BLC Weekly, July 10
Hello Bethlehem,
Service & Sun kicked off today! This partnership of local ELCA congregations will gather this week for a service learning/project and an element of fun. Service projects will include work with Kiwanis Lights, Global Health Ministries, Crossroads Campus Ministries and Connections Shelter. Youth will enjoy visits to Como Zoo, River Springs Water Park, and the MoonDogs. We hope all involved have a safe, fun and rewarding experience!
It’s time for a new directory! Directory photos will be taken Aug 8-12 at Bethlehem. Head to the UCDIR website enter our church code, mn379 and password: photos to schedule your appointment.
We will also need hosts to help facilitate the directory photo process. We are looking for folks interested in helping with check-in from 1:45-6pm and 5:45-8:30pm weekdays, and 9:45am to 1pm, 12:45-4pm Saturday. Please contact the office if you are interested in assisting!
There are big changes happening at Connections! Pastor Collette will be moving on to new adventures and our own Elizabeth Paul will be taking over as Development Director at Connections. Mark your calendar, on July 18 from 3-5 Connections will host an Ice Cream Social Send Off at their Front Street location.
Bethlehem will host another Blood Drive on August 22. Sign up with the Red Cross to give blood, donation hours are from 1-6pm.
Head to to sign up!
You’re invited to a fun night of fellowship and baseball and meet the Cruz family! Join us at the MoonDogs game on Thursday, July 20th for a fundraiser to help support our mission of welcoming refugees to our Mankato community. For $16 you’ll get a hot dog, chips, a beverage, and premier VIP seating behind home plate in section 202 with your ticket. Half of the ticket price goes to the fundraiser. We would love it if you can wear the colors of Nicaragua which are white and royal blue. Join the Facebook event for updates. Gates open at 5:35pm and first pitch is at 6:35pm. Tickets available online, use Promo Code: WELCOME.
Register for VBS! There are plenty of spots still open for children interested in participating in Vacation Bible School, coming up from July 24-27. Head to our website to register your child, or to sign up to volunteer as a youth or adult! The meal sponsor sign up is also open. Talk to your board, committee or small group about sponsoring a meal for VBS!
Deborah Circle would like to invite all interested persons to join us for a summer bible study. We will meet on the 3rd Saturday in June, July, and August in Grounds for Joy from 10:00-11:00 am. We will use the summer study found in Gather Magazine. Copies of the study will be available for those who don't have a subscription. Hope to see you there!
Home Care for Pr. Don: Bethlehem has been caring for and supporting Pastor Don and Bonnie Roberts since he was diagnosed with ALS in 1995, and now the Roberts need our help. Are you interested in helping with Pastor Don's home care? If you have experience as a caregiver, a good heart, and a willingness to learn, you are needed, as they are looking for more caregivers to round out their team. Let Pr. Don and Bonnie know if you can help! Connect with the Roberts by emailing
Our July Monthly Mission will be Partners for Housing. P4H works by providing emergency shelters at Theresa House, Union Street Place, and the Welcome Inn. They provide transitional housing, rapid re-housing and long-term housing in collaboration with many other supportive services. Bethlehem’s goal is to raise $1,300 for Partners for Housing. Please consider supporting this important mission!
This Week In Our Prayers
Curt Halvorson Brenda Goetsch Marian Mallory
Pete Wachtel Carol Peterson
Pastor Don Roberts, Bonnie, and his caregivers
Faith Lutheran in Saint Charles Zion Lutheran in Stewartville
West St. Olaf Lutheran in Hayfield Mazoezi Songambele Lutheran in Tanzania
Nkinto Lutheran in Tanzania Lutheran Institute Kiomboi in Tanzania San Jose de Leon in Colombia