1PM - 4PM at the Mapleton Leisure Center 304 2nd Ave NE, Mapleton, MN 56065. The family invites BLC members to come and celebrate this milestone with Simon!

Monthly Mission

Bethlehem’s July Monthly Mission partner is Partners for Housing. For 40 years Partners for Housing has worked to support stable permanent housing for those in need. Blue Earth County has been labeled a “severe cost-burdened county” meaning many in our area spend more than 50% of their household income on housing. Partners for Housing provides emergency shelter and offers affordable transitional and permanent housing, as well as case management and other support services. Our giving goal is $1,300. You can give online or drop off a check written out to Bethlehem with the memo line: Monthly Mission, Partners for Housing. Thank you for giving generously. 

Monthly Mission Match! BLC Endowment is currently matching your monthly mission contributions $1 for $1 for the rest of the summer! Designate a special gift to Bethlehem for any or all of these projects and the Endowment Fund will double it!

This Week in our Prayers

Curt Halvorson Marian Mallory Pete Wachtel

Les Biesterfeld Anna Moses Jim Freyberg

Barb Girtz Mark Woelfel Tracy Carter

Amy Grams Haugesag Michael Buesing Anne Ferris

Nancy Bartell The Kunkel family

The family & friends of Allan Asleson

Trinity Lutheran in Hayfield Bethlehem Lutheran in Lanesboro

Our Savior’s Lutheran in Cleveland Amani Lutheran in Tanzania

Mampanta Lutheran in Tanzania Puma Lutheran in Tanzania

Lectionary Readings

July 21, Mark 6:30-34, 53-56

July 28, John 6:1-21

BLC Weekly, July 8

Hello Bethlehem,

Register today for VBS! All youth ages 3 years to 6th grade are invited to join us July 22-25. Please sign up ASAP so that we can begin getting a head count. Our theme this year is Wholly Holy and together we will remember Jesus’ words from John 10:10b, “I came so everyone would have life, and have it fully.” We will learn about wellness and our connection to God. Interested in volunteering with VBS? Check out some volunteer and donation opportunities: 

  • Youth and adult VBS volunteers can use this form. 

  • The Wish Tree is up in the narthex! Stop by and see if you’d like to donate something we need. Please drop off donations ASAP so we can start preparations. 

  • If your board or committee would like to sponsor a meal that week, please contact Kaitlin Carter or Anna Wencl for more details. We need sponsors, servers, and cleanup crew.

Family faith formation

Mark your calendar: we’re going to ValleyFair! BLC Youth are invited to join us at ValleyFair on August 21. Keep an eye out for more details! 

Youth Gathering Prayer Partners: pick up cards for your pen pal at the Welcome Kiosk! Contact Anna Wencl with any questions. 

The 2nd Annual Women’s Event is scheduled for November 9th. We want your group to join in the fun at a tour of tables! This year’s theme is Warm your Heart with Plaid! Be creative and advertise your group.

  • Bring a plaid tablecloth 

  • Decorate the table with a centerpiece celebrating your group

  • Plates/napkins are provided but optional to bring if your group has something in mind!

Interested? Contact Joy Dykema,

Worship Technology Volunteers wanted! We are looking for folks interested in operating the worship livestream and slideshow. Basic computer skills will get you by, and we will train you! Contact Molly Nelson if interested:


NEXTREX Recycling Challenge Update: Bethlehem joined the NexTrex Recycling Challenge in March. We had 365 days to collect 1,000 lbs of plastic bags and we are thrilled to share that we have already almost met that goal! The receptacle will remain in the library area for a limited time. If you’d like to continue to donate plastic in the future, you can take bags directly to NexTrex recycling locations here in town, including HyVee. Thank you so much for your support!

Summer Organ Recitals are returning to Bethlehem! Recitals will take place Tuesdays at 12:10pm in the sanctuary, July 16 through August 13. 

  • July 16 -   Thomas Andrews 

  • July 23 -  Kaleb Schmidt  

  • ​July 30 -  John Stender   

  • August 6 - Kraig Windschitl    

  • August 13 - Christine Schulz 

Monthly Mission

Monthly Mission Match! BLC Endowment will match your contributions $1 for $1 for the next four Monthly Mission Projects inlcuding: July: Partners for Housing and August: Crossroads Campus Ministry. Designate a special gift to Bethlehem for any or all of these projects and the Endowment Fund will double it!

