Hello Bethlehem,
IMPORTANT REMINDER: Next Sunday, August 21, we will host a congregational meeting at 10:45am in the dining room, for the purpose of calling an associate pastor. In order to extend a call, we must have a quorum of 75 members and a ⅔ majority in attendance must vote “yes” on a paper ballot. Please attend if you are able and pray for Bethlehem and for this candidate during this exciting time. Thank you!
Volunteers needed! Bethlehem volunteers are needed to serve coffee Sunday mornings and for Communion Set-up. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact Christine or Molly in the office. Thank you!
Rally Day, aka, God’s Work, Our Hands, is coming up! The whole congregation is invited to join us for God’s Work, Our Hands on September 11 & 14th as we reconnect with our church family and celebrate with a day of worship, service, food, and fun. Keep your eye out for a full schedule of events!
Do you have gently used furniture items filling your house? Donate them to a great cause! Many international students come to the United States without basic household necessities. The Annual International Student Furniture Giveaway connects these students to FREE household supplies. Happening August 20th! Bring gently used desks, chairs, couches, dining tables, chairs, bed frames, end tables, plates, cups, cooking utensils and cooking supplies to MSU Lot 21 South on August 20th. Drop off your donations from 8-9:30am. (Electronics, heavily damaged/worn furniture, and clothes cannot be accepted.) Follow their Facebook event for more information.
Get ready to show your pride! Members are invited to be a Reconciling In Christ presence at Mankato PrideFest 2022! Marchers are welcomed and encouraged to join in the parade Saturday, Sept. 10th! Line up is at 10:45am. Wear your Bethlehem gear! Then, volunteers are needed to table at the Pride Festival in Riverfront Park from 12-4pm. Sign up by contacting the office. Whether you show up to march or just watch the parade and enjoy the festival, we hope to see you there!
Deborah Circle extends an invitation to all present and past members of women’s circles to join us for the August Gather Bible Study. We will meet at 10am on August 20 in Grounds for Joy. The lessons follow a quilting theme and show how the pieces of our lives and communities are bound together in Christ.
On Tuesday, August 23, Bethlehem will host a Blood Drive for the American Cross from 1-6pm in Grounds for Joy. Give Blood and you’ll automatically be entered to Win FREE Gas for a Year! Plus, all donors will receive a $10 e-giftcard to the merchant of their choice! Don’t miss this chance to save lives!
And finally… after 3 cancellations… the ALS WALK is going to happen! Please join the Bethlehem Gaitkeepers on Saturday, September 17th at Spring Lake Park Shelter #1. Check in begins at 8:30am and the walk begins at 10am. The walk is 2.5 miles and a great way to honor Pastor Don and walk in memory of Jon Nelson. Donation forms are available in the office or can be filled out at Spring Lake on the day of the walk. Don’t miss this chance to be the cheering squad and hop in that group photo! We are hoping for a great turnout for ALS. Questions? Contact Ginger Erlandson, Rerlandson2@gmail.com.
Our August mission is Crossroads Campus Ministry, a Reconciling in Christ fellowship, located on the Minnesota State University-Mankato campus. In addition to supporting students in their spiritual journey, Crossroads also provides access to food through Campus Cupboard and the "Lunch for a Buck" program every Tuesday during the school year. Bethlehem Lutheran Church has committed to serving the "Lunch for a Buck" on the 1st Tuesday of every month starting in September. We welcome groups and/or individual volunteers to help support this lunch - contact Sandy Abild at (507) 382-6867 if you are interested. In addition, we welcome your generous monetary support to the overall mission of providing a safe and welcoming place for students. Our August monetary goal for this important mission is $3,000. You can give online. Thank you and God bless.
Wednesday night worship will resume Sept. 14. Until then, join us for Sunday worship at 9:30am or check out our Facebook, YouTube, radio broadcast, and website to stay connected!
Our radio broadcast will be preempted by the Twins early start on the following dates: Sept. 18, Oct. 2. During these dates, our radio playback will be at 5pm instead of 11am.