Growing in Christ, Loving our Neighbors, Serving God's world.

the BLC blog

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BLC Weekly

Hello Bethlehem,

Mmmm we can almost taste the jambalaya…Fat Tuesday tickets are on sale now! Funds raised will help support our 8 youth attending the ELCA Youth Gathering in New Orleans this summer.

The online portion of the silent auction is underway and will close on the 11th, so get those bids in! We hope to see you in person for our Fat Tuesday dinner, 5:30-7pm, on February 13th! 

Get your Fat Tuesday tickets here

This Week

Join us for supper this Wednesday. We will be serving spaghetti and meatballs with salad and rolls at 5pm, followed by worship at 6:15pm and education at 7pm.

Pastor Jacie and our Family Faith Formation Director, Anna Wencl, will be leading another Brave Conversation with the youth. This session’s topic: Phones, Technology and Boundaries.

This month

BLC Young Adults will meet on the 10th for Pub Theology. Have questions about faith you don’t know where or how to ask? Bring them to Pub 500, 6-7:30pm, where we will meet to talk about faith, religion and life in a casual setting. RSVP to Pastor Jacie by February 8th. 

Snow or shine, the BLC Men will meet for a Winter Walk on Feb. 17th. 

Lenten Worship Schedule

February 14 — Ash Wednesday Worship at noon and 6:15

February 21 at 6:15 —Guest Preacher, Rev. Dave Reedstrom, Calvary Lutheran, Rapidan  

February 28 at 6:15 — Guest Preacher, Rev. Sarah Deutsch, Epiphany Lutheran, Eagle Lake 

March 6 at 6:15 — Guest Preacher, Rev. John Odegard, Grace Lutheran, Mankato 

March 13 at 6:15 — Preacher, Pr. Jay 

March 20 at 6:15 — Preacher, Pastor Jacie 

March 28 — Maundy Thursday Worship at 6:15 

March 29 — Good Friday Worship at noon and 6:15 

Additional announcements

Read Pastor Kristin Engstrom’s February newsletter. 

The second annual Kato Sleep Out with Connections Shelter will take place on April 26th in the Bethlehem parking lot! Join a team and raise funds for this important work in our community. The online sign up is now open. 

Monthly Mission

Our February Monthly Mission is the ECHO Food Shelf. ECHO has been committed to addressing food insecurity in our community since 1981. Our February donations will be presented in March, which is Minnesota Food Share Month, doubling what you give! Our goal is to raise $3,500. This program depends on volunteers, and we encourage you to consider giving a gift of your time.


Bethlehem will be serving at Connections Shelter the week of Feb. 26th! Sign up online to provide part of a meal or to serve.

Home Care for Pr. Don: Bethlehem has been caring for and supporting Pastor Don and Bonnie Roberts since he was diagnosed with ALS in 1995, and now the Roberts need our help. Are you interested in helping with Pastor Don's home care? If you have experience as a caregiver, a good heart, and a willingness to learn, you are needed, as they are looking for more caregivers to round out their team. Let Pr. Don and Bonnie know if you can help! Connect with the Roberts by emailing

Adult Forum

Sunday. Feb. 11th 10:45am in Grounds for Joy: BLC Landscaping Update with Sarah Morgan

This Week in our Prayers

Curt Halvorson Brenda Goetsch Marian Mallory

Pete Wachtel Nikolas Perez Les Biesterfeld

Pat Nelson Anna Moses John Engles

Jeremy Kolars Ollie Anderson Ardis Grotta Jim Freyberg

Pastor Don Roberts, Bonnie, & his caregivers

The family & friends of Vera Olson

Messiah Lutheran in North Mankato Our Savior’s Lutheran in Faribault

Solor Lutheran in Webster Justice y Vida Ministry in Colombia

Wembere Lutheran in Tanzania Ilongero Lutheran in Tanzania

Lectionary Readings

February 4 & 7, Mark 1:29-39

February 11, Mark 9:2-9

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