Hello Bethlehem,
Pre-orders now open! Pre-orders close November 15 and we will be making lefse on Friday, November 17… but we can’t do it alone! More volunteers mean more lefse. Confirm with Ginger Erlandson ASAP if you are planning to help. (507)380-5268 rerlandson2@gmail.com Lefse will be available for pickup on Friday, November 17 from noon until 1pm and Sunday, November 19 after worship.
This Month
The Semi-Annual Meeting will be held on Sunday, November 19 after worship. Join us November 12 for a Budget forum. Budgets will be available on the Welcome Kiosk next Sunday, November 5.
There will be no Family Faith Formation Education Thanksgiving week. We hope you have a happy Thanksgiving!
The Fair Trade Holiday Bazaar is November 26th after worship. There will be goods from Global Mamas, 10,000 Villages and New Ulm’s Own. Get a start on holiday shopping from some wonderful and ethical vendors!
The Fiesta de la Familia in celebration of the Ariac and Andrea Cruz family is this Thursday, November 9th at 6:00pm. Join the WELCOME Committee at Christ the King Church located at 222 Pfau Street in Mankato for a Nicaraguan-style supper. A short program will introduce attendees to the many adventures and accomplishments of the family since their arrival last December. Reservations required and limited! Use this form to sign up. Free will offering is gratefully accepted.
Sparks is a new, bi-monthly gathering to connect Bethlehem’s youngest members and their adults. Littles aged 0-2 and their adults are welcome to join for coffee, donuts, and connection. Sparks will meet this Sunday, November 12 at 10:30am in the nursery located in the lower level.
Rake the Town is this Saturday! BLC Men and the Youth will be helping to clean up the community.
The Young Adults Group will be meeting this Saturday, November 11th, for a cooking competition in the lower level kitchen. Post high school young adults and their friends are welcome to join, contact Pastor Jacie to RSVP.
Youth and friends in 7th-12th grade are invited to Laser Tag this Sunday, November 12 from 2-4pm at the Wow!Zone. Cost is $15, RSVP to Anna Wencl.
Monthly Mission
Our November Monthly Mission is The Reach Youth Resource Center. Since The Reach formed in 2011, they have served over 5,300 unhoused or at-risk youth and provided over 30,800 meals! Located on the Liberty Street side of Bethlehem’s campus, The Reach is a valuable resource in providing resources, basic necessities, preparation for employment and independent living, as well as recreational activities. Please give online or mail a check to support this important mission in our community!
Bethlehem is scheduled to serve at Connections Tuesday 11/28- Sunday 12/3 and the weeks of 1/15 and 2/26. Sign up online to help out!
Home Care for Pr. Don: Bethlehem has been caring for and supporting Pastor Don and Bonnie Roberts since he was diagnosed with ALS in 1995, and now the Roberts need our help. Are you interested in helping with Pastor Don's home care? If you have experience as a caregiver, a good heart, and a willingness to learn, you are needed, as they are looking for more caregivers to round out their team. Let Pr. Don and Bonnie know if you can help! Connect with the Roberts by emailing dbroberts320@hotmail.com
Bethlehem will host a blood drive on December 21. Sign up online to give blood and save lives!
Thrivent Action Grants & Choice Dollars Are you a Thrivent member? Would you like to help Bethlehem financially? Check out the flyer that describes what you can do with Thrivent Action Grants and Choice Dollars. You can really make a difference for our church.
If you’d like to help provide support for victims of the war in the Holy Land you can contribute to Lutheran World Relief or to the ELCA Disaster Response.
Adult forum - Sunday, November 12
Budget Forum The adult forum will focus on the Council proposed 2024 BLC budget. This is your opportunity to hear an overview of the proposal and to share your questions with Council members and financial secretary Elizabeth Ruiz. Copies of the budget proposal are available now on the kiosk in the church narthex. We look forward to seeing you at the forum in Grounds for Joy at 10:45 am.
The budget will be voted on at the November 19 fall semi-annual meeting. This will be held after worship at 10:45 am in the Dining Room. We need a quorum of 75 members to approve the budget. Please plan on participating in this important church meeting. Coffee and donuts will be provided.
This Week in our Prayers
Curt Halvorson Brenda Goetsch Marian Mallory
Pete Wachtel Carol Peterson Nikolas Perez Betty Sanger
The families & friends of Jim Norland, Rich Bouquet, and Steve Twardoski
Pastor Don Roberts, Bonnie, & his caregivers
East Freeborn Lutheran in Albert Lea St. Peter’s Lutheran in Northfield
Grand Meadow Lutheran in Grand Meadow Central Freeborn Lutheran in Albert Lea
Our Savior’s Lutheran in Kiester Our Savior’s Lutheran in Cleveland
Emanuel Cathedral Lutheran in Tanzania Kiech Kuon Lutheran Parish in South Sudan