BLC Weekly, September 18
Hello Bethlehem,
It’s a Fiesta de la Familia and YOU are invited! This celebration will recognize the Ariac and Andrea Cruz family on Thursday, November 9th 6 PM to 8PM at Christ the King Church located at 222 Pfau Street in Mankato.
The WELCOME Committee invites you to a Nicaraguan-style supper: scrambled eggs wrapped in warm tortillas, Huevos Duros Y Tomate (eggs cooked in a wild tomato sauce) Chorizo, a simple but flavorful sausage, black beans and fresh fruits including bananas, papayas, mangoes and avocados. A short program will introduce attendees to the many adventures and accomplishments of the family since their arrival last December. Reservations required and limited! Use this form to sign up. Free will offering is gratefully accepted.
Ready for Fall
Our Small Groups are meeting once more! Get signed up and join in Bethlehem’s many fellowship opportunities.
Torchlight & Confirmation Orientation will take place this Wednesday, September 20th. If you have not yet registered your child and would like to, please click here for registration.
Financial Peace University begins September 25! Sign up using the link and join Pastor Jay Mondays at 6:30pm to get control of your finances.
If you haven’t yet, pick up a Fall Catalog to see our upcoming events! The Bethlehem Star returns in October.
Upcoming Events
Bethlehem will hold a New Member Orientation on October 8 after worship. If you or someone you know is interested in becoming a member, please indicate so on a black pew pad during worship, or contact our office!
Bethlehem will host a Vaccine Clinic with Cub Foods Pharmacy on Sunday, October 1, from 9am until noon and Wednesday, October 4, from 4pm to 8pm.
Bethlehem will host a Women’s Event on October 7th, organized by BLC women. We invite you to come and enjoy light refreshments and Fair Trade shopping, and learn about Bible Journaling and Neuro Art. We will hear from speakers Marcie Flygare, neuroplasticity coach and trauma sensitive yoga instructor in Mankato, Minnesota, and Deb Hadley, author of the Morning God Boost, Founder of the KT Humble Hearts Foundation, and the Bereavement Manager for Knute Nelson Hospice. Event will take place from 9am to 1pm, and tickets are available online. Register here to attend.
Trunk or Treat at Bethlehem is set for October 25th! Sign up here to donate candy or to be a trunk. Donated candy must be dropped off at the office by October 22. We are hoping to get even more trunks this year!
Sunday’s Blessing of the Backpacks, photo curtesy of Jack Halvorson
On Thursday, Sept. 21, the Welcome Team will host a fundraiser at Applebee’s in Mankato. Just tell your server you are dining as guests of the Welcome Team and a percentage of your check will help our mission of welcoming refugees to our community. Ordering online? Just use code DOINGOOD at checkout.
The Community and Global Mission Board has signed up to help with Sunday Suppers for the unhoused on September 24th, from 4-6 at Grace Lutheran Church. Simple meals of sandwiches, chips, water will be provided. We can use donations of water, Gatorade, individual packages of chips, bars, paper plates, paper bags for take home. Please, contact Dee Bennett 317-679-3277, to coordinate a donation. Thank you in advance for your generosity!
Home Care for Pr. Don: Bethlehem has been caring for and supporting Pastor Don and Bonnie Roberts since he was diagnosed with ALS in 1995, and now the Roberts need our help. Are you interested in helping with Pastor Don's home care? If you have experience as a caregiver, a good heart, and a willingness to learn, you are needed, as they are looking for more caregivers to round out their team. Let Pr. Don and Bonnie know if you can help! Connect with the Roberts by emailing
Last week’s worship service did not make it to the radio or livestream due to a power outage. We still had a wonderful God’s Work, Our Hands service and a copy of Pastor Jay’s message has been uploaded to our YouTube channel.
The Family Friendship Program at MSU was relaunched in the spring of 2023 and has played a significant role at MSU for many years. There are over 1700 international students from 98 countries who call MSU home.This program connects international students to volunteers in the community. Many of these students have never set foot in an American home while studying in the United States, and this program hopes to create space for cultural exchanges and connection. Kristin Odland, Retention Specialist at MSU, will speak about the Family Friendship Program at our Adult Forum on September 24.
Our September Monthly Mission is Iambi Secondary School Scholarships. The school is a boarding school for both girls and boys. School capacity is about 200 students. ISS has a total of 20 staff. Academically, Iambi Secondary School has been doing very well in various exams. In the Mkalama district, it is a leading school, and in the Singida region it is among the top ten schools in regional and national examination results. ISS has a conducive environment for students to learn with a reliable power supply, enough books, and enough teachers for all subjects. They also teach computer studies courses and religion. Gifts from Bethlehem have been transformative for ISS, and our past generosity enabled the school to install electricity, allowing the students and teachers to study and prepare lessons after the sun went down. Test scores soared, and enrollment boomed. Please give prayerfully and financially to our friends at Iambi Secondary School. Our goal is $7,000 You can mail a check or give online throughout the month of September.
This Week in our Prayers
Curt Halvorson Brenda Goetsch Marian Mallory
Pete Wachtel Carol Peterson Jim Norland
Sarah Nelson Nikolas Perez Shari Elbert
Jean Thompson Lynette Freyberg
Pastor Don Roberts, Bonnie, and his caregivers
The family and friends of Lorenzo Blaisdell
Bear Lake Concordia Lutheran in Albert Lea St. Paul Lutheran in Pine Island
Kijota Lutheran in Tanzania St. John Mwando Lutheran in Tanzania
Pulroaa Lutheran Parish in South Sudan