Growing in Christ, Loving our Neighbors, Serving God's world.

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BLC Weekly, February 3

Hello Bethlehem,

Bishop Regina Hassanally will be joining us for worship and will lead our Adult Forum this Sunday, February 9th. She has served as Bishop of the Southeastern Minnesota Synod, ELCA since 2019. Learn more about Bishop Hassanally here. We hope you will join us in welcoming Bishop Hassanally to Bethlehem! 

This week

Wednesday Night Supper: this week we are serving chicken, mashed potatoes, salad and rolls, served at 5:00pm in the lower level. All are welcome. 

Prayer Shawl Makers: Knitters, crocheters and learners are invited to join us in the Bethlehem library from 6-8pm again this Thursday to learn to make prayer shawls. You can RSVP to Marcia Nagel at (507) 420-9692. Please bring a #10 ½ or #11 30-36 inch circular knitting needle OR size K, L or M (7.0, 8.0, 9.0 mm) crochet hook. All skill levels and beginners are welcome!

Our friends at VITA Tax preparation are back in the building and donating their time to help anyone in need of tax preparation assistance. If you know someone who could benefit from their services, their number is (507) 386-5570. 

Family faith formation

Camp Youth sharing a song during worship on Sunday.

We’ll celebrate Camp Week again during worship this Wednesday.

5th-12th graders and their friends are invited to Wow!Zone Laser Tag on Sunday, February 23rd beginning at 3:00 PM. Sign up online. 

Families with kiddos ages 3-years to 6th grade are invited to Ice Skating at All Seasons Arena on Sunday, March 2nd from 2:00 - 3:30pm. 

Fat Tuesday is March 4th! We hope you will join us for our annual silent auction and jambalaya dinner. Tickets are available here. The online portion of the silent auction will open on our Facebook event on February 23rd! 


Prayer for Black History Month, from the ELCA

The WELCOME Team invites you to Our Grateful Gathering: A Fiesta of Joy, Thursday, April 3rd at Christ the King in Mankato. Join WELCOME for a silent auction, music, programming, and south of the border dinner, with all proceeds will support the family’s application for asylum status. At this time the WELCOME Team is looking for silent auction items. There are four ways to give: create your own basket, team up with friends to create a basket together, connect with your favorite local businesses to see if they are willing to donate items, or check your home for great condition items you no longer use, and the WELCOME Team will incorporate those items into a basket. There will be a basket in the narthex through the month of February to collect auction items, or you can connect with Carrol Meyers-Dobler to give her items directly. Thank you for supporting our mission of welcome!

Upcoming events: Bibles & Brews meets February 13 and BLC Men will watch MSU Men’s Basketball and enjoy Jake’s Pizza on February 15th. 

THank you

Thank you to all our wonderful volunteers who gave their Saturday morning to clean the church kitchens. Special thanks to Cindy Zacharias for organizing. The church was left absolutely sparkling. We are so grateful for these wonderful stewards of our lovely building. 

Monthly mission partner

Our February monthly mission is ECHO Food Shelf. Serving our area since 1981, ECHO provides regular food orders, a summer feeding program, home deliveries, and much more. There is minimal paperwork to obtain food and no one is turned away. ECHO serves over 600 families a week. Join us in supporting this vital service and mission in our area. Volunteers are always needed and welcomed at ECHO. Visit their website to volunteer. Our goal is $3,500.You can give online or drop off a check written out to Bethlehem with the monthly mission in the memo line. 

This Week in our Prayers

Curt Halvorson Marian Mallory Pete Wachtel

Anna Moses Barb Girtz Paul Haugesag

Amy Grams Haugesag Al Rossow

Garness Trinity Lutheran in Mabel Cannon River Lutheran in Welch

St. John Lutheran in Montgomery Bricelyn Lutheran in Bricelyn

Ruruma Lutheran in Tanzania Pulguori Lutheran Parish in South Sudan

Lectionary Readings

February 5, Luke 4:21-30

February 9 & 12, Luke 5:1-11

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