Growing in Christ, Loving our Neighbors, Serving God's world.

the BLC blog

news & updates

BLC Weekly, August 15

Hello Bethlehem,

IMPORTANT REMINDER: Next Sunday, August 21, we will host a congregational meeting at 10:45am in the dining room, for the purpose of calling an associate pastor. In order to extend a call, we must have a quorum of 75 members and a ⅔ majority in attendance must vote “yes” on a paper ballot. Please attend if you are able and pray for Bethlehem and for this candidate during this exciting time. Thank you! 

Volunteers needed! Bethlehem volunteers are needed to serve coffee Sunday mornings and for Communion Set-up. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact Christine or Molly in the office. Thank you! 

Rally Day, aka, God’s Work, Our Hands, is coming up! The whole congregation is invited to join us for God’s Work, Our Hands on September 11 & 14th as we reconnect with our church family and celebrate with a day of worship, service, food, and fun. Keep your eye out for a full schedule of events!

Do you have gently used furniture items filling your house? Donate them to a great cause! Many international students come to the United States without basic household necessities. The Annual International Student Furniture Giveaway connects these students to FREE household supplies. Happening August 20th! Bring gently used desks, chairs, couches, dining tables, chairs, bed frames, end tables, plates, cups, cooking utensils and cooking supplies to MSU Lot 21 South on August 20th. Drop off your donations from 8-9:30am. (Electronics, heavily damaged/worn furniture, and clothes cannot be accepted.) Follow their Facebook event for more information. 

Get ready to show your pride! Members are invited to be a Reconciling In Christ presence at Mankato PrideFest 2022! Marchers are welcomed and encouraged to join in the parade Saturday, Sept. 10th! Line up is at 10:45am. Wear your Bethlehem gear! Then, volunteers are needed to table at the Pride Festival in Riverfront Park from 12-4pm. Sign up by contacting the office. Whether you show up to march or just watch the parade and enjoy the festival, we hope to see you there!

Deborah Circle extends an invitation to all present and past members of women’s circles to join us for the August Gather Bible Study. We will meet at 10am on August 20 in Grounds for Joy. The lessons follow a quilting theme and show how the pieces of our lives and communities are bound together in Christ.


On Tuesday, August 23, Bethlehem will host a Blood Drive for the American Cross from 1-6pm in Grounds for Joy. Give Blood and you’ll automatically be entered to Win FREE Gas for a Year!  Plus, all donors will receive a $10 e-giftcard to the merchant of their choice! Don’t miss this chance to save lives! 

And finally… after 3 cancellations… the ALS WALK is going to happen! Please join the Bethlehem Gaitkeepers on Saturday, September 17th at Spring Lake Park Shelter #1. Check in begins at 8:30am and the walk begins at 10am. The walk is 2.5 miles and a great way to honor Pastor Don and walk in memory of Jon Nelson. Donation forms are available in the office or can be filled out at Spring Lake on the day of the walk. Don’t miss this chance to be the cheering squad and hop in that group photo! We are hoping for a great turnout for ALS. Questions? Contact Ginger Erlandson,

Our August mission is Crossroads Campus Ministry, a Reconciling in Christ fellowship, located on the Minnesota State University-Mankato campus. In addition to supporting students in their spiritual journey, Crossroads also provides access to food through Campus Cupboard and the "Lunch for a Buck" program every Tuesday during the school year. Bethlehem Lutheran Church has committed to serving the "Lunch for a Buck" on the 1st Tuesday of every month starting in September. We welcome groups and/or individual volunteers to help support this lunch - contact Sandy Abild at (507) 382-6867 if you are interested. In addition, we welcome your generous monetary support to the overall mission of providing a safe and welcoming place for students. Our August monetary goal for this important mission is $3,000. You can give online. Thank you and God bless.


  • Wednesday night worship will resume Sept. 14. Until then, join us for Sunday worship at 9:30am or check out our Facebook, YouTube, radio broadcast, and website to stay connected! 

  • Our radio broadcast will be preempted by the Twins early start on the following dates: Sept. 18, Oct. 2. During these dates, our radio playback will be at 5pm instead of 11am. 

Bethlehem LutheranComment
BLC Weekly, August 8

Hello Bethlehem,

If you have not already, you will soon be receiving a notice in the mail that the council has called a congregational meeting for Sunday, August 21, at 10:45am in the Dining Room for the purpose of calling an associate pastor. In order to extend a call, we must have a quorum of 75 members and a ⅔ majority in attendance must vote “yes” on a paper ballot. Please attend if you are able. This is an exciting time in our congregation, and we ask for your prayers for the candidate and for Bethlehem. Thank you. 

