BLC Weekly, September 23
Hello Bethlehem,
Thanks to our amazing Quilters & School Kit Assemblers, over 2,000 school kits were sent to Lutheran World Relief thanks to our amazing volunteers and our quilters sent 50 quilts to area children and families in need last week. If you’re interested in joining in the joy of service in this way, you’re welcome to join them in the lower level on the first and third Tuesday of each month at 9:00am.
Tonight: You’re invited to join Mica Faull, the Director of Engagement and Education at the Border Servants Corps (BSC) for dessert and discussion. BSC has provided hospitality services to migrants in the borderlands as they continue their journey to family and/or sponsors within the United States. Now a Social Ministry Organization of the ELCA, BSC has welcomed more than 135,000 newly-arrived neighbors from across the globe with dignity and respect since 2019. BSC is a leader in both regional (border communities) and national immigration conversations, including meetings with White House and congressional staff. Join Mica Faull Monday, September 23, 7:00-8:30 here at Bethlehem. In addition to providing valuable information on the impact of Border Servant Corps’ ministry, Mica will share immigration updates that ‘go beyond the soundbites’ we hear on the news. All are welcome!
Wednesday Night suppers
Wednesday Night Suppers are back! All are welcome and the meal is free. Join us at 5pm in the lower level. What’s on the menu:
Sept. 25 Hamburger/cheeseburger, chips & cold pasta salad
Oct. 2 Taco buffet with rice & beans
Oct. 9. Macaroni & cheese with salad & roll
Adult forum
Managing Local Elections
Michael Stalberger, Blue Earth County Elections Coordinator, will share the latest news and answer your questions about how elections will be conducted this November. You don't want to miss this important presentation. Come one, come all! Join us this Sunday, September 29 at 10:45 am in Grounds for Joy for coffee and conversation.
Family faith formation
Youth and Children’s programming resumes this week! 5th-8th graders can head to the Youth Room on Wednesday after worship, and 9th graders will gather in Grounds for Joy, and NightLIGHT will be held downstairs.
Use this form to sign up for candy donation or to host a trunk.
Join us for a FLIGHT event on October 13th! Once again families will head to Laura and Jim’s for lunch and fall fun before heading to Pumpkin Junction to receive a free pumpkin for each kiddo. Head to our Friends & Family Facebook event for more information about our Fall Family Day! Please RSVP to Anna at by October 6th with headcount so we can prepare meals.
Our 2nd Annual Women’s Event will be held on November 9th! Join us from 9:00am to 1:00pm for a tour of tables, brunch, speakers and entertainment. More details and tickets are available here or by clicking the link on our homepage.
We want YOU on lefse making crew! We certainly had a great turnout last year making our famous lefse! Can we do it again? We plan on making it Friday morning, November 22nd, 9:00am so it will be fresh for thanksgiving. Sales will be presales only (watch for details on doing this) and any leftovers open for sales on Sunday November 24th. But we will need your help on Friday to make it another success! Join us for coffee and goodies as we roll out this delicious Nordic treat. Please contact Ginger Erlandson either by texting 507-380-5268 or email Let’s keep our Nordic traditions alive!!
In addition to our usual lefse making day, we are also hosting a Learn to Make Lefse evening for children, youth and families interested in learning about this delicious tradition. Join us Wednesday, October 9th from 5:00-6:00pm in the lower level dining room during dinner to try making and eating this tasty Nordic treat.
Last call for Time & Talent! Fall worship volunteer schedules are in the mail but it’s not too late to volunteer if you feel so called. Fill out an online Time & Talent form or complete a copy on the Welcome Kiosk and we will get you added to the schedule. This is also your chance to explore and join Bethlehem’s many small groups, educational and leadership opportunities, and to explore upcoming events.
In anticipation of Election day here in the United States, our Bishop Elizabeth Eaton wants to remind us that “civic engagement through political and nonpolitical processes is how we live into our baptism and share Christ’s love as we work to make a difference in our communities and strive for justice and peace around the globe.” You can view her full message on Civic Engagement and Loving Kindness here.
On October 6th our Adult Forum will center on Healing the Heart of Democracy, a conversation led by Bethlehem Adult Education Board members. The hope of this study is to nurture an understanding that we are all in this together, an appreciation of the value of “otherness,” an ability to hold tension in life-giving ways, a sense of personal agency and voice, and a capacity to create community. If you’d like to explore the text in advance, you can order a copy of Parker Palmer’s Healing the Heart of Democracy.
Monthly Mission
For every dollar Bethlehem members contributed to these four missions two dollars will go to the mission project as a result of the Endowment match.
May (House of Hope): Congregation $1,930 + Endowment $1,930 = $3,860
June (Lutheran World Relief): Congregation $5,903 + Endowment $5,903 = $11,806
July (Partners for Housing):Congregation $1404 + Endowment $1404 = $2,808
August (Crossroads Campus Ministry): Congregation $974 + Endowment $974 = $1,948
4-Month Total: Congregation $10,211 + Endowment $10,211 = $20,422
Bethlehem’s September Monthly Mission partner is Iambi Secondary School Scholarships. This church-managed boarding school serves 200 students in the Mkalama district, Singida region in Tanzania. Academically, it is among the top ten schools in regional and national examination results. ISS has a conducive environment for students to learn with a reliable power supply, enough books, and enough teachers for all subjects. They also teach computer studies courses and religion. Gifts from Bethlehem have been transformative for ISS, and our past generosity enabled the school to install electricity, allowing the students and teachers to study and prepare lessons after the sun went down. Test scores soared, and enrollment boomed. Please give prayerfully and financially to our friends at Iambi Secondary School. You can give online or drop off a check written out to Bethlehem with the memo line: Monthly Mission, . Thank you for giving generously.
This Week in our Prayers
Curt Halvorson Marian Mallory Pete Wachtel
Anna Moses Jim Freyberg Barb Girtz
Amy Grams Haugesag Royce Elker Larry Frowick
Joan Stoffel Vee Williams Roger Barnes
The Family & Friends of Floyd Arntz
Faith Lutheran in Wabasha Scheie Lutheran in Mabel
Oakland Lutheran in Albert Lea Jikmir Lutheran Parish in South Sudan
Mijuhu Lutheran in Tanzania Kaselya Lutheran in Tanzania