Growing in Christ, Loving our Neighbors, Serving God's world.

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BLC Weekly, February 17

Hello Bethlehem,

The WELCOME Team invites you to Our Grateful Gathering: A Fiesta of Joy, Thursday, April 3rd at Christ the King in Mankato. Join WELCOME for a silent auction, music, programming, and south of the border dinner, with all proceeds supporting  the family’s application for asylum status. 

Auction baskets and items can be dropped off in the BLC office. The event is free; free will offering is gratefully accepted. Space is limited. Call Christ the King at (507) 345-5056 by March 14th to RSVP. Thank you for supporting our mission of welcome! 

This week

Quilters are not meeting tomorrow morning; join them again the first Tuesday in March! 

Wednesday Night Supper: This week we are serving chicken tenders, mashed potatoes, vegetables and roll. Join us at 5:00pm in the lower level. All are welcome.

February 23 Adult Forum Join Chuck Piehl, chairperson of the BLC Endowment Board, as he shares the latest news and activities of the board. Learn about our investment strategy and giving plans to maximize the financial rewards of our endowment fund. We are making a real difference in the lives of individuals and groups in our community.

5th-12th graders and their friends are invited to Wow!Zone Laser Tag on Sunday, February 23rd beginning at 3:00 PM. Sign up online. 

Family faith formation

Families with kiddos ages 3-years to 6th grade are invited to Ice Skating at All Seasons Arena on Sunday, March 2nd from 2:00 - 3:30pm. 

Fat Tuesday is March 4th and dinner tickets are now on sale! We hope you will join us for our annual silent auction and jambalaya dinner, with in-person and takeout meal options. Get your tickets here! The online portion of the silent auction will open on our Facebook event on February 23rd.

The BLC Choir


Pastor Kristen Engstrom has moved to Madagascar! Learn more about her journey as an ELCA global missionary in her most recent blog post. 

Ash Wednesday is March 5th. Join us for worship services at noon and 6:15pm. 

Our friends at VITA Tax preparation are back in the building and donating their time to help anyone in need of tax preparation assistance. If you know someone who could benefit from their services, their number is (507) 386-5570. 

Breakfast with the Bishop: The SE MN Lutheran Men in Mission Board is sponsoring Breakfast with the Bishop on Saturday, April 26th  at 9:00 AM at Cabela’s Owatonna. Everyone, and especially young men, are invited to attend this special event. Asst. to the Bishop, Matt Larson will be sharing a Devotion. John Sundquist, Executive Director of Lutheran Men in Mission (LMM), will be the Keynote Speaker.  Cost: $15/person (under 20 yrs. Old $10) Send reservations and check by Friday, April 18 to:
Russell Tesch 906 4th Ave SE Waseca, MN 56093

Monthly mission partner

Our February monthly mission is ECHO Food Shelf. Serving our area since 1981, ECHO provides regular food orders, a summer feeding program, home deliveries, and much more. There is minimal paperwork to obtain food and no one is turned away. ECHO serves over 600 families a week. Join us in supporting this vital service and mission in our area. Volunteers are always needed and welcomed at ECHO. Visit their website to volunteer. Our goal is $3,500.You can give online or drop off a check written out to Bethlehem with the monthly mission in the memo line. 

Double your giving! When we give ECHO our donation in March, our dollars will be doubled by matching funds. Donate to this monthly mission and your dollars will go twice as far!

This Week in our Prayers

Curt Halvorson Marian Mallory Pete Wachtel

Anna Moses Barb Girtz Paul Haugesag

Amy Grams Haugesag Al Rossow Gail Ihrig

Bob Blom Lynor Blom Charlene Zimmerman

Joan Stoffel Warren Beaty

Messiah Lutheran in North Mankato Our Savior’s Lutheran in Faribault

Solor Lutheran in Webster Justice y Vida Ministry in Colombia

Wembere Lutheran in Tanzania Ilongero Lutheran in Tanzania

Lectionary Readings

February 19, Luke 6 17-26

February 23 & 26, Luke 6:27-38

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