Growing in Christ, Loving our Neighbors, Serving God's world.

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BLC Weekly, December 18

Hello Bethlehem, 

We hope you enjoyed the Children’s Christmas Program, “The 12 Stars of Christmas!” We were also happy to hear from Pastor Kristin Engstrom as she shared with us about her work in Zambia. You can view yesterday’s full worship service on our Facebook page and YouTube channel. Join us Christmas Eve for worship services at 9:30am, 4:00pm and 6:00pm. 

This is a last call to get your loved one’s names on the screen on Christmas Eve! Order your God’s Global Barnyard animals by December 19th to have your gift in honor or memory of a loved one celebrated during Christmas Eve worship. Click here to order online!

This Week

All are welcome to Cocoa & Caroling! Meet us at Bethlehem at 6:30pm this Wednesday, December 20th, for hot cocoa, or join us at Connections Shelter at 7:00pm for caroling! There will be no Wednesday night supper, worship or education this week. Regular Wednesday night activities will return on Wednesday, January 3rd. 

Bethlehem will host a blood drive on Thursday, December 21 from 1-6pm in Grounds for Joy. There are still slots available! Sign up online to give blood and save lives!

This month

Our December Monthly Mission is God’s Global Barnyard! This program of ELCA World Hunger helps purchase animals for people dealing with food scarcity and poverty. The goal is long-term sustainable solutions for hunger. This makes a particularly meaningful and memorable gift for friends and family at Christmas time! Cards, ornaments and coloring books are available in the narthex for those who give the gift of a barnyard animal. Order your animals here! 

In lieu of a January Star, you will receive a Spring 2024 Catalog. The Bethlehem Star will return in February!


Thrivent Action Grants & Choice Dollars Are you a Thrivent member? Would you like to help Bethlehem financially? Check out the flyer that describes what you can do with Thrivent Action Grants and Choice Dollars. You can really make a difference for our church.

Home Care for Pr. Don: Bethlehem has been caring for and supporting Pastor Don and Bonnie Roberts since he was diagnosed with ALS in 1995, and now the Roberts need our help. Are you interested in helping with Pastor Don's home care? If you have experience as a caregiver, a good heart, and a willingness to learn, you are needed, as they are looking for more caregivers to round out their team. Let Pr. Don and Bonnie know if you can help! Connect with the Roberts by emailing


  • Photographers welcome! Feel free to share your Children’s Christmas Program photos and take Christmas Eve photos, with the flash off please! You can tag us on Facebook and Instagram, or share photos with us directly at

  • Our offices will be closed on Christmas Day and December 26th. We hope you have a blessed and merry Christmas!

This Week in our Prayers

Curt Halvorson Brenda Goetsch Marian Mallory

Pete Wachtel Nikolas Perez Les Biesterfeld Pat Nelson

Pastor Don Roberts, Bonnie, & his caregivers

The family and friends of Betty Sanger

Vang Lutheran in Dennison Pilot Mound Lutheran in Chatfield

St. John Evangelical Lutheran in Waseca Trinity Lutheran in Ostrander

Dominiki Lutheran in Tanzania Kigaa Lutheran in Tanzania

Lectionary Readings

9:30am December 24, Luke 1:26-38

4:00pm & 6:00pm December 24, Luke 2:1-20

December 31, Luke 2:22-40

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