Bethlehem’s July Monthly Mission partner is Partners for Housing. For 40 years Partners for Housing has worked to support stable permanent housing for those in need. Blue Earth County has been labeled a “severe cost-burdened county” meaning many in our area spend more than 50% of their household income on housing. Partners for Housing provides emergency shelter and offers affordable transitional and permanent housing, as well as case management and other support services. Our giving goal is $1,300. You can give online or drop off a check written out to Bethlehem with the memo line: Monthly Mission, Partners for Housing. Thank you for giving generously. 

This Week in our Prayers

Curt Halvorson Marian Mallory Pete Wachtel

Les Biesterfeld Anna Moses Jim Freyberg

Barb Girtz Mark Woelfel Tracy Carter

Amy Grams Haugesag Michael Buesing Anne Ferris

Nancy Bartell The Kunkel family

Trinity Lutheran in Hayfield Bethlehem Lutheran in Lanesboro

Our Savior’s Lutheran in Cleveland Amani Lutheran in Tanzania

Mampanta Lutheran in Tanzania Puma Lutheran in Tanzania

Lectionary Readings

July 14, Mark 6:14-29

July 21, Mark 6:30-34, 53-56

BLC Weekly, July 1

Hello Bethlehem,

BLC Youth had a great week at Service & Sun! They spent Monday assembling health kits for Global Health Ministries, then set off for the Kerfoot High Ropes Adventure Course. On Tuesday they did yard work at the Harry Meyering Center before viewing Inside Out 2. On Wednesday they painted at Connections Shelter and went swimming at Spring Lake Park. Thank you to all the youth and volunteers who made this week possible! Check out the photos on our Service & Sun Facebook album. 

Family faith formation

Register today for VBS! All youth ages 3 years to 6th grade are invited to join us July 22-25. Please sign up soon so that we can begin getting a head count. Our theme this year is Wholly Holy and together we will remember Jesus’ words from John 10:10b, “I came so everyone would have life, and have it fully.” We will learn about wellness and our connection to God. Interested in volunteering with VBS? Check out options in the Volunteer Opportunities section below!

Mark your calendar: we’re going to ValleyFair! BLC Youth are invited to join us at ValleyFair on August 21. Keep an eye out for more details! 

Youth Gathering Prayer Partners: pick up cards for your pen pal at the Welcome Kiosk! Contact Anna Wencl with any questions. 

Crisis Nursery On-Call Volunteers Needed! Keeping children safe & promoting child & family well-being are the primary goals of the Crisis Nursery (CN). We provide short-term childcare when families are experiencing stress.

Lutheran Social Service of Minnesota CN volunteers answer calls during non-business hours.  Volunteers take incoming calls, listen non-judgmentally, gather data, share resource information &, when appropriate, arrange for placement with one of our foster / day care providers or childcare centers.  All contact between families & volunteers is via technology - normally phone, but sometimes text & e-mail. This volunteer position can be done from your home! 

 Volunteers need:

  • To understand & follow data privacy rules

  • Professional boundaries

  • Ability to pass a background check

  • Smartphone

  • A way to get completed forms to the family, provider & LSS (scan & e-mail, photo & text, etc.)

Contact or 507-995-9259 for more information. 

Volunteer opportunities

VBS Volunteers & Donors: 

  • Youth and adult VBS volunteers can use this form. 

  • The Wish Tree is up in the narthex! Stop by and see if you’d like to donate something we need. Please drop off donations ASAP so we can start preparations. 

  • If your board or committee would like to sponsor a meal that week, please contact Kaitlin Carter or Anna Wencl for more details.  We need sponsors, servers, and cleanup crew.

Worship Technology Volunteers wanted!

We are looking for folks interested in operating the worship livestream and slideshow. Basic computer skills will get you by, and we will train you! Contact Molly Nelson if interested:

The 2nd Annual Women’s Event is scheduled for November 9th. We want your group to join in the fun at a tour of tables! This year’s theme is Warm your Heart with Plaid! Be creative and advertise your group.

  • Bring a plaid tablecloth 

  • Decorate the table with a centerpiece celebrating your group

  • Plates/napkins are provided but optional to bring if your group has something in mind!

Interested? Contact Joy Dykema,


Summer Organ Recitals are returning to Bethlehem! Recitals will take place Tuesdays at 12:10pm in the sanctuary, July 16 through August 13.  Here is the schedule:

  • July 16 -   Thomas Andrews 

  • July 23 -  Kaleb Schmidt  

  • ​July 30 -  John Stender   

  • August 6 - Kraig Windschitl    

  • August 13 - Christine Schulz 

Monthly Mission

Monthly Mission Match! BLC Endowment will match your contributions $1 for $1 for the next four Monthly Mission Projects:

June: Lutheran World Relief

July: Partners for Housing

August: Crossroads Campus Ministry

Designate a special gift to Bethlehem for any or all of these projects and the Endowment Fund will double it!

