“The power of receiving the cross on our foreheads on Ash Wednesday is in the layering: there is a sign of sin and death traced and layered on top of the tracing in water and oil of the promise of life, rebirth, and liberation from sin and death. On Ash Wednesday, we feel the full weight of the ashy tracing. It does not negate or obliterate the liberating sign it is layered with, but it is a suitably tangible reminder of the reality of grief, loss, and death.” —Bishop Anne Edison-Albright
(You can read more reflections on Ash Wednesday during a pandemic on the ELCA website. )
At Bethlehem this year, we will impose ashes outdoors and fully masked only. You can stop by on your lunch hour that day, receive ashes AFTER worship in the evening, or pick up your own jar of ash to impose the ashes with your family at home. You can certainly make your own ashes as well.
Worship is at 6pm only (no noon worship as in previous years), and will be in the sanctuary and online.
Questions? Call the office at 388-2925 during office hours (9am-4pm, Tues-Thurs.)