BLC Weekly, April 22
Hello Bethlehem,
Thank you for joining us at the Semi-Annual Meeting! The 2023 Annual Report is available on our website for review.
Kato Sleep Out: Join Team Bethlehem!
Last spring, 60 Bethlehem members and friends contributed $6,050 to the Kato Sleep Out to earn the Top Fundraiser Award. A total of $22,000+ was raised by everyone in our community for the Connections Shelter. WOW! Thank you for your generosity!!
We have the opportunity to REPEAT this year with the April 26 Sleep Out. Thus far, we have received $2,255 from 25 supporters! That is wonderful!! We only have 5 more days to match and exceed last year’s total. Will you help?
You can contribute $$$ with Cash or Check (Payable to Connections Shelter Ministry). Put these in an envelope with your name and give to Bob Ihrig at Bethlehem.
You can contribute $$$ Online at (Check Sleep-Out). Email Bob Ihrig at with your donation information to be credited to our team. Thank You!
Endowment Fund Scholarships
Applications are now open. Graduating high school seniors and undergraduate students are invited to apply online here by May 1st.
Wednesday night supper:
This week we are serving up a taco buffet with rice and beans, served at 5pm in the lower level. Worship begins at 6:15pm.
Walk to Defeat ALS
Please join us for the ALS walk this Saturday, April 27th in Spring Lake Park. All are welcome and there is still time to register online.
Check in begins at 8:30 am and the walk starts at 10:00 am. The walk around the lake is very easy and comfortable. If you can’t join us and would like to donate, please go on line at or stop in the office and pick up a form and mail-free envelope.
Please contact Ginger Erlandson with any questions. We walk to honor Pastor Don and in memory of Jon Nelson!
Lost & Found
The lost has been found! Lost & Found items are on a table in the narthex. Please take home any items that belong to you. All remaining items will be donated after April 28th.
Community Garden
BLC Community Garden plots are now available for sign-up! Plots are available on a first come, first serve basis and plots are limited. Sign up online or contact Sarah Morgan to reserve.
Summer Tutoring
Good Counsel Learning Center is offering one-on-one tutoring for three weeks each month June, July, and August for grades K – 12 in reading and math. Various hourly sessions are available from 9:00am - 5:00pm weekdays. Register online at or call Sr. Dorothy at the Center for more information: 507-389-4229.
Blood Drive
Bethlehem will host a Blood Drive on May 23 from 12-6pm. Sign up online to give blood and save lives!
Flamingo fundraiser
Your favorite fundraiser is back. It’s a Flamingo Flocking Fundraiser! For $30 you can flock a friend or family member’s yard with flamingos. $10 gets you flamingo insurance to keep the flock off your yard. Proceeds from this fundraiser will help send our youth to the ELCA Youth Gathering in New Orleans this summer. Head to the form on our website to sign up!
Stop by the photobooth
Bethlehem’s Welcome and Inclusion Board is working on a summer promotion for Bethlehem to increase our visibility within the community and we want pictures of Bethlehem’s members! Stop by the balloon arch near the entryway where Marian Mallory will be standing by before and after church to snap a photo of you and your friends and family. You can also feel free to send in your own selfies. If you don't like being in pictures, feel free to grab an animal mask! We want all of you to find a place on our Ark!
Monthly Mission
Bethlehem’s April Monthly Mission Partner is the WELCOME Committee, a combined effort of five local ELCA congregations, including Bethlehem, with a mission of welcoming refugees into the community. The initial family sponsored by the group is the Cruz family. Since their arrival in December 2022, the WELCOME Committee has been assisting in helping the Cruz family navigate the complex process of seeking asylum, learning English, and filing paperwork to gain employment as non-citizens. Our goal is $3,000. You can give online or with a check.
Home Care for Pr. Don: Bethlehem has been caring for and supporting Pastor Don and Bonnie Roberts since he was diagnosed with ALS in 1995, and now the Roberts need our help. Are you interested in helping with Pastor Don's home care? If you have experience as a caregiver, a good heart, and a willingness to learn, you are needed, as they are looking for more caregivers to round out their team. Let Pr. Don and Bonnie know if you can help! Connect with the Roberts by emailing
Bob Ihrig recently received the Community Impact Volunteer Award from the United Way! Bethlehem is lucky to have Bob serving in so many ways here at Bethlehem, including his work with the Council and several Bethlehem committees. Congratulations to Bob on this achievement!
Photo from the youth lock-in this weekend!
This Week in our Prayers
Curt Halvorson Marian Mallory Pete Wachtel
Les Biesterfeld Anna Moses John Engles
Jim Freyberg Barb Girtz Mark Woelfel
Shirley Ruby Tracy Carter Amy Grams Haugesag
Jodi Orchard Don Grotta Brigitte Rammerstorfer
Pastor Don Roberts, Bonnie, & his caregivers
The family & friends of Jean Thompson
Trinity Lutheran in Albert Lea St. John Lutheran in Owatonna
St. Paul Lutheran in Red Wing Cross of Glory Lutheran in Hartland
Dr. Martin Luther Lutheran in Tanzania Tulya Lutheran in Tanzania