Bethlehem’s July Monthly Mission partner is Partners for Housing. For 40 years Partners for Housing has worked to support stable permanent housing for those in need. Blue Earth County has been labeled a “severe cost-burdened county” meaning many in our area spend more than 50% of their household income on housing. Partners for Housing provides emergency shelter and offers affordable transitional and permanent housing, as well as case management and other support services. Our giving goal is $1,300. You can give online or drop off a check written out to Bethlehem with the memo line: Monthly Mission, Partners for Housing. Thank you for giving generously. 

This Week in our Prayers

Curt Halvorson Marian Mallory Pete Wachtel

Les Biesterfeld Anna Moses Jim Freyberg

Barb Girtz Mark Woelfel Tracy Carter

Amy Grams Haugesag Michael Buesing

Anne Ferris Nancy Bartell

The family & friends of Mark Kreger

First English Lutheran in Cannon Falls Elstad Lutheran in Peterson

Jackson Lake Lutheran in Amboy Ihanja Lutheran in Tanzania

Mission of San Juan in Bucaramanga, Colombia

Lectionary Readings

July 7, Mark 6:1-13

July 14, Mark 6:14-29

BLC Weekly, June 24

Hello Bethlehem,

We are praying for all impacted by the recent flooding in our area and the unfolding situation with the Rapidan Dam failure. Please exercise caution and listen to local officials for safety and evacuation information. So far Bethlehem activities have not been affected but we will keep you informed. If you are in need of assistance and Bethlehem can be of any help, please contact the office. For emergencies, contact 911.

Service & Sun is underway

BLC Youth at Service & Sun were at Global Health Ministries today sorting medical supplies which will be shipped to one of our partner medical providers in Africa. The youth will be in the area community all week for Service & Sun.

Thank you to all who were able to join us at the Juneteenth Celebration last week! 


The 2nd Annual Women’s Event is scheduled for November 9th. We want your group to join in the fun at a tour of tables! This year’s theme is Warm your Heart with Plaid! Be creative and advertise your group.

  • Bring a plaid tablecloth

  • Decorate the table with a centerpiece celebrating your group

  • Plates/napkins are provided but optional to bring if your group has something in mind!

Interested? Contact Joy Dykema,

Happy Pride Month! Thank you for helping us build our ark where all are welcome! Stop by the narthex and see the Ark put together by your Welcome & Inclusion Committee. Bethlehem is an RIC Congregation. Learn more about what it means to be RIC on our website or by visiting Reconciling Works.

Family Faith Formation

Vacation Bible School Updates

  • Our VBS Registration is open! All youth ages 3 years to 6th grade are invited to join us July 22-25. Our theme this year is Wholly Holy and together we will remember Jesus’ words from John 10:10b, “I came so everyone would have life, and have it fully.” We will learn about wellness and our connection to God. We are also looking for volunteers! Youth and adult VBS volunteers can use this form. 

  • The Wish Tree is up in the narthex! Stop by and see if you’d like to donate something we need.

  • Thank you to the donor who took care of our Amazon wish list!

  • If your board or committee would like to sponsor a meal that week, please contact Kaitlin Carter or Anna Wencl for more details.  We need sponsors, servers, and cleanup crew.

Mark your calendar: we’re going to ValleyFair! BLC Youth are invited to join us at ValleyFair on August 21. Keep an eye out for more details! 

We are looking for 3 more summer trip prayer partners for our kids and youth attending camp and the ELCA Youth Gathering. You’d send them a postcard and pray for them during the summer, and receive a response from your prayer partner before the summer is over. Email our Family Faith Director Anna at if you’d like to be a partner! 

Monthly Mission

Monthly Mission Match! We are excited to share BLC Endowment will match your contributions $1 for $1 for the next four Monthly Mission Projects: May, House of Hope; June, Lutheran World Relief; July, Partners for Housing; and August, Crossroads Campus Ministry. Give to any or all of these missions and your donation will go twice as far!

Bethlehem’s June Monthly Mission Partner is Lutheran World Relief. Lutheran World Relief tackles global poverty by helping people adapt to the challenges that threaten their livelihoods and well-being. Werner Fick and Bethlehem members have donated over 100,000 school kits to this mission, as well as quilts and other donations. Our goal is to raise $7,000. You can give online or with a check.

