Growing in Christ, Loving our Neighbors, Serving God's world.

the BLC blog

news & updates

BLC Weekly, Dec. 26

Hello Bethlehem, 

We hope you had a very merry Christmas! If you missed the Christmas Eve service, you can review the livestream on our YouTube channel. In case you missed Gabe’s Angels: All in a Day’s Work, our Children’s Christmas program, that is also available to view on YouTube.

Thank you to all BLC members who have made financial commitments during the next 3 years to the capital campaign to pay off the mortgage and to support the 2023 annual budget. Every dollar commitment allows Bethlehem to pursue its ministry and mission.

Thank you to Amy Haigh who planned and coordinated the "Thank-You" reception on Sunday for Bethlehem members. The charcuterie boards of treats were a big hit as folks celebrated the success of the capital campaign. Over $850,000 has been committed thus far to paying off the $1 million mortgage.

Thanks also to Carrol Meyers-Dobler & Sally Burdick who assisted Amy in keeping the food table replenished. Lori Henricksen also deserves our thanks for working with Bob Ihrig to secure a $250 Thrivent Action Grant to pay for the reception expenses.

It is still not too late to make your pledges for the mortgage & annual fund! You can do this using the Commitment Form the BLC website or submit your written commitments to the BLC office. We welcome your support for these financial projects!

BLC mugs are in! You can pick up your mug in the office during office hours. Mugs are $8. 

Thank you to the members who volunteered and fulfilled our needs for Connections Shelter this week! Bethlehem is signed up for weeks of Jan. 23, Mar 20, and May 22.  There will be no morning shifts and only meal providers and servers are needed. Meals will be served daily from 5:45-7:30pm. Grocery donations will be needed for our weeks and a wish list will be sent out the weekend before the week starts. There is also an afternoon cleaning session once a week. Call or text Derek at 210-863-4202 for more info.  You can sign up to prepare food and bring it to the shelter, sign up just to serve the meal, or do both. We serve up to 40 guests every evening. If that number changes, we will notify you beforehand. Sign up here for a meal shift. 

REMINDER: There will be no Wednesday evening activities this week.

Youth: It’s not too early to start thinking about summer! Bethlehem will be at Green Lake July 30th through August 3rd. Register by February 1st to guarantee a spot with your BLC friends. Registration is now open on their website. Bethlehem will support at least 25% of camp costs, and additional financial support is available. Use code LAUNCH23 for an extra $10 off. 

Our December Monthly Mission is God’s Global Barnyard. In this season of giving, we want to help fill hearts with joy, hope, love, and peace for Christmas. We believe that God is calling us into the world together and with generous, loving hands, we can make a difference. What do pigs, cows, goats, chickens and honeybees have in common? They are all part of God's Global Barnyard, a ministry to help families who live in hunger and poverty around the world to become self-sufficient. These gifts keep on giving for years to come. Please consider "purchasing" an animal to support our Bethlehem mission. Our December goal is $8,000. Thank you for your faithful support of ELCA global missionaries and ministries!

Bethlehem's monthly mission for January is The REACH Resource Center. This important organizations reaches out to youth who are experiencing homelessness or other life trauma and provides them with a safe, nonjudgmental place to receive a variety of services centered on their individual needs. Youth ages 16-24 gain knowledge from caring staff to be healthy, independent and successful - looking beyond their past and planning for hopeful futures. You can support The REACH through the "wish list" on Amazon, through volunteering and donations, and financially to help provide basic necessities, shelter, education and preparation for employment and healthy, independent living. Your generosity is welcomed and appreciated. Our goal for The REACH is $6,000.

Bethlehem LutheranComment
BLC Weekly, Dec. 19

Hello Bethlehem, 

We hope you enjoyed Gabe’s Angels: All in a Day’s Work, our 2022 Children’s Christmas Program, written by Kaitlin Carter. In case you missed it, you can always watch the stream on our Facebook and YouTube

Thank you to all BLC members who have made financial commitments during the next 3 years to the capital campaign to pay off the mortgage and to support the 2023 annual budget. Every dollar commitment allows Bethlehem to pursue its ministry and mission. Thank you to Amy Haigh who planned and coordinated the "Thank-You" reception on Sunday for Bethlehem members. The charcuterie boards of treats were a big hit as folks celebrated the success of the capital campaign. Over $850,000 has been committed thus far to paying off the $1 million mortgage. Thanks also to Carrol Meyers-Dobler & Sally Burdick who assisted Amy in keeping the food table replenished. Lori Henricksen also deserves our thanks for working with Bob Ihrig to secure a $250 Thrivent Action Grant to pay for the reception expenses.

It is still not too late to make your pledges for the mortgage & annual fund! You can do this using the Commitment Form the BLC website or submit your written commitments to the BLC office. We welcome your support for these financial projects!

Bethlehem will host another blood drive with the American Red Cross this Thursday in Grounds for Joy. Donors who give blood between Dec. 16 and Jan. 2 will receive an exclusive Red Cross long-sleeved T-shirt while supplies last! Our last drive was a huge success: we exceeded our goal of donating 29 units and donated a whopping 41 units! Nice work Bethlehem! We hope for another great turnout in December and still have many time slots available. Please sign up here to donate. Thank you!

Your BLC Gifts Ideas: 

  • Honor your loved ones with a gift from God's Global Barnyard. Place your order by December 20th to have your names shared on the screens during Christmas Eve services.

  • BLC Mugs are in! You can pick up your mug in the office during office hours. Mugs are $8 and make perfect stocking stuffers! 

  • Be the gift! As we wrap up the year, please consider filling out a Time and Talent form if you have not already. We are in specific need of Sunday morning coffee servers, and volunteers to run the worship slideshow on Sundays and Wednesday evenings. Thank you, volunteers, for all you do!

Thank you to the members who volunteered and fulfilled our needs for Connections Shelter this week! Bethlehem is signed up for weeks of Jan. 23, Mar 20, and May 22. There will be no morning shifts and only meal providers and servers are needed. Meals will be served daily from 5:45-7:30pm. Grocery donations will be needed for our weeks and a wish list will be sent out the weekend before the week starts. There is also an afternoon cleaning session once a week. Call or text Derek at 210-863-4202 for more info. You can sign up to prepare food and bring it to the shelter, sign up just to serve the meal, or do both. We serve up to 40 guests every evening. If that number changes, we will notify you beforehand. Sign up here for a meal shift. 

Youth: It’s not too early to start thinking about summer! Bethlehem will be at Green Lake July 30th through August 3rd. Register by February 1st to guarantee a spot with your BLC friends. Registration is now open on their website. Bethlehem will support at least 25% of camp costs, and additional financial support is available. Use code LAUNCH23 for an extra $10 off. 

Our December Monthly Mission is God’s Global Barnyard. In this season of giving, we want to help fill hearts with joy, hope, love, and peace for Christmas. We believe that God is calling us into the world together and with generous, loving hands, we can make a difference. What do pigs, cows, goats, chickens and honeybees have in common? They are all part of God's Global Barnyard, a ministry to help families who live in hunger and poverty around the world to become self-sufficient. These gifts keep on giving for years to come. Please consider "purchasing" an animal to support our Bethlehem mission. Our December goal is $8,000. Purchase your animal in honor or memory of a loved one by December 20th to have their name displayed on the screen during worship. Thank you for your faithful support of ELCA global missionaries and ministries!

From your Bethlehem staff and leadership, we wish you all a safe, blessed and merry Christmas! 

Bethlehem LutheranComment
BLC Weekly, Dec. 12

Hello Bethlehem, 

Torchlight and Confirmation youth, along with youth from Messiah and Grace, will take part in an interactive experience to learn about the experiences of migrants coming to our country. A Migrant Journey will be held in our dining hall this Wednesday, December 14th beginning at 6:15pm. Parents and adults are also welcome to attend. Please email our Family Faith Formation Director, Anna Wencl, at, if you would like to attend. 

Join us this Sunday, December 18th for Gabe’s Angels: All in a Day’s Work, our 2022 children’s Christmas program! Join the event on Facebook for updates and reminders. We hope to see you there! 

BLC Mugs are in! You can pick up your mug in the office during office hours. Mugs are $8 each and make perfect stocking stuffers! 

Christmas can be complex. We invite interested members to join Rev. Collette Broady Grund for Blue Christmas, a service all about holding space for grief in this holiday season. This special service will take place on Sunday, December 18th at 6:30pm at Grace Lutheran Church in Mankato and will also be available livestreamed on Facebook. 

The Southwest Minnesota Housing Partnership is a nonprofit community development organization serving communities in 30 counties in Southwest and South Central Minnesota. This year they are hosting Celebrate Home: a silent auction event to bring awareness and funding to our organization and celebrate those we’ve helped.  You can join them online for this event now through December 19th, 2022 at Celebrate Home Silent Auction ( Perfect timing for some great last minute holiday shopping for loved ones or yourself. All the proceeds go to the Southwest Minnesota Housing Partnership, a 501(c)3 nonprofit community development organization. Event sponsors include Southwest Initiative Foundation, Mahoney CPAs and Advisors, and Tara Onken, Edina Realty. 

Be the gift! As we wrap up the year, please consider filling out a Time and Talent form if you have not already. We are in specific need of Sunday morning coffee servers, and volunteers to run the worship slideshow on Sundays and Wednesday evenings. Thank you, volunteers, for all you do!

Bethlehem will host another blood drive with the American Red Cross on Thursday, Dec. 22, 2022 in Grounds for Joy. Donors who give blood between Dec. 16 and Jan. 2 will receive an exclusive Red Cross long-sleeved T-shirt while supplies last! Our last drive was a huge success: we exceeded our goal of donating 29 units and donated a whopping 41 units! Nice work Bethlehem! We hope for another great turnout in December and still have many time slots available. Please sign up here to donate. Thank you! 

Thank you to the members who volunteered and fulfilled our needs for Connections Shelter this week! Bethlehem is signed up for the following weeks: Jan. 23, Mar 20, May 22. There will be no morning shifts and only meal providers and servers are needed. Meals will be served daily from 5:45-7:30pm. Grocery donations will be needed for our weeks and a wish list will be sent out the weekend before the week starts. There is also an afternoon cleaning session once a week. Call or text Derek at 210-863-4202 for more info. 

You can sign up to prepare food and bring it to the shelter, sign up just to serve the meal, or do both. We serve up to 40 guests every evening. If that number changes, we will notify you beforehand. Sign up here for a meal shift. 

“Thank you to Bethlehem Lutheran Church for providing Lunch for-a-Buck at Crossroads Campus Ministry on Tuesday, December 6. Jan Blaisdell and Dee Bennett served a hearty lunch of beef and meatless tater tot hotdish, french bread and homemade cookies and brownies to 24 hungry lunch goers during this last Tuesday of the semester. This is an impressive number for finals week. Last year we served just 10 students. Jan and Dee also collected $24.00 in donations that will help us fund the continued purchase of the lettuce salad, beverages and table supplies for future lunches. Students look forward to these weekly hot lunches to help them get through the day. In fact some students have shared that this is their ONLY meal of the day. Thank you for your generosity and ongoing support of the students and our ministry at Crossroads.” -Crossroads Campus Ministry

Youth: It’s not too early to start thinking about summer! Bethlehem will be at Green Lake July 30th through August 3rd. Register by February 1st to guarantee a spot with your BLC friends. Registration opens on their website tomorrow, December 13th. Bethlehem will support at least 25% of camp costs, and additional financial support is available. Use code LAUNCH23 for an extra $10 off. 

Our December Monthly Mission is God’s Global Barnyard. In this season of giving, we want to help fill hearts with joy, hope, love, and peace for Christmas. We believe that God is calling us into the world together and with generous, loving hands, we can make a difference. What do pigs, cows, goats, chickens and honeybees have in common? They are all part of God's Global Barnyard, a ministry to help families who live in hunger and poverty around the world to become self-sufficient. These gifts keep on giving for years to come. Please consider "purchasing" an animal to support our Bethlehem mission. Our December goal is $8,000. Purchase your animal in honor or memory of a loved one by December 20th to have their name displayed on the screen during worship. Thank you for your faithful support of ELCA global missionaries and ministries!

Bethlehem LutheranComment
BLC Weekly, Dec. 5

Hello Bethlehem, 

In this season of giving, we want to help fill hearts with joy, hope, love, and peace for Christmas. We believe that God is calling us into the world together and with generous, loving hands, we can make a difference. What do pigs, cows, goats, chickens and honeybees have in common? They are all part of God's Global Barnyard, a ministry to help families who live in hunger and poverty around the world to become self-sufficient. These gifts keep on giving for years to come. Please consider "purchasing" an animal to support our Bethlehem mission. Our December goal is $8,000. Purchase your animal in honor or memory of a loved one by December 20th to have their name displayed on the screen during worship. Thank you for your faithful support of ELCA global missionaries and ministries!

Torchlight and Confirmation youth, along with youth from Messiah and Grace, will take part in an interactive experience to learn about the experiences of migrants coming to our country. A Migrant Journey will be held in our dining hall on Wednesday, December 14th beginning at 6:15pm. Parents and adults are also welcome to attend. Please email our Family Faith Formation Director, Anna Wencl, at, if you would like to attend. 

Join us Sunday, December 18th for Gabe’s Angels: All in a Day’s Work, our 2022 children’s Christmas program! Join the event on Facebook for updates and reminders. We hope to see you there! 

BLC Mugs are in! You can pick up your mug in the office during office hours. Mugs are $8 each and make perfect stocking stuffers! 

It’s official! Pastor Jacie Richmond was installed at Bethlehem yesterday. Pastor Jacie has already proven to be a super addition to our congregation, and members and the call committee gave her an appropriately Marvel-ous gift during the celebration. Thank you to Rev. Bard Streed with the Southeastern Minnesota Synod, to the Richmond family and friends, and to all who assisted and celebrated the installation! Continue to lift up Pastor Jacie in your prayers as we look forward to a long and happy future together serving God’s mission. 

“LEFSE SUCCESS! Thank you all so much! Our lefse making day was a huge success! We made over 450 pieces of lefse and sold every one! The new addition of a bake sale only enhanced the fun on Sunday! Should we do it next year?? Thanks again for your wonderful volunteering and to the people that purchased the goodies!” -Ginger Erlandson

Christmas can be complex. We invite interested members to join Rev. Collette Broady Grund for Blue Christmas, a service all about holding space for grief in this holiday season. This special service will take place on Sunday, December 18th at 6:30pm at Grace Lutheran Church in Mankato and will also be available livestreamed on Facebook. 

 Be the gift! As we wrap up the year, please consider filling out a Time and Talent form if you have not already. We are in specific need of Sunday morning coffee servers, and volunteers to run the worship slideshow on Sundays and Wednesday evenings. Thank you, volunteers, for all you do!

Bethlehem will host another blood drive with the American Red Cross on Thursday, Dec. 22, 2022 in Grounds for Joy. Our last drive was a huge success: we exceeded our goal of donating 29 units and donated a whopping 41 units! Nice work Bethlehem! We hope for another great turnout in December and still have many time slots available. Please sign up here to donate. Thank you! 

Thank you to the members who volunteered and fulfilled our needs for Connections Shelter this week! Bethlehem is signed up for the following weeks: Dec. 5, Jan. 23, Mar 20, May 22. 

There will be no morning shifts and only meal providers and servers are needed. Meals will be served daily from 5:45-7:30pm. Grocery donations will be needed for our weeks and a wish list will be sent out the weekend before the week starts. There is also an afternoon cleaning session once a week. Call or text Derek at 210-863-4202 for more info. You can sign up to prepare food and bring it to the shelter, sign up just to serve the meal, or do both. We serve up to 40 guests every evening. If that number changes, we will notify you beforehand. Sign up here for a meal shift. 

Bethlehem LutheranComment
BLC Weekly, Nov. 28

Hello Bethlehem, 

Pastor Jacie’s official installation date is next Sunday, December 4th. Following worship, there will be a reception downstairs in the dining hall. We hope you will be able to attend and celebrate Pastor Jacie! 

Following worship this Sunday we will also have Fair Trade Holiday Shopping in the narthex from 10:30am to noon. Stop by for textiles, holidays and home decor, and more, all from Fair Trade vendors!

Torchlight and Confirmation youth, along with youth from Messiah and Grace, will take part in an interactive experience to learn about the experiences of migrants coming to our country. A Migrant Journey will be held in our dining hall on Wednesday, December 14th beginning at 6:15pm. Parents and adults are also welcome to attend. Please email our Family Faith Formation Director, Anna Wencl, at, if you would like to attend. 

Join us Sunday, December 18th for Gabe’s Angels: All in a Day’s Work, our 2022 children’s Christmas program! Join the event on Facebook for updates and reminders. We hope to see you there! 

Christmas can be complex. We invite interested members to join Rev. Collette Broady Grund for Blue Christmas, a service all about holding space for grief in this holiday season. This special service will take place on Sunday, December 18th at 6:30pm at Grace Lutheran Church in Mankato and will also be available livestreamed on Facebook. 

Bethlehem will host another blood drive with the American Red Cross on Thursday, Dec. 22, 2022 in Grounds for Joy. Our last drive was a huge success: we exceeded our goal of donating 29 units and donated a whopping 41 units! Nice work Bethlehem! We hope for another great turnout in December and still have many time slots available. Please sign up here to donate. Thank you! 

SCAM ALERT: Please do not purchase gift cards or give money to anyone posing as one of the pastors online or via a text. This is a scam!  The pastors, staff, and no one from the church, will ever solicit money or gift cards in this way. If you ever have any questions or concerns about this, contact the church directly.

Connections Shelter is open for the season! Bethlehem is signed up for the following weeks: Dec. 5, Jan. 23, Mar 20, May 22. There will be no morning shifts and only meal providers and servers are needed. Meals will be served daily from 5:45-7:30pm. Grocery donations will be needed for our weeks and a wish list will be sent out the weekend before the week starts. There is also an afternoon cleaning session once a week. Call or text Derek at 210-863-4202 for more info. You can sign up to prepare food and bring it to the shelter, sign up just to serve the meal, or do both. We serve up to 35 guests every evening. If that number changes, we will notify you beforehand. Sign up here for a meal shift. 

There are still a couple days to give to Bethlehem's November Monthly Mission, Holy Grounds. A cornerstone ministry of Centenary UMC, Holy Grounds is an important resource in the community for food security and a place where all individuals are treated with respect and dignity. What a wonderful way to live out the gospel call to love our neighbors as ourselves! 

There are many ways to help: through monetary donations, items such as underwear, tents, sleeping bags, and socks, as well as volunteering your time and talent. Items for donation can be dropped off in the donation bin in the Narthex. Our monetary goal for November is $1,500. Thank you, Bethlehem community, for your kindness and generosity! 

Thank you Bethlehem for your faithful support of ELCA global missionaries and ministries. Our December Monthly Mission is God’s Global Barnyard. In this season of giving, we want to help fill hearts with joy, hope, love, and peace for Christmas. We believe that God is calling us into the world together and with generous, loving hands, we can make a difference. What do pigs, cows, goats, chickens and honeybees have in common? They are all part of God's Global Barnyard, a ministry to helps families who live in hunger and poverty around the world to become self-sufficient. These gifts keep on giving for years to come. Please consider "purchasing" an animal to support our Bethlehem mission. Our December goal is $8,000. Thank you for your prayers and generosity to this important mission. 

Bethlehem LutheranComment
BLC Weekly, Nov 21

 Hello Bethlehem, 

It’s the season of giving and we are so thankful for your generosity! As we wrap up our Capital Campaign we hope to hear from you if we haven’t already. Bethlehem has already received commitments from 130 members, totalling $753,000. If you’d like to make a pledge, you can use our online commitment form on our website, or stop by the office for a physical form. Whether they are financial or in the form of time or talent, it is your gifts that make Bethlehem the incredible place that it is. Thank you for inspiring and imagining a vision of hope! 

Thank you to everyone who attended and weighed in at our Semi Annual Meeting! In case you missed it, you can view the livestream here, on our BLC Family & Friends page. All relevant documents are available on our website’s Council Documents page. 

Thank you to all the volunteers, rollers, flippers, packers and planners who pulled off our lefse-making event on Friday! We hope you and your family will enjoy this tasty and traditional treat this Thanksgiving. Check out more photos in the blog post below!

November 15th was our second Reconciling in Christ anniversary! Bethlehem is proud to be an RIC congregation. Learn more about what this means by visiting Reconciling Works or reading What We Believe


  • There will be no worship or meal served this Wednesday, November 23rd. Join us next week for dinner at 5pm in the dining hall and worship at 6:15pm. 

  • Our office will be closed Thanksgiving day. We wish you and yours a blessed holiday! 

Bethlehem will host another blood drive with the American Red Cross on Thursday, Dec. 22, 2022 in Grounds for Joy. Our last drive was a huge success: we exceeded our goal of donating 29 units and donated a whopping 41 units! Nice work Bethlehem! We hope for another great turnout in December and still have many time slots available. Please sign up here to donate. Thank you! 

SCAM ALERT: Please do not purchase gift cards or give money to anyone posing as one of the pastors online or via a text. This is a scam!  The pastors, staff, and no one from the church, will ever solicit money or gift cards in this way. If you ever have any questions or concerns about this, contact the church directly.

Connections Shelter is open for the season! Bethlehem is signed up for the following weeks: Dec. 5, Jan. 23, Mar 20, May 22.

There will be no morning shifts and only meal providers and servers are needed. Meals will be served daily from 5:45-7:30pm. Grocery donations will be needed for our weeks and a wish list will be sent out the weekend before the week starts. There is also an afternoon cleaning session once a week. Call or text Derek at 210-863-4202 for more info. 

You can sign up to prepare food and bring it to the shelter, sign up just to serve the meal, or do both. We serve up to 35 guests every evening. If that number changes, we will notify you beforehand. Sign up here for a meal shift. 

Bethlehem's November Monthly Mission is Holy Grounds. A cornerstone ministry of Centenary UMC, Holy Grounds is an important resource in the community for food security and a place where all individuals are treated with respect and dignity. What a wonderful way to live out the gospel call to love our neighbors as ourselves! 

There are many ways to help: through monetary donations, items such as underwear, tents, sleeping bags, and socks, as well as volunteering your time and talent. Items for donation can be dropped off in the donation bin in the Narthex. Our monetary goal for November is $1,500. Thank you, Bethlehem community, for your kindness and generosity! 

Bethlehem LutheranComment
BLC Weekly, Nov 14

Thank you to all the volunteers who joined us for Rake the Town this year! The BLC Men and Confirmation Youth cleaned several yards on Saturday.

Hello Bethlehem, 

Our Semi-Annual Meeting is this Sunday, November 20th. We hope you will join us after worship in the dining room for this important meeting. You can review all relevant documents, including the Semi-Annual Meeting Agenda, 2022-23 Council, Board and Committee Goals, and the Proposed 2023 Budget, all available on our Council Documents page. A quorum of 75 is required, so we hope you will attend! 

You can make a commitment to eradicate our mortgage and support all the great things happening here using this online Commitment Form. Thanks, Bethlehem, for enabling us to imagine a future with hope!    

Connections Shelter is open for the season! Bethlehem is signed up for the following weeks: Dec. 5, Jan. 23, Mar 20, May 22. There will be no morning shifts and only meal providers and servers are needed. Meals will be served daily from 5:45-7:30pm. Grocery donations will be needed for our weeks and a wish list will be sent out the weekend before the week starts. There is also an afternoon cleaning session once a week. Call or text Derek at 210-863-4202 for more info. You can sign up to prepare food and bring it to the shelter, sign up just to serve the meal, or do both. We serve up to 35 guests every evening. If that number changes, we will notify you beforehand. Sign up here for a meal shift. 

Bethlehem's November Monthly Mission is Holy Grounds. A cornerstone ministry of Centenary UMC, Holy Grounds is an important resource in the community for food security and a place where all individuals are treated with respect and dignity. What a wonderful way to live out the gospel call to love our neighbors as ourselves! 

There are many ways to help: through monetary donations, items such as underwear, tents, sleeping bags, and socks, as well as volunteering your time and talent. Items for donation can be dropped off in the donation bin in the Narthex. Our monetary goal for November is $1,500. Thank you, Bethlehem community, for your kindness and generosity!

It’s lefse season! Our team of volunteers will be meeting on Friday to start rolling out your order! You can pre-order your Lefse online or by calling the office. Pre-orders are limited but don’t worry if you miss out: any extra lefse and more baked goods will be available for sale on Sunday at our…Bake Sale! That’s right, this year we are adding more freshly baked goodies and Norwegian treats, and bringing you a Bake Sale just in time for Thanksgiving! We’ll be in the narthex after worship this Sunday with goodies available for purchase on your way to the semi-annual meeting. 

BLC youth (and the adults who love them!) are invited to attend Winter Warm up this Wednesday, November 16, from 6:30-7:30pm at Christ the King Lutheran Church. The theme of the gathering is Hope in a Hopeless World, featuring Pastor Angela Denker. Cost is $10 per person. 

Bethlehem will host another blood drive with the American Red Cross on Thursday, Dec. 22, 2022 in Grounds for Joy. Our last drive was a huge success: we exceeded our goal of donating 29 units and donated a whopping 41 units! Nice work Bethlehem! We hope for another great turnout in December and still have many time slots available. Please sign up here to donate. Thank you! 

SCAM ALERT: Please do not purchase gift cards or give money to anyone posing as one of the pastors online or via a text. This is a scam!  The pastors, staff, and no one from the church, will ever solicit money or gift cards in this way. If you ever have any questions or concerns about this, contact the church directly.

Bethlehem LutheranComment
BLC Weekly, Nov 7

Yesterday was All Saints’ Sunday, a day to honor and remember those who have passed on before us. We especially remember the members of Bethlehem listed above

Hello Bethlehem, 

Tomorrow is election day. We want to remind and encourage our members to remember to get out and vote. Grounds for Joy is a polling location and will be occupied tomorrow. Thank you for voting! 

You can make a commitment to eradicate our mortgage and support all the great things happening here using this online Commitment Form. Thanks, Bethlehem, for enabling us to imagine a future with hope!    

Our Semi-Annual Meeting is coming up on Sunday, November 20th. We hope you will join us after worship in the dining room for this important meeting. You can review all relevant documents, including the Semi-Annual Meeting Agenda, 2022-23 Council, Board and Committee Goals, and the Proposed 2023 Budget, all available on our Council Documents page

BLC youth (and the adults who love them!) are invited to attend Winter Warm up next Wednesday, November 16, from 6:30-7:30pm at Christ the King Lutheran Church. The theme of the gathering is Hope in a Hopeless World, featuring Pastor Angela Denker. Cost is $10 per person. 

Bethlehem will host another blood drive with the American Red Cross on Thursday, Dec. 22, 2022 in Grounds for Joy. Our last drive was a huge success: we exceeded our goal of donating 29 units and donated a whopping 41 units! Nice work Bethlehem! We hope for another great turnout in December and still have many time slots available. Please sign up here to donate. Thank you! 

 Come check out our Saint & Sinner Showcase in Grounds for Joy. Torchlight youth are sharing art they've created after interviewing a saint earlier this fall. After that, the rest of the congregation can find their creations in the Grounds for Joy throughout the month of November.

IMPORTANT NOTICE: We have received reports of unknown persons going door to door requesting donations on behalf of Bethlehem Lutheran Church. We do not solicit donations door to door and contributions to Bethlehem should only be made via official channels, such as through our website, via check, or in the offering baskets. We ask that you use caution and when in doubt, please contact our office. Thank you. 

There is still time to preorder your lefse! Sold in packs of 3 rounds for $5, limit 2 packs per customer. Payment due at pickup. Lefse pre-orders can be picked up Friday, November 18th at noon, or Sunday, November 20th after worship. You can pre-order your Lefse online or by calling the office. Pre-orders are limited but don’t worry if you miss out: any extra lefse and more baked goods will be available for sale on Sunday at our…Bake Sale! 

That’s right, this year we are adding more freshly baked goodies and Norwegian treats, and bringing you a Bake Sale just in time for Thanksgiving! We’ll be in the narthex after worship on November 20th with goodies available for purchase on your way to the semi-annual meeting. Thank you so much for the great response to lefse making! It goes to show, our Nordic Bazaar might be retired, but the spirit is still strong! Thank you, Bethlehem! 

Connections Shelter is open for the season! Bethlehem is signed up for the following weeks: Dec. 5, Jan. 23, Mar 20, May 22. There will be no morning shifts and only meal providers and servers are needed. Meals will be served daily from 5:45-7:30pm. Grocery donations will be needed for our weeks and a wish list will be sent out the weekend before the week starts. There is also an afternoon cleaning session once a week. Call or text Derek at 210-863-4202 for more info. You can sign up to prepare food and bring it to the shelter, sign up just to serve the meal, or do both. We serve up to 35 guests every evening. If that number changes, we will notify you beforehand. Sign up here for a meal shift. 

“Thank you to Bethlehem Lutheran Church for providing Lunch for-a-Buck at Crossroads Campus Ministry on Tuesday, November 1. Sally Burdick, Kathy Piehl, and Karen Sandersfeld served a mouth-watering lunch of chicken alfredo, garlic toast, and pumpkin bars to 36 hungry students. They also collected $29.35 in donations that will help us fund the continued purchase of the lettuce salad, beverages and table supplies for future lunches. Students really look forward to these weekly hot lunches to help them get through the day. In fact some students have shared that this is their ONLY meal of the day. Thank you for your generosity and ongoing support of the students and our ministry at Crossroads” -Crossroads Campus Ministry

Congratulations to our member Todd Hanselman for winning second place in the Mankato Photo Contest! His photograph, Hockey Day Minnesota on a Starry Night, will be the January calendar page in Mankato’s 2023 calendar, and it will also be on the cover of the fall/winter edition of city news! Congratulations Todd!  

Bethlehem's November Monthly Mission is Holy Grounds. A cornerstone ministry of Centenary UMC, Holy Grounds is an important resource in the community for food security and a place where all individuals are treated with respect and dignity. What a wonderful way to live out the gospel call to love our neighbors as ourselves! There are many ways to help: through monetary donations, items such as underwear, tents, sleeping bags, and socks, as well as volunteering your time and talent. Our monetary goal for November is $1,500. Thank you, Bethlehem community, for your kindness and generosity! 

Bethlehem LutheranComment
BLC Weekly, Oct. 31

Happy Halloween Bethlehem! 

We had a blast at our annual Trunk or Treat event last Wednesday evening, as well as at our Halloween-Themed Youth Lock-In on Friday! Check out some of the fun pictures and great costumes. 

Thank you, Bethlehem, for an amazing commitment Sunday! For our Wednesday worshipers, we will again celebrate God's faithfulness to us as we conclude our capital campaign, and you are invited to bring your commitment card to worship on Wednesday night.  If you didn't get a chance yesterday, and can't be with us on Wednesday, you can make a commitment to eradicate our mortgage and support all the great things happening here using this online Commitment Form. Thanks, Bethlehem, for enabling us to imagine a future with hope!    

On Sunday our own Christine Schulz took some time to share her passion and expertise with the youth, with a demonstration of the organ. Christine will share her knowledge and calling again this Wednesday during NightLIGHT. 

Come check out our Saint & Sinner Showcase in Grounds for Joy. Torchlight youth are sharing art they've created after interviewing a saint earlier this fall.  Parents and NightLIGHT kids are invited to come to see them at the end of class this Wednesday. After that, the rest of the congregation can find their creations in the Grounds for Joy bookcases in time for All Saints Sunday & throughout the month of November.

Lefse is back thanks to you volunteers! We will be making lefse on Friday, November 18th at 9am in the downstairs kitchen. If you forgot to sign up, that’s okay, we may still have room for you!

Pre order your lefse today! Sold in packs of 3 rounds for $5, limit 2 packs per customer. Payment due at pickup. Lefse pre-orders can be picked up Friday, November 18th at noon, or Sunday, November 20th after worship. You can pre-order your Lefse online or by calling the office. Pre-orders are limited but don’t worry if you miss out: any extra lefse and more baked goods will be available for sale on Sunday at our…Bake Sale! 

That’s right, this year we are adding more freshly baked goodies and Norwegian treats, and bringing you a Bake Sale just in time for Thanksgiving! We’ll be in the narthex after worship on November 20th with goodies available for purchase on your way to the semi-annual meeting. 

Thank you so much for the great response to lefse making! It goes to show, our Nordic Bazaar might be retired, but the spirit is still strong! Thank you, Bethlehem! 

Connections Shelter is open for the season! Bethlehem is signed up for the following weeks: Dec. 5, Jan. 23, Mar 20, May 22.

There will be no morning shifts and only meal providers and servers are needed. Meals will be served daily from 5:45-7:30pm. Grocery donations will be needed for our weeks and a wish list will be sent out the weekend before the week starts. There is also an afternoon cleaning session once a week. Call or text Derek at 210-863-4202 for more info. 

You can sign up to prepare food and bring it to the shelter, sign up just to serve the meal, or do both. We serve up to 35 guests every evening. If that number changes, we will notify you beforehand. Sign up here for a meal shift. 

Bethlehem will host another blood drive with the American Red Cross on Dec. 22, 2022. Our last drive was a huge success: we exceeded our goal of donating 29 units and donated a whopping 41 units! Nice work Bethlehem! We hope for another great turnout in December. 

Congratulations to our member Todd Hanselman for winning second place in the Mankato Photo Contest! His photograph, Hockey Day Minnesota on a Starry Night, will be the January calendar page in Mankato’s 2023 calendar, and it will also be on the cover of the fall/winter edition of city news! Congratulations Todd!  

Bethlehem's November Monthly Mission is Holy Grounds. A cornerstone ministry of Centenary UMC, Holy Grounds is an important resource in the community for food security and a place where all individuals are treated with respect and dignity. What a wonderful way to live out the gospel call to love our neighbors as ourselves! 

There are many ways to help: through monetary donations, items such as underwear, tents, sleeping bags, and socks, as well as volunteering your time and talent. Our monetary goal for November is $1,500. Thank you, Bethlehem community, for your kindness and generosity! 

Bethlehem LutheranComment