They saved the best for last: our own Christine Schulz will be performing at the final Summer Organ Recital tomorrow, August 9th at noon in the sanctuary. Come and enjoy some incredible music! 

Happening this week: Kids through 6th grade and their families are invited to Flight Night at Tourtellotte Pool on Thursday, August 11th from 6:30-8pm. Then, after you dry off, stick around for smores in the park! 

Deborah Circle extends an invitation to all present and past members of women’s circles to join us for the August Gather Bible Study. We will meet at 10am on August 20 in Grounds for Joy. The lessons follow a quilting theme and show how the pieces of our lives and communities are bound together in Christ.

On Tuesday, August 23, Bethlehem will host a Blood Drive for the American Cross from 1-6pm in Grounds for Joy. Give Blood and you’ll automatically be entered to Win FREE Gas for a Year!  Plus, all donors will receive a $10 e-giftcard to the merchant of their choice! Don’t miss this chance to save lives! 

And finally… after 3 cancellations… the ALS WALK is going to happen! Please join the Bethlehem Gaitkeepers on Saturday, September 17th at Spring Lake Park Shelter #1. Check in begins at 8:30am and the walk begins at 10am. The walk is 2.5 miles and a great way to honor Pastor Don and walk in memory of Jon Nelson. Sign up forms are available in the office! 

Can’t make it to the walk? A donation form is available in the church office or can be filled out at Spring Lake on the day of the walk. Don’t miss this chance to be the cheering squad and hop in that group photo! We are hoping for a great turnout for ALS. Questions? Contact Ginger Erlandson,

Our August mission is Crossroads Campus Ministry, a Reconciling in Christ fellowship, located on the Minnesota State University-Mankato campus. In addition to supporting students in their spiritual journey, Crossroads also provides access to food through Campus Cupboard and the "Lunch for a Buck" program every Tuesday during the school year. Bethlehem Lutheran Church has committed to serving the "Lunch for a Buck" on the 1st Tuesday of every month starting in September. We welcome groups and/or individual volunteers to help support this lunch - contact Sandy Abild at (507) 382-6867 if you are interested. In addition, we welcome your generous monetary support to the overall mission of providing a safe and welcoming place for students. Our August monetary goal for this important mission is $3,000. You can give online. Thank you and God bless.


  • The Sunday Volunteer Schedule is being updated for the fall and winter. If you are a volunteer you will soon receive an updated schedule. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact the office.

  • Wednesday night worship will resume Sept. 14. Until then, join us for Sunday worship at 9:30am or check out our Facebook, YouTube, radio broadcast, and website to stay connected! 

  • Our radio broadcast will be preempted by the Twins early start on the following dates: Sept. 18, Oct. 2. During these dates, our radio playback will be at 5pm instead of 11am. 

BLC Weekly, August 1

Thank you for joining us to celebrate the 25th Anniversary of Pastor Jay Dahlvang’s Pastoral Ordination and sending your congratulations and prayers to Pastor Jay. A copy of the slideshow shown at the event is now available on the blog. Check it out here!

It’s a new month and we have a lot of new info and events coming up as we prepare to enter the busy fall season. Take a look at what’s ahead: 

Our August mission is Crossroads Campus Ministry, a Reconciling in Christ fellowship, located on the Minnesota State University-Mankato campus. In addition to supporting students in their spiritual journey, Crossroads also provides access to food through Campus Cupboard and the "Lunch for a Buck" program every Tuesday during the school year. Bethlehem Lutheran Church has committed to serving the "Lunch for a Buck" on the 1st Tuesday of every month starting in September. We welcome groups and/or individual volunteers to help support this lunch - contact Sandy Abild at (507) 382-6867 if you are interested. In addition, we welcome your generous monetary support to the overall mission of providing a safe and welcoming place for students. Our August monetary goal for this important mission is $3,000. Thank you and God bless.

Our friends and neighbors with the Lincoln Park Neighborhood Association invite you to “Night to Unite” happening tomorrow, August 2, from 5:30-8pm in the Bethlehem parking lot! Open to anyone living in or near the Lincoln Park neighborhood, there will be free food, local, live music, and family festivities. Interested in learning more or volunteering at this event? Call or text Drew Campbell at (507) 382-1374 or Del at (619) 990-7940.