This Week in our Prayers

Curt Halvorson Marian Mallory Pete Wachtel

Les Biesterfeld Anna Moses Jim Freyberg

Barb Girtz Mark Woelfel Tracy Carter

Amy Grams Haugesag Michael Buesing Shirley Davis

Anne Ferris Nancy Bartell

The family & friends of Mark Kreger

Greenfield Lutheran in Harmony Redeemer Lutheran in Alden

Saint Paul Lutheran in Pine Island San Juan Lutheran in Colombia

Sepuka Lutheran in Tanzania Gumanga Lutheran in Tanzania

Lectionary Readings

June 30, Mark 5:21-43

July 7, Mark 6:1-13

BLC Weekly, June 17

Hello Bethlehem,

This Wednesday! June 19th, also known as Juneteenth, is a holiday to celebrate the emancipation of enslaved people in the US. The Mankato Juneteenth celebration will take place on Wednesday, June 19th from 2-7 pm. We are looking for volunteers to represent Bethlehem by marching in the Freedom Walk and/or working the booth during the event. Help us show our community that when we say ALL are welcome, we mean it! Look for the sign-up sheet in the narthex. -Welcome & Inclusion Board

Learn more about Juneteenth and Wednesday’s event by visiting the Greater Mankato Diversity Council website. Please note, the Bethlehem office will be closed on Wednesday in recognition of this holiday.


Happy Pride Month! Thank you for helping us build our ark where all are welcome! Stop by the narthex and see the Ark put together by your Welcome & Inclusion Committee. Bethlehem is an RIC Congregation. Learn more about what it means to be RIC on our website or by visiting Reconciling Works. 

The 2nd Annual Women’s Event is scheduled for November 9th, and we want YOUR group to join in the fun at our tour of tables! This year’s theme is Warm your Heart with Plaid! Be creative and advertise your group.

  • Bring a plaid tablecloth

  • Decorate the table with a centerpiece celebrating your group

  • Plates/napkins are provided but optional to bring if your group has something in mind!

Interested? Contact Joy Dykema,

Family Faith Formation

Mark your calendar: we’re going to ValleyFair! BLC Youth are invited to join us at ValleyFair on August 21. Keep an eye out for more details! 

Our VBS Registration is open! All youth ages 3 years to 6th grade are invited to join us July 22-25. Our theme this year is Wholly Holy and together we will remember Jesus’ words from John 10:10b, “I came so everyone would have life, and have it fully.” We will learn about wellness and our connection to God. If you’re interested in donating to VBS, check out the donation tree in the narthex or visit our Amazon wishlist! 

We are looking for 24 summer trip prayer partners for our kids and youth attending camp and the ELCA Youth Gathering. You’d send them a postcard and pray for them during the summer, and receive a response from your prayer partner before the summer is over. Email our Family Faith Director Anna at if you’d like to be a partner!    

Service and Sun is coming up! Registration is closed, please contact Anna Wencl if you have any questions or would still like to attend. 


Bethlehem Strategic Plan

Check out the Strategic Plan Status Update on our website to learn about all that we did as a congregation and staff this year to bring life to the 2022-26 BLC strategic plan. We made great progress in advancing our mission and ministry. Thank you!

We Want You!!

Bethlehem wants YOU to consider serving in one of several open positions for the next 3 years on our Council, boards and committees:

  • Vice-President/President-Elect/President

  • Stewardship Board (1 position)

  • Finance Committee (3 positions)

Check with Bob Ihrig (507-388-1953 for more details about the responsibilities and time commitment expected for each position. This is YOUR opportunity to use your time and talents to serve the mission and ministry of Bethlehem. Thank you!

Monthly Mission

Monthly Mission Match! We are excited to share BLC Endowment will match your contributions $1 for $1 for the next four Monthly Mission Projects: May, House of Hope; June, Lutheran World Relief; July, Partners for Housing; and August, Crossroads Campus Ministry. Give to any or all of these missions and your donation will go twice as far!

Bethlehem’s June Monthly Mission Partner is Lutheran World Relief. Lutheran World Relief tackles global poverty by helping people adapt to the challenges that threaten their livelihoods and well-being. Werner Fick and Bethlehem members have donated over 100,000 school kits to this mission, as well as quilts and other donations. Our goal is to raise $7,000. You can give online or with a check.

This Week in our Prayers

Curt Halvorson Marian Mallory Pete Wachtel

Les Biesterfeld Anna Moses Jim Freyberg

Barb Girtz Mark Woelfel Tracy Carter

Amy Grams Haugesag Michael Buesing Shirley Davis

Mark Krieger Anne Ferris Matt Anderson

Grace Lutheran in Waseca First Lutheran in Albert Lea

Central Freeborn Lutheran in Albert Lea Mansfield Lutheran in Alden

Ngimu Lutheran in Tanzania Igengu Lutheran in Tanzania

Lectionary Readings

June 23, Mark 4:35-41

June 30, Mark 5:21-43

BLC Weekly, June 10

Hello Bethlehem,

Bethlehem held a School’s Out Celebration for our PK-6th graders and their families on Friday to officially kick off summer. Check out some photos of the fun. We hope you all have a safe and blessed summer!

