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December Monthly Mission: Good Gifts

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What is a Good Gift? It is a possible alternative Christmas gift you give to honor or remember someone who is special to you. We have enough “stuff!” A Good Gift - of chicks, bees, goats - is a statement that you care for the less fortunate in our world and are willing to support that caring with a financial gift. When you give a Good Gift, your name and the honoree will be listed on-screen before the online Christmas Eve worship. Deadline to be included on the list is December 21st. These gifts become a blessing both to you and to the person whom you honor. This year, you can submit your honoree names and make your payment online. Find the ELCA Good Gifts form on our website at Or send a check to church with a note indicating your honoree.

It sounds a bit bold to say, but because of you, this day, a child in Africa will get enough to eat – and a chance for a better life. World hunger, need for clean water and sanitation, training for health workers in poorer countries – the needs are obvious and are among those addressed by the ELCA Hunger and Disaster Division. If you purchase a Good Gift, 93% of the dollars given will be used for direct aid to our brothers and sisters in need. Thanks in advance for your generosity.

~ Your Community and Global Mission Board​

Bethlehem LutheranComment