Growing in Christ, Loving our Neighbors, Serving God's world.

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Want to feature your musical talent?

A Night of Christmas Music.png

Join your Bethlehem church family on Wednesday, December 16th at 6:30pm for “A Night of Christmas Music (on Zoom!)” What better way to celebrate the birthday of Jesus than to come together and raise our voices in special songs of Christmas. Together we can share in the joy of Christmas during this sing-along. Mark your calendars and watch your email for the zoom link for what promises to be a Christmas to remember!

This is your invitation to tune your voices (and/or your musical instruments!) and share your musical gifts with your Bethlehem family this Christmas . if you or members of your family would like to be part of this by singing or playing your favorite Christmas carol, please email Laurie at or call (507) 779-9914 for details. The deadline to be including in the program is Monday, December 7th.

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