Growing in Christ, Loving our Neighbors, Serving God's world.

the BLC blog

news & updates

May in Photos

See some of our favorite Bethlehem photos from the month of May!

Spring blooms at Bethlehem

The Kingdom Arcade created by BLC Youth

Our last Wednesday night of the season! We celebrated outside at Spring Lake park with music, worship, games and food. Wednesday night suppers and worship will return in the fall!

Sunflowers planted on the last day of Light

Donation tree for VBS!

Confirmation Sunday

Blessing our graduates.

Sarah Morgan beautifying the grounds with fresh plants.

Bethlehem received the inaugural Sleep Out Trophy for being the highest donor at the Connections Shelter Kato Sleep Out. Great work!

On May 21 we celebrated Werner Fick and his incredible ministry milestone: creating 100,000 school kits for Lutheran World Relief!

Werner couldn’t pass up an opportunity to make more school kits! During the celebration, all were invited to help assemble kits for Lutheran World Relief.

The BLC Choir performing during worship.

The Flamingo Flocking Fundraiser is underway! Funds raised support our youth’s Montana trip coming up at the end of June.


Pastor Jacie Richmond in her Pentecost crown

BLC Men at the Moondogs Game!

Have photos of your BLC family and friends you’d like to share? Email them to