Growing in Christ, Loving our Neighbors, Serving God's world.

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BLC Weekly, January 13

Hello Bethlehem,

We hope you enjoyed our Epiphany Program and House of Bread! Last Wednesday the youth led us in Twinkle, Twinkle, Great Big Star, an Instant Epiphany Program, and members were invited to receive their own star words to guide them in the year ahead. 

Then, on Friday evening, our all-ages talent show returned with song, dance, comedy, storytelling and even some magic tricks! We also viewed quilts, photography and puppets created by members. Huge thank you to everyone who shared their gifts. We are so impressed! Didn’t make it this year? Don’t worry! We plan on bringing back House of Bread again next year. 

This week

January 19 Adult Forum "Celebrating Diversity in Greater Mankato" will be the featured topic of the adult forum. Mohamed Alsadig, Executive Director of the Greater Mankato Diversity Council, will share his insights on Council efforts to promote and support diversity in our community. This forum supports Bethlehem's 5th strategic goal of Embracing Diversity: We will embrace diversity by demonstrating welcome and respect for all identities, listening to develop growing relationships with diverse communities and working for the good of all in the community. 

The NicBluCares Caring Circle meets today at 4pm in Grounds for Joy. 

Join us for Wednesday night supper. This week we are serving hamburger and rice hotdish with salad and rolls at 5:00pm in the lower level. 

Wednesday night worship returns to the chapel this week! We will hold services in the chapel until lent. 


Bethlehem will be serving at Connections Shelter on February 3 and 4. Sign up using this link.  

We pray for all affected by the wildfires in California and want to share this message from Lutheran Disaster Response:  As Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton said in her statement about the wildfires, "The prophet Isaiah writes that even when fires rage, the final word is faith, not fear. God redeems us and calls us by name to be agents of healing and hope, even amid staggering loss. In faith, we respond through prayer, accompaniment and action." Lutheran Disaster Response is coordinating with the Southwest California Synod and Pacifica Synod to assess the needs of people impacted by the wildfires. We will work with them to address immediate needs amid the destruction and assist with recovery efforts for months and years to come. You can give here to support Lutheran Disaster Response in their efforts.


Offering envelopes are now available in the narthex for those who would like them.

The Adult Forum for RIC Sunday on January 26 is "Clunky Questions: Answers and discussion about some of the questions you may have had about LGBTQ+ but were afraid to ask.

We are working on the winter/spring worship volunteer schedule. If you want to make changes to your volunteer preferences, please contact the office. 

Meet & Eat: new groups are forming! Three BLC couples/individuals will be matched up and set up three different get togethers over a meal, each hosted by a member of the group.  Sign up here if you are interested. 

Thank you

Thank you to my Bethlehem family for the cards, notes, and especially prayers during my knee surgery and recuperation.  All were greatly appreciated. -Donna and Lance Quick

Thank you to John Wingert, who volunteered his time and talent and audio equipment to make House of Bread possible. Thank you also to Amy Haigh for managing the refreshments. We appreciate you!

Monthly mission partner: Green lake lutheran ministries

Our January monthly mission is Green Lake Lutheran Ministries. Their mission is to invite all to experience the life-changing love of Jesus through vibrant settings in community and creation. You can give online or drop off a check written out to Bethlehem with the monthly mission in the memo line.

This Week in our Prayers

Curt Halvorson Marian Mallory Pete Wachtel

Anna Moses Barb Girtz Paul Haugesag

Amy Grams Haugesag Al Rossow Dean Phillips

Shirley Ruby Roger Pipes

Bethel Lutheran in Northfield Hegre Lutheran in Kenyon

Marshall Lutheran in Adams Sayuni Kinyambuli Lutheran in Tanzania

Kijota Hull High School in Tanzania

Lectionary Readings

January 12 & 15, Luke 3:15-17, 21-22

January 19 & 22, John 2:1-11

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