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February Mission: Partners for Housing


The Community and Global Missions Board invites you to support Partners for Housing, chosen to be our “monthly mission” for February here at Bethlehem. Partners for Housing believes it is essential that affordable housing and temporary shelter be available to those in need and, for over 35 years, the agency has responded by providing a variety of housing solutions for the most vulnerable members of our community. At any given time, there are more than 80 households residing underneath the umbrella of Partners for Housing. The continuum of care features: 

  • Three emergency shelters which offer safe respite to single females and families with children.

  • Supportive Housing - Transitional Housing and Rapid Rehousing for Minnesota individuals and families most vulnerable to homelessness. These housing options provide case management for 12 to 24 months (depending on location and program funding available), helping clients overcome barriers to stability, as well as providing supplementary rent assistance for rent above 30% of the client’s income during this time.

  • Long-term Housing - In partnership with a local landlord, four rental units are designated for persons who are at-risk of homelessness. Partners provides consistent case management, as clients continue to maintain stability or to elevate their economic status.

  • Six apartment buildings and two single-family dwellings which offer permanent housing where the monthly rent is set at below-market rental rates. Residents who utilize housing voucher programs through the city or county are welcome.

    Your financial support of Partners for Housing will help ensure the continuation of services despite the challenges presented by the nationwide pandemic. We sincerely thank you.

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