The Summer Organ Recital Series is back at BLC this summer. Recitals take place at noon in the Sanctuary. Catch Kraig Windschitl on August 2nd and don’t miss our very own Christine Schulz, performing on August 9th!

Kids through 6th grade and their families are invited to Flight Night at Tourtellotte Pool on Thursday, August 11th from 6:30-8pm. Then, after you dry off, stick around for smores in the park! 

On Tuesday, August 23, Bethlehem will host a Blood Drive for the American Cross from 1-6pm in Grounds for Joy. Give Blood and you’ll automatically be entered to Win FREE Gas for a Year!  Plus, all donors will receive a $10 e-giftcard to the merchant of their choice! Don’t miss this chance to save lives! 

And looking ahead to September: Finally… after 3 cancellations… the ALS WALK is going to happen! Please join the Bethlehem Gaitkeepers on Saturday, September 17th at Spring Lake Park Shelter #1. Check in begins at 8:30am and the walk begins at 10am. The walk is 2.5 miles and a great way to honor Pastor Don and walk in memory of Jon Nelson. 

Can’t make it to the walk? A donation form is available in the church office or can be filled out at Spring Lake on the day of the walk. Don’t miss this chance to be the cheering squad and hop in that group photo! We are hoping for a great turnout for ALS. Questions? Contact Ginger Erlandson,


  • Wednesday night worship will resume in the fall. Until then, join us for Sunday worship at 9:30am or check out our Facebook, YouTube, radio broadcast, and website to stay connected! 

  • Our radio broadcast will be preempted by the Twins early start on the following dates: Sept. 18, Oct. 2. During these dates, our radio playback will be at 5pm instead of 11am.

BLC Weekly, July 25

Hello Bethlehem!

Remember to save the date! Sunday, July 31 at Bethlehem Lutheran Church, join us in celebrating the 25th Anniversary of Pastor Jay Dahlvang’s Pastoral Ordination! Gather for Worship at 9:30am and then head to the Dining Room at 10:30am for a reception! Congratulations Pastor Jay and thank you for serving Bethlehem! 

Then stick around, there’s more to celebrate! Head to the Heritage Room at noon on July 31st for a birthday party! Dorothy Knedel turns 100! Stop by and celebrate this amazing milestone! 

Do you live near Bethlehem? Did you know we are hosting our neighborhood's annual "Night to Unite" event? That's right! The Lincoln Park Neighborhood Association invites you to “Night to Unite” coming up on Tuesday, August 2, from 5:30-8pm in the Bethlehem parking lot! Open to anyone living in or near the Lincoln Park neighborhood! There will be free food, local, live music, and family festivities. Interested in learning more or volunteering at this event? Call or text Drew Campbell at (507) 382-1374 or Del at (619) 990-7940. 

Deborah Circle extends an invitation to all present and past members of women’s circles to join us for the August Gather Bible Study. We will meet at 10 am on August 20 in Grounds for Joy. The lessons follow a quilting theme and show how the pieces of our lives and communities are bound together in Christ.

The Summer Organ Recital Series is back at BLC this summer. Recitals take place at noon in the Sanctuary. Catch Kraig Windschitl on August 2nd and don’t miss our very own Christine Schulz, performing on August 9th!

On Tuesday, August 23, Bethlehem will host a Blood Drive for the American Cross from 1-6pm in Grounds for Joy. Give Blood and you’ll automatically be entered to Win FREE Gas for a Year!  Plus, all donors will receive a $10 e-giftcard to the merchant of their choice! Don’t miss this chance to save lives! 

Finally… after 3 cancellations… the ALS WALK is going to happen! Please join the Bethlehem Gaitkeepers on Saturday, September 17th at Spring Lake Park

Shelter #1. Check in begins at 8:30am and the walk begins at 10am. The walk is 2.5 miles and a great way to honor Pastor Don and walk in memory of Jon Nelson. Can’t make it to the walk? A donation form is available in the church office or can be filled out at Spring Lake on the day of the walk. Don’t miss this chance to be the cheering squad and hop in that group photo! We are hoping for a great turnout for ALS. Questions? Contact Ginger Erlandson,

Bethlehem is back on Instagram! You can follow us at @blcmankato 


  • Wednesday night worship will resume in the fall. Until then, join us for Sunday worship at 9:30am or check out our Facebook, YouTube, radio broadcast, and website to stay connected! 

  • Our radio broadcast will be preempted by the Twins early start on the following dates: Sept. 18, Oct. 2. During these dates, our radio playback will be at 5pm instead of 11am. 


Our July Mission Partner is YWCA Mankato. Check out their video, Shout out Loud, to learn more about their mission. Learn more on the blog or support them by Donating Directly

Weekly Email, July 18

Hello Bethlehem!

Christ the King will host a presentation and discussion on assisting refugees to settle, happening on July 24th at 10:30am. This conversation will be led by Lynn Mullin of Lutheran Social Services. Learn about the refugee experience, resettling new arrivals, and what congregations can do to help. The unique character of the Ukrainian Refugee crises will be addressed. Attend live or virtually via Facebook and YouTube.

Remember to save the date! Next Sunday, July 31 at Bethlehem Lutheran Church, join us in celebrating the 25th Anniversary of Pastor Jay Dahlvang’s Pastoral Ordination! Gather for Worship at 9:30am and then head to the Dining Room at 10:30am for a reception! Congratulations Pastor Jay and thank you for serving Bethlehem! 

Do you live near Bethlehem? Did you know we are hosting our neighborhood's annual "Night to Unite" event? That's right! The Lincoln Park Neighborhood Association invites you to “Night to Unite” coming up on Tuesday, August 2, from 5:30-8pm in the Bethlehem parking lot! Open to anyone living in or near the Lincoln Park neighborhood! There will be free food, local, live music, and family festivities. Interesting in learning more or volunteering at this event? Call or text Drew Campbell at (507) 382-1374 or Del at (619) 990-7940. 

Deborah Circle extends an invitation to all present and past members of women’s circles to join us for the August Gather Bible Study. We will meet at 10 am on August 20 in Grounds for Joy. The lessons follow a quilting theme and show how the pieces of our lives and communities are bound together in Christ.

The Summer Organ Recital Series is back at BLC this summer. Get the full schedule on our blog, and don’t miss our own Christine Schulz, performing on August 9th!

Bethlehem is back on Instagram! You can follow us at @blcmankato 


  • Wednesday night worship will resume in the fall. Until then, join us for Sunday worship at 9:30am or check out our Facebook, YouTube, radio broadcast, and website to stay connected! 

  • Our radio broadcast will be preempted by the Twins early start on the following dates: July 24, Sept. 18, Oct. 2. During these dates, our radio playback will be at 5pm instead of 11am. 

Our July Mission Partner is YWCA Mankato. Check out their video, Shout out Loud, to learn more about their mission. Learn more on the blog or support them by Donating Directly

Weekly Email July 11

Hello Bethlehem!

This Sunday, July 17, will be Pastor Kristen’s last Sunday at Bethlehem. We are thankful to Dr. Kristen Venne for serving as our Transitional Pastor and hope you will join us in giving thanks for her gifts and wishing her farewell. Thank you, Pastor Kristen!

Save the Date! On Sunday, July 31 at Bethlehem Lutheran Church, join us in celebrating the 25th Anniversary of Pastor Jay Dahlvang’s Pastoral Ordination! Gather for Worship at 9:30am and then head to the Dining Room at 10:30am for a reception! Congratulations Pastor Jay!

Deborah Circle extends an invitation to all present and past members of women’s circles to join us for the July and August Gather Bible Study. We will meet at 10 am on July 16 and August 20 in Grounds for Joy. The lessons follow a quilting theme and show how the pieces of our lives and communities are bound together in Christ.

The Summer Organ Recital Series is back at BLC this summer. Get the full schedule on our blog, and don’t miss our own Christine Schulz, performing on August 9th!

Thank you for your patience as we sought a replacement for our former Congregational Services Coordinator. We wish Emily Heinis the best of luck in her new job and we welcome Molly Nelson (whom you may know by her maiden name, Molly Butler) who has taken over the position and will be serving as Bethlehem’s Congregational Services Coordinator! Learn more about Molly and her role on her Staff Page


  • Wednesday night worship will resume in the fall. Until then, join us for Sunday worship at 9:30am or check out our Facebook, YouTube, radio broadcast, and website to stay connected! 

  • Our radio broadcast will be preempted by the Twins early start on the following dates: July 24, Sept. 18, Oct. 2. During these dates, our radio playback will be at 5pm instead of 11am. 

Our July Mission Partner is YWCA Mankato. Check out their video, Shout out Loud, to learn more about their mission. Learn more on the blog or support them by Donating Directly!

Weekly Email, June 27/July 4

 We are in the final week of Pride month, but we remember to include and celebrate our LGBTQIA+ siblings all year. As Jesus taught us, “Love one another like I have loved you.” 


Dee & Bob Singelstad extend their heartfelt gratitude to everyone who sent cards, flowers, and well wishes for their 67th Anniversary on June 11th. Your kindness means the world to them. 



The Library Board is reinventing the library space and would like your help in reducing the amount of books. Read the blog for more information. 


The Summer Organ Recital Series is back at BLC this summer. Get the full schedule on our blog, but know that our own Christine Schulz will be performing on August 9th.


Our weekly email is written and sent by the Congregational Services Coordinator. This position is in transition currently. As next week is the 4th of July, we will not have a BLC Weekly. An email on July 11th is possible, depending on the hiring of a new CSC. Call the church office if you have questions about the week’s goings on. 


  • For the remainder of the summer, Wednesday night worship will not be held. We will resume in the fall. If you can’t make it on Sundays, please consider watching the recording on Facebook or YouTube. 

  • Four dates this season our radio broadcast will be preempted by the Twins early start. On these days, our radio playback will be at 5pm instead of 11am. June 5, July 24, Sept. 18, Oct. 2


The June Mission Partner is Lutheran World Relief. You can learn more on the blog.  Or donate directly here:


The July Mission Partner is YWCA Mankato. You can learn more on the blog.  Or donate directly here:


Are you a member of our Facebook group? We post needs, news, and other fun things there, and you're encouraged to share as well. Check it out:


News & Updates:

Church Calendar:

"Every person supports a cause. It may not be our cause, but that's OK. See what's going on in your church and in your community and get involved with something that touches your heart. Think about it, pray about it and then just do it. Live beyond yourself." --Living Lutheran, Sept. 2021"

Bethlehem is an inviting community that is growing in Christ, loving our neighbors, and serving God's world."

July Monthly Mission: YWCA Mankato

July's monthly mission supports the YWCA Mankato. This mission is dedicated to eliminating racism, empowering women and promoting peace, justice, freedom and dignity for all. This resonates with our church as the YWCA mission aligns with our core values of integrity, respect, trust, compassion and inclusion. Your monetary donate will support many youth programs, family programs for our immigrant families to eliminate barriers that can negative impact health and well-being, workshops that focus on racial justice and ways to get involved and so much more. "Give a little today, to make a big impact tomorrow." Our goal is set to raise $800 during the month of July.

Weekly Email, June 20

June 20, 2022

The first night of VBS was a huge success! We thank Eve Circle for providing and serving the meal. Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday are sponsored by Stewardship, Community and Global, and Council! Family Faith Formation couldn’t do it without all our amazing volunteers. 


We’re hiring! The position of Congregational Services Coordinator is open and accepting applications until June 24th. Read the full job description and apply on our website. 


The Library Board is reinventing the library space and would like your help in reducing the amount of books. Read the blog for more information. 


The Summer Organ Recital Series is back at BLC this summer. Get the full schedule on our blog, but know that our own Christine Schulz will be performing on August 9th.


Although Mankato celebrates PRIDE the second weekend in September, we should celebrate our LGBTQIA+ siblings all year-round. If you have questions about what it means to be an open and affirming church (all questions are valid!), please contact the Welcome and Inclusion Board. Contact info can be obtained from the church office. 


Our weekly email was a day late due to our office’s and staff’s observance of Juneteenth. Please join us in this prayer of the day from the ELCA Juneteenth Worship. 


  • For the remainder of the summer, Wednesday night worship will not be held. We will resume in the fall. If you can’t make it on Sundays, please consider watching the recording on Facebook or YouTube. 

  • Four dates this season our radio broadcast will be preempted by the Twins early start. On these days, our radio playback will be at 5pm instead of 11am. June 5, July 24, Sept. 18, Oct. 2


The June Mission Partner is Lutheran World Relief. You can learn more on the blog.  Or donate directly here:


Are you a member of our Facebook group? We post needs, news, and other fun things there, and you're encouraged to share as well. Check it out:


News & Updates:

Church Calendar:

"Every person supports a cause. It may not be our cause, but that's OK. See what's going on in your church and in your community and get involved with something that touches your heart. Think about it, pray about it and then just do it. Live beyond yourself." --Living Lutheran, Sept. 2021

"Bethlehem is an inviting community that is growing in Christ, loving our neighbors, and serving God's world."