Growing in Christ, Loving our Neighbors, Serving God's world.

the BLC blog

news & updates

Weekly Email, Jan. 3

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January 3, 2021

HAPPY NEW YEAR, Bethlehem!

We're so happy and grateful to be in this new year with you. Our boards and committees are starting back this week after a well-deserved break, our children and youth will begin meeting again (online) this week, and our mission and ministry to all God's people never stops. We are praying for you in this new year, for whatever it may bring. If you need more connection than is currently being offered right now, please reach out and see if we can help. Did you know you can send a confidential Prayer Request Form right to our pastors? Check it out here.


We need radio broadcast sponsors ASAP (this week!). Please find out how to sponsor a broadcast on the blog.


The Evangelism Board has a new name! Read all about it on the blog.


Did you catch the video announcing the year's new mission partners during Sunday's worship? If you missed it, check it out here:


VOLUNTEERS STILL NEEDED THIS WEEK AT CONNECTIONS! It's not "our week" at the shelter, but they are still in need. Link to sign up to serve at Connections Shelter click here.

Our new website and church management system, Breeze, offers so many exciting ways we can streamline our communication with you. Using Breeze to send you weekly updates is one of the ways we can keep our email list consistent and accurate (it also saves time and money!).

Additionally, our new website features a "News & Updates" blog, which you can follow right from the home page ( By including all the details there, you can easily reference it at any time.

News & Updates:

The website also integrates the Events Calendar from Breeze. You can view the calendar and event descriptions on the website, but you can also check into worship and register for events by using your own Breeze account (don't have one yet? Contact Emily in the office).

Church Calendar:

"Bethlehem is an inviting community that is growing in Christ, loving our neighbors, and serving God's world." (507) 388-2925
Bethlehem Lutheran Church
720 S. 2nd St. Mankato MN 56001
A Reconciling in Christ Congregation

Bethlehem LutheranComment