Hello Bethlehem,
Yesterday we welcomed Pastor Jacie Richmond to speak to the congregation for the first time. Check out the video of Pastor Jacie’s first talk here. Welcome Pastor Jacie!
Thank you to everyone who attended yesterday’s congregation-wide celebration dinner! We had a great turnout. We hope you will take a moment to view A Vision of Hope. In this video you will hear from Capital Campaign Chair, Carrol Meyers-Dobler, Information Team Chair, Bob Ihrig, and Council President, Mary Bliesmer. Learn more about the history of Bethlehem, the Capital Campaign, and why Bethlehem Lutheran Church is a Vision of Hope. View the video here!
Over the weekend Bethlehem hosted Teens Encounter Christ (TEC). We have overall 32 youth, including 5 of Bethlehem’s 9th graders.
Grab your costumes, donate some candy, and join us Wednesday, Oct. 26th from 6:45-7:45pm for a fun evening in Bethlehem’s parking lot! Our annual Halloween event has something for everyone and is open to the whole community! Trick or Treat down Trunk Alley, get your face painted, play ring toss, enjoy hot cider by the campfire, and more! Sign up here to host a trunk or donate candy! Donated candy should be dropped off in the main office by Oct. 23rd.
Bethlehem will host a Halloween-Themed Youth Lock-In for 5th-9th graders, coming up on Friday, October 28th from 7pm to midnight. There is no cost, friends are welcome! Register here by Oct. 26th.
Lefse is back thanks to you volunteers! We will be making lefse on Friday, November 18th at 9am in the downstairs kitchen. If you forgot to sign up, that’s okay, we may still have room for you!
Pre order your lefse today! Sold in packs of 3 rounds for $5, limit 2 packs per customer. Payment due at pickup. Lefse pre-orders can be picked up Friday, November 18th at noon, or Sunday, November 20th after worship. You can pre-order your Lefse online or by calling the office. Pre-orders are limited but don’t worry if you miss out: any extra lefse and more baked goods will be available for sale on Sunday at our…Bake Sale!
That’s right, this year we are adding more freshly baked goodies and Norwegian treats, and bringing you a Bake Sale just in time for Thanksgiving! We’ll be in the narthex after worship on November 20th with goodies available for purchase on your way to the semi-annual meeting.
Thank you so much for the great response to lefse making! It goes to show, our Nordic Bazaar might be retired, but the spirit is still strong! Thank you, Bethlehem!
Connections Shelter is open for the season! Some changes this year: there will be no morning shifts and only meal providers and servers are needed. Meals will be served daily from 5:45-7:30pm. Grocery donations will be needed for our weeks and a wish list will be sent out the weekend before the week starts. There is also an afternoon cleaning session once a week. Call or text Derek at 210-863-4202 for more info.
You can sign up to prepare food and bring it to the shelter, sign up just to serve the meal, or do both. We serve up to 35 guests every evening. If that number changes, we will notify you beforehand. Sign up here for a meal shift.
Bethlehem is signed up for the following weeks: Oct. 17, Dec. 5, Jan. 23, Mar 20, May 22. Text Derek if you are interested in helping to coordinate Bethlehem’s weeks.
Join this Wednesday, Oct. 26th for dinner and worship. We will be serving spaghetti with meatballs, salad and garlic toast!
Note: Your Congregational Services Coordinator, Molly Nelson, will be on vacation Oct. 27-30 following her wedding on Oct. 22nd. Thank you in advance for your patience during this busy and exciting time. Special thanks to the staff, volunteers and Bethlehem members filling in during her absence!
Bethlehem's October Monthly Mission is Echo Food Shelf. Echo has been an important part of the Mankato and surrounding communities since 1981 when a group of concerned people recognized a crisis in the community and organized the collection of food in a church basement. The need for services has increased and Echo has expanded to meet the growing needs of our community. Volunteers bring food to local families who are unable to get to the food shelf and the summer feeding program fills the meal gap with many families. Many volunteer positions are available for those interested in helping Echo with their program. We have set a monetary donation goal of $3,000. We thank Bethlehem members for their commitment to our community.
Our goal is $3,000. Please give prayerfully and financially to our community. You can give online here. Thank you, Bethlehem!