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Prayers for Dr. Mark & Linda Jacobson

Last week we received an email informing us of Mark’s cancer diagnosis (see contents of email below). We are saddened by this news and want to share the Jacobson’s Caring Bridge site as a way for our members to connect. Click on the photo to be taken to the site and read the journal entries for the full story. Or follow this link:

Email from Jacobsons:

29 June 2021

Dear, dear friends in Christ,

We just returned from our most recent time in Tanzania.  Unfortunately, Mark developed a chronic headache which upon our return to the US was diagnosed as a malignant brain tumor. 

We’ve been surrounded by a cloud of witnesses of love and caring for us with family, medical colleagues, and myriad friends coming in to support us and pray for us.  We dearly covet your prayers for healing, wisdom, and hope. 

Our long legacy of medical missions in Tanzania has brought to us a whole support team around the globe which has allowed us to receive advice and wisdom from some of the very best brain cancer teams in the world.

We’ve adopted a plan to do a laser technique to reduce the burden of cancer cells followed by radiation and chemo in the near future.  Mark goes in for the laser ablation therapy on Thursday morning and we are eager to have you join us in prayer. Our three daughters are all here with us in St. Paul. 

We live in faith and in hope of a remission and extended survival with a good quality of life.

You can follow us on Caring Bridge as we travel through this next journey together.


Mark and Linda