Growing in Christ, Loving our Neighbors, Serving God's world.

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news & updates

BLC Weekly, January 2

Hello Bethlehem,

Directories are in! Cross off your name when you pick up at the Welcome Kiosk. Additional copies are available, so take home a copy today.

Spring Catalogs will be mailed out this week to everyone who receives the Bethlehem Star, and additional copies are available for pickup at the Welcome Kiosk. 

We wish you a happy New Year! Check out the BLC 2023 video looking back at the year at Bethlehem. 

This Week

Wednesday night suppers are back! Join us Wednesday at 5pm for hamburger and rice hotdish. 

After supper join us at 6:15pm for “Peas on Earth,” an Instant Christmas program!

After worship, NightLIGHT kiddos will have their Happy Birthday Jesus party in Grounds for Joy and 5th-8th graders will meet after worship for fun and games to kick off our Baptism unit! 9th graders are off this week.

This month

  • 15th Snow tubing

  • 24th Dinner Church

  • 26th BLC Men Hops & Hoops. Contact Pastor Jay for details. 

  • 28th RIC Sunday, celebrating the 50th anniversary of ReconcilingWorks!

  • 28th FLIGHT Winter Event

Meet & Eat: New groups are forming! We’ll pair up three couples/individuals to set up 3 get togethers, each hosted by a member of the group. Enjoy fellowship and food! Sign up by February 1 to be paired up. 

Monthly Mission

Our January Monthly Mission is Green Lake Bible Camp. Their mission is to invite all to experience the life-changing love of Jesus through vibrant settings in community and creation.  Our goal is $1000. You can give online or send a check made out to Bethlehem. Thank you!


Home Care for Pr. Don: Bethlehem has been caring for and supporting Pastor Don and Bonnie Roberts since he was diagnosed with ALS in 1995, and now the Roberts need our help. Are you interested in helping with Pastor Don's home care? If you have experience as a caregiver, a good heart, and a willingness to learn, you are needed, as they are looking for more caregivers to round out their team. Let Pr. Don and Bonnie know if you can help! Connect with the Roberts by emailing

Thank you

Good news to share: The  goal for the 12/21 blood drive was 27 units and 36 units were collected!  Carol Malone assisted Mary Bliesmer on this day when Bethlehem hosted its 14th drive. Sugar cookies made by Eunice Sassenberg were really appreciated by donors.

Council Corner

Here are the “highlights” of the Bethlehem Council meeting held on December 19. Official minutes with more details are posted at and are also available in the church office notebook. Visit with Council members with questions and concerns! We welcome your conversation & feedback!  

  • Finances: The monthly deficit increased from -$31,786.86 on October 31 to -$47,370.50. Member giving was at 91% of monthly budgeted income. The goal is to erase this deficit in December for a positive end-of-year balance. Members are encouraged to fulfill their 2023 financial commitments to make this a reality. Thank you for your generous financial support! 

  • Stewardship: 171 pledges made for 2024. We have $13,046+ more in total dollars pledged. Reminder cards mailed to 154 members who have not yet communicated their financial commitments. We hope to receive more pledges. 

  • Financial Review Committee: Wendy Keenan approved as new 3-year member of committee to join Frank Larsen and Mark Larsen in annual review of BLC finances. 

  • Strategic Goal 5 Update: Embracing Diversity: “We will embrace diversity by demonstrating welcome and respect for different identities, listening to develop growing relationships with diverse communities, and working for the good of all in the community.” Positive progress on activities related to 5 specific objectives focusing on community celebration presence, Mankato Diversity Council, Reconciling in Christ, Reconciling Works support and diverse religious instruction were reviewed. 

  • Youth Activities: Successful fall youth activities held each month for high school youth with positive youth & parent feedback. First of “Brave Conversations” held on subject of mental health & suicide with excellent attendance for 5th-8th grade youth & parents. Plans being made for BLC youth attending ELCA national youth gathering in New Orleans. 8 BLC youth registered thus far. 

  • Community: New Mankato ministerial association met for 1st time on December 7. Weekly meetings for sermon text studies to be held at BLC starting January 9. 

  • WELCOME Update: Still waiting for news on Cruz family asylum petition. Meeting planned among 5 sponsoring churches to determine future needs of family and program direction. Concern about possible national asylum law changes by Congress and impact on refugees. BLC members encourage to connect with elected representatives. Contact Pr. Jacie for more information. 

  • Welcome & Inclusion: RIC Sunday scheduled for January 28 with worship service & adult forum. Congregational art project planned for January. Get your BLC T-shirts to wear on the 28th.  

  • Next Council Meeting: Tuesday, January 16.

This Week in our Prayers

Curt Halvorson Brenda Goetsch Marian Mallory

Pete Wachtel Nikolas Perez Les Biesterfeld

Pat Nelson Anna Moses

Pastor Don Roberts, Bonnie, & his caregivers

The family & friends of Betty Sanger

Bethel Lutheran in Northfield Hegre Lutheran in Kenyon

Marshall Lutheran in Adams Sayuni Kinyambuli Lutheran in Tanzania

Kijota Hull High School in Tanzania

Lectionary Readings

January 7 & 10, Mark 1:4-11

January 14 & 17, John 1:43-51

January 21 & 24, Mark 1:14-20

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