BLC Weekly, June 24
Hello Bethlehem,
We are praying for all impacted by the recent flooding in our area and the unfolding situation with the Rapidan Dam failure. Please exercise caution and listen to local officials for safety and evacuation information. So far Bethlehem activities have not been affected but we will keep you informed. If you are in need of assistance and Bethlehem can be of any help, please contact the office. For emergencies, contact 911.
Service & Sun is underway
BLC Youth at Service & Sun were at Global Health Ministries today sorting medical supplies which will be shipped to one of our partner medical providers in Africa. The youth will be in the area community all week for Service & Sun.
Thank you to all who were able to join us at the Juneteenth Celebration last week!
The 2nd Annual Women’s Event is scheduled for November 9th. We want your group to join in the fun at a tour of tables! This year’s theme is Warm your Heart with Plaid! Be creative and advertise your group.
Bring a plaid tablecloth
Decorate the table with a centerpiece celebrating your group
Plates/napkins are provided but optional to bring if your group has something in mind!
Interested? Contact Joy Dykema,
Happy Pride Month! Thank you for helping us build our ark where all are welcome! Stop by the narthex and see the Ark put together by your Welcome & Inclusion Committee. Bethlehem is an RIC Congregation. Learn more about what it means to be RIC on our website or by visiting Reconciling Works.
Family Faith Formation
Vacation Bible School Updates
Our VBS Registration is open! All youth ages 3 years to 6th grade are invited to join us July 22-25. Our theme this year is Wholly Holy and together we will remember Jesus’ words from John 10:10b, “I came so everyone would have life, and have it fully.” We will learn about wellness and our connection to God. We are also looking for volunteers! Youth and adult VBS volunteers can use this form.
The Wish Tree is up in the narthex! Stop by and see if you’d like to donate something we need.
Thank you to the donor who took care of our Amazon wish list!
If your board or committee would like to sponsor a meal that week, please contact Kaitlin Carter or Anna Wencl for more details. We need sponsors, servers, and cleanup crew.
Mark your calendar: we’re going to ValleyFair! BLC Youth are invited to join us at ValleyFair on August 21. Keep an eye out for more details!
We are looking for 3 more summer trip prayer partners for our kids and youth attending camp and the ELCA Youth Gathering. You’d send them a postcard and pray for them during the summer, and receive a response from your prayer partner before the summer is over. Email our Family Faith Director Anna at if you’d like to be a partner!
Monthly Mission
Monthly Mission Match! We are excited to share BLC Endowment will match your contributions $1 for $1 for the next four Monthly Mission Projects: May, House of Hope; June, Lutheran World Relief; July, Partners for Housing; and August, Crossroads Campus Ministry. Give to any or all of these missions and your donation will go twice as far!
Bethlehem’s June Monthly Mission Partner is Lutheran World Relief. Lutheran World Relief tackles global poverty by helping people adapt to the challenges that threaten their livelihoods and well-being. Werner Fick and Bethlehem members have donated over 100,000 school kits to this mission, as well as quilts and other donations. Our goal is to raise $7,000. You can give online or with a check.
This Week in our Prayers
Curt Halvorson Marian Mallory Pete Wachtel
Les Biesterfeld Anna Moses Jim Freyberg
Barb Girtz Mark Woelfel Tracy Carter
Amy Grams Haugesag Michael Buesing Shirley Davis
Anne Ferris Nancy Bartell
The family & friends of Mark Kreger
Greenfield Lutheran in Harmony Redeemer Lutheran in Alden
Saint Paul Lutheran in Pine Island San Juan Lutheran in Colombia
Sepuka Lutheran in Tanzania Gumanga Lutheran in Tanzania