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December Monthly Mission: ELCA Good Gifts

What do you want for Christmas this year? To send a child to school in a developing nation? To buy a goat for a family so they have an ongoing source of protein-packed milk and dairy products? To purchase a well or water filter to provide safe and clean water? Your gifts are needed to help our church respond to hunger and poverty in more than 88 countries around the world, including the United States. In 2020, Bethlehem once again ranked in the top 150 of the 8,972 congregations in the ELCA in hunger giving. ELCA World Hunger works hard to ensure that more than 85% of your gift goes directly to support programmatic work.

Consider giving a gift "in honor of" or "in memory of" to support our church's causes. There are forms available at the display table in the narthex or online(click here) so you can gift someone in need, support a sustainable development program of the ELCA and Lutheran Disaster Response, and honor a loved one.

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