Welcome & inclusion

Photo of the BLC Ark, submitted by Jill Contreras.

June 19th, also known as Juneteenth, is a holiday to celebrate the emancipation of enslaved people in the US. The Mankato Juneteenth celebration will take place on Wednesday, June 19th from 2-7 pm. We are looking for volunteers to represent Bethlehem by marching in the Freedom Walk and/or working the booth during the event. Help us show our community that when we say ALL are welcome, we mean it! Look for the sign-up sheet in the narthex. -Welcome & Inclusion Board

Happy Pride Month! Thank you for helping us build our ark where all are welcome! Stop by the narthex and see the Ark put together by your Welcome & Inclusion Committee. Bethlehem is an RIC Congregation. Learn more about what it means to be RIC on our website or by visiting Reconciling Works. 

Family Faith Formation

Mark your calendar: we’re going to ValleyFair! BLC Youth are invited to join us at ValleyFair on August 21. Keep an eye out for more details! 

Our VBS Registration is open! All youth ages 3 years to 6th grade are invited to join us July 22-25. Our theme this year is Wholly Holy and together we will remember Jesus’ words from John 10:10b, “I came so everyone would have life, and have it fully.” We will learn about wellness and our connection to God. If you’re interested in donating to VBS, check out the donation tree in the narthex or visit our Amazon wishlist! 

We are looking for 24 summer trip prayer partners for our kids and youth attending camp and the ELCA Youth Gathering. You’d send them a postcard and pray for them during the summer, and receive a response from your prayer partner before the summer is over. Email our Family Faith Director Anna at if you’d like to be a partner!    

Service and Sun is coming up! Registration is closed, please contact Anna Wencl if you have any questions or would still like to attend. 


Bethlehem Strategic Plan

Check out the Strategic Plan Status Update on our website to learn about all that we did as a congregation and staff this year to bring life to the 2022-26 BLC strategic plan. We made great progress in advancing our mission and ministry. Thank you!

We Want You!!

Bethlehem wants YOU to consider serving in one of several open positions for the next 3 years on our Council, boards and committees:

  • Vice-President/President-Elect/President

  • Stewardship Board (1 position)

  • Finance Committee (3 positions)

Check with Bob Ihrig (507-388-1953 for more details about the responsibilities and time commitment expected for each position. This is YOUR opportunity to use your time and talents to serve the mission and ministry of Bethlehem. Thank you!

Monthly Mission

Monthly Mission Match! We are excited to share BLC Endowment will match your contributions $1 for $1 for the next four Monthly Mission Projects: May, House of Hope; June, Lutheran World Relief; July, Partners for Housing; and August, Crossroads Campus Ministry. Give to any or all of these missions and your donation will go twice as far!

Bethlehem’s June Monthly Mission Partner is Lutheran World Relief. Lutheran World Relief tackles global poverty by helping people adapt to the challenges that threaten their livelihoods and well-being. Werner Fick and Bethlehem members have donated over 100,000 school kits to this mission, as well as quilts and other donations. Our goal is to raise $7,000. You can give online or with a check.

Thank you!

Cruz family update

Thank you to our Head Custodian, Kevin, who has been busy shampooing the carpets throughout the building. Thanks for all you do to keep Bethlehem beautiful!

Randy won a new bike at Roosevelt Elementary in a drawing for those who participated in “Bike to School Day.” He is also enrolled in a summer soccer league. 

Ariac is quite handy and is able to work for cash with a recommended pay of $20 per hour, if anyone is in need of help. 

Ariac could use some volunteers who would be willing to help him with his driving lessons in addition to his lessons at the driving school. 

The Cruz Family will spend 6 days at Camp House this summer after receiving a scholarship from GLLM.

This Week in our Prayers

Curt Halvorson Marian Mallory Pete Wachtel

Les Biesterfeld Anna Moses Jim Freyberg

Barb Girtz Mark Woelfel Tracy Carter

Amy Grams Haugesag Michael Buesing Shirley Davis

Mark Krieger Anne Ferris Matt Anderson

Faith Lutheran in Janesville Sudanese Dinka Community at Grace Lutheran in Austin

Union Prairie Lutheran in Lanesboro Kinampanda Lutheran in Tanzania

Mgori Lutheran in Tanzania Sayuni Mipilo Lutheran in Tanzania

Lectionary Readings

June 16, Mark 4:26-34

June 23, Mark 